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Subject: Stereo Delay Units

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Original Message                 Date: 08-May-02  @  01:32 PM   -   Stereo Delay Units


Posts: 1128

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Can somebody recommend me a good stereo delay unit? Only hardware though. My budget could stretch to maybe £300.

Do Bel make stereo delay units?

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Message 11/13             10-May-02  @  06:24 PM   -   RE: Stereo Delay Units



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how do you set up a basic delay patch? and sync the delays to MIDI? mine's just got reverb algorithms (plus simple reverb-augmenting FX like phaser etc.)

Some of the patches fake delay by clever programming of the taps, but it's not the real deal. The manual never mentions delay, it describes the unit as a dedicated reverb in fact.

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Message 12/13             12-May-02  @  12:05 AM   -   RE: Stereo Delay Units


Posts: 107

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Most decent reverb units can be used as fairly competent delay boxes. In some ways they are actually more capable than many dedicated delay boxes, and in some ways weaker. Because I tend to use multitaps a lot (I even prefer to simulate feedback with taps rather than actual feedback most of the time), reverbs make very good delays, though the delay time tends to be a bit short since you are really just hijacking the early reflection engine. Nonetheless, a reverb with a strong early reflection engine may give you 20 or 40 pannable taps that you can program individually, and with up to a few seconds of delay time. Its not quite as easy as a dedicated delay, but nothing to scoff at and pretty powerful in its element. And some units, such as the SRV3030 mentioned, have their reflection engine tightly integrated with MIDI.

It is certainly something to keep in mind if you need an extra delay and aren't using your reverb.

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Message 13/13             12-May-02  @  10:54 AM   -   RE: Stereo Delay Units



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"Its not quite as easy as a dedicated delay..."

Understatement of the year! The SRV 'only' has 12 taps at most, each with 5 parameters to adjust. To simulate a simple decaying ping-pong delay with 12 'bounces' requires 60 parameter adjustments!!! e.g. to produce a progressive HF rolloff means you have to set the HF freq and gain independently for each tap, something that takes all of a second to set on a regular delay.

If you want to set up a delay quickly, this isn't the way to do it. Say you want a 115bpm triplet-quarternote delay, 40% feedback with HF roll-off on the repeats for example... ouch.

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