aaa In Your Ear's Paul Bruski Purchases D.W.Fearn VT-2 Mic Pre For The Voices In HIS Ear! - Mixing & FX forums
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Subject: In Your Ear's Paul Bruski Purchases D.W.Fearn VT-2 Mic Pre For The Voices In HIS Ear!

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Original Message 1/2             12-Mar-10  @  04:57 PM   -   In Your Ear's Paul Bruski Purchases D.W.Fearn VT-2 Mic Pre For The...


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Paul Bruski - leading voice audio post engineer and chief engineer with In Your Ear Studios is a careful man.

His work demands absolute concentration and an ear for the minutiae as he records voices for hit TV shows, including Family Guy and The Cleveland Show as well as narration for documentaries, ADR for movies, ads for radio/tv and much more.

"I bought the VT-2 via Studio Logic Sound (Riegelsville, PA) for a lot of the sessions that I work on " Bruski comments: "Projects that I work on vary greatly and I really wanted a mic pre that would manage all these applications with outstanding performance"

Seems he got his wish with the VT-2!

He adds: " The VT-2 can handle the extreme dynamic range of an actor doing ADR while having the smooth warmth for recording voice-overs. It also has a wonderfully transparent clarity that is ideal for recording vocals"

Taking the VT-2 in for a demo initially, Bruski compared it to some of the other Class A mic pres In Your Ear already have installed.

He continues: "Right away I knew this was the best tool for the job. I now use the VT-2 every day and since we put it in the rack I have instilled a new confidence within myself that I'm going to capture every performance as well as it can be recorded."

In addition to current TV hits like The Cleveland Show and HBO’s Big Love, Bruski has also recently worked on commercials for clients such as Nike, Heineken, Humana, Volkswagen, Walmart, and TNT among many others.

For more on In Your Ear, please visit:

For more on D.W.Fearn please visit:

Media contact: Kevin Fetterplace at Mojo Working

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Message 2/2             06-Apr-10  @  05:42 PM   -   RE: In Your Ear's Paul Bruski Purchases D.W.Fearn VT-2 Mic Pre For...


Posts: 2890

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i've been waiting for this particular piece of PR for ever!

i add "it's going to make my life even more betterer!"

i continue, "great!"

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