aaa howdya get them to gell like that? - Mixing & FX forums
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Subject: howdya get them to gell like that?

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Original Message                 Date: 03-May-02  @  09:43 PM   -   howdya get them to gell like that?


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erm, i decided to ask others for tech advice after a long time.

you see, i have problems with getting my beats to gell properly when using hardware. you know: you take a bunch of samples, make a pattern, and do _something_ to it so they all melt together, into one cohesive substance. i´m primarily talking about breakbeat based beats here, meaning bunch of samples grabbed from different sources.

using software, i find this to be no problem. i can put a plugin on a group which will take care of this. my favourites untill now were TC plugs with "soft-sat" function, or PSP mix saturator and vintage warmer plugs.

only thing is, i dont want to be software based. what the hell do i have a sampler for? or maybe i should sell it (i do use it primarily for beats nowadays) and take the soft route for drums?

in case you think i should stick with hardware, what do you suggest? what comp/tube amp/thingamajick does it for you? i´m making good use of my FilterBank, but that is only mono, and i like having things flexible, e.g. not having to resample things several times only to find out that they dont work.

help me! M.

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Message 21/21             06-May-02  @  11:31 PM   -   RE: howdya get them to gell like that?



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the use of a loop sliced up and sequenced to your liking works, and then layer a new kick or some new hats with it. The pre-processed loops help make that layered sound i like.

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