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Subject: To 01v, or not to 01v

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Original Message                 Date: 26-Feb-02  @  02:52 AM   -   To 01v, or not to 01v


Posts: 15

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Sorry about the title...

Having DJ'ed around for the best part of 7 years now, I've decided to try my hand at the production end of things. My studio consists simply of a Nord Lead 2, an EMU E-5000 sampler, and a Boss Dr. 660 drum machine. After running all of these through a Soundcraft Folio F1(14/2), I've found myself out of channels on the mixer. So, it appears it's about time to upgrade. After doing a little homework (thanks Dancetech), I'm not sure if I should stay in the analog domain with a Mackie 1604, or drain my bank account and get a Yamaha 01v. With all of the features offered by the 01v (4-band parametric EQ, effects, dynamics processor, etc.) it seems like an easy choice to make.
However, I am currently using a Delta 44 audio card in my computer, which doesn't have a digital capabilities. It appears most people using the 01v try to keep the signal digital. I'm sure all of the A/D-D/A conversions between my analog gear going through the 01v to cubase will play havoc with sound quality. Alternaly, the Mackie desk will give me more than enough inputs/outputs, plus avoid the need for all those A/D-D/A conversions, plus give me more headroom when recording.

Any advise on how to proceed would be greatly appreciated. If there is anything else you need to know about my setup please ask away. Thanks for all your help,


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Message 21/23             16-Mar-02  @  11:30 PM   -   RE: To 01v, or not to 01v


Posts: 317

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Is anybody subscrubied to SoS here? They reviewed that new Behringer DDX3216 digital desk in the latest issue (April?) I'd like to know how they rated it, I might sell my Mackie board and get the Behringer instead.


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Message 22/23             17-Mar-02  @  01:49 AM   -   RE: To 01v, or not to 01v

Brett B


Link?:  No link

File?:  No file

the behringer is a nice mixer with full 24 bit ad's and dac's , but I am going with the 8 bus tascam dm24. I am keeping the o1v for sub mixing and giging though. I'll look for some more info on the 3216.

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Message 23/23             17-Mar-02  @  02:00 AM   -   RE: To 01v, or not to 01v



Link?:  No link

File?:  No file

the summary for the behringer in sos is


-supremely attractive price

-long-throw motorised faders

-generous number of channels, busses and processors

-easy to use, with clear manual


-no analogoue i/o expansion currently available

-mix automation only holds one song at a time


the ddx3216 appears to meet virtually all the needs of someone wanting a cost-effective digital mixer to accompany their 8 or 16 track digital recorder.

it also says "the overall sound quality compares favourably with other low-cost digital consoles, with the eq section offering a good compromise between analogue and digital".

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