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Subject: Mackie alternatives

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Original Message                 Date: 29-Mar-02  @  12:38 AM   -   Mackie alternatives


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what say you ?- me mate Lee has been somewhat pissed off by mackies recent price INCREASE on their 24/8 - he was all set to buy one then they rammed the rpice by about 500 quid! - he's still prepared to go for it, but.... alternatives?

I suggested the GHOST - what say you?...


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 21/24             03-Apr-02  @  09:52 PM   -   RE: Mackie alternatives


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Message 22/24             17-Apr-02  @  06:56 AM   -   RE: Mackie alternatives


Posts: 107

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Mackie has always sucked at EQ, digital or analog. It is the biggest weakness of their boards, and I have always found it next to useless. Boards with really gorgeous digital EQ are the Sony DMX (quite pricy) and the Panasonic/Ramsa DA7 (which has an EQ almost as good as the Sony, but is a lot cheaper). For analog boards, just about anything from the UK has good EQ. I find the Allen & Heath boards to have very nice EQ in a low-cost package. In fact, if I was looking for a low-cost analog mixer today, A&H MixWizard series would be high on my list. The Yamaha digital mixers used to be pretty nice back in the day, but they don't really show well for the money compared to the current crop of digital mixers; most of the current offerings by other companies sound better for your dollar/peso/pound.

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Message 23/24             17-Apr-02  @  04:21 PM   -   RE: Mackie alternatives


Posts: 2003

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Now you're into a question of taste, and style. It depends on the music you want to make, the systems you're playing on, and the instrumentation. I use Mackies because they work. They don't die. I like Allen and Heath as well, but I won't gig one. Behringer EQ? Spirit? You've got to be joking. SOme of the higher end soundcrafts sound OK. SSL sounds great as does AMEK, but so does Gamble, so does Studer, or Neve or whatever. It's not where it's made. It's who makes it, and who and how they use it, and what's going to work consistently.


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Message 24/24             17-Apr-02  @  08:12 PM   -   RE: Mackie alternatives


Posts: 107

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I haven't gigged with Allen & Heath, so I can't say much about their durability in that department. However, I did have the chassis of a MixWizard get crushed by UPS (when shipped in the original packaging no less) that still functioned perfectly, or at least as perfectly as physically possible in a mangled chassis. Of course, this is purely anecdotal.

I will agree that the Mackies are nigh indestructible; I've owned a half-dozen of them over the years without a single problem. They are good for live sound, but they aren't so great in the studio (in my opinion, anyway). I've never used Behringer or Spirit, so I can't say much about them; I generally try to avoid that range of mixer based on the opinions of people I trust. I'm not a UK mixer-phile by any means (after all, I use Japanese digital), I'm just saying that I've seen a lot of nice sounding analog systems come out of the UK and I tend to assume that if I pay decent money I'm likely to get something I'll like the sound of.

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