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Subject: Compressor help?

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Original Message                 Date: 30-Mar-02  @  12:09 PM   -   Compressor help?


Posts: 215

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Right, I've now got a working studio and have been pumping stuff out. And I've realised that I need a compressor. More than I need a VA, or anything else shiny, I need a compressor, to beef up old drumloops and the powerful drum samples, and generally make the mix a bit nicer.

Problem: very low budget. I've heard good things about the Behringer (you know, the composer pro, £76 from DV), there's a guy nearby selling a Nanocompressor for £60 (but I might haggle down - sadly no mono operation tho), or should I just save for the RNC?

I know it's what I need. I just don't have much budget.

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Message 21/26             02-Apr-02  @  03:56 AM   -   RE: Compressor help?


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$178 from fletcher's joint (mercenary).

just write a check for $50k to full sail and let them tell you whether they're good or not.

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Message 22/26             02-Apr-02  @  04:52 AM   -   RE: Compressor help?


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or read one of the many multitudes of favorable reviews

anyone EVER hear a bad thing about em? Theyre a little on the flimsy side, and I would LOVE to see a dual mono version

sposedly theyre gonna do mic pre's too, but I suspect the price will be going up accordingly. sad

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Message 23/26             02-Apr-02  @  02:32 PM   -   RE: Compressor help?



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I got one of those £99 dbx jobs a while ago and aint too pleased with it. Its really is noisey and quite harsh compression which sometime results in a slight clipping sound every so often that doesnt seem to dissapear no matter what i do to the settings (and it definetly aint coming from the source sound!). I advise going for one of the Alesis units, 3630- nice warm dynamic compression.

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Message 24/26             02-Apr-02  @  07:36 PM   -   RE: Compressor help?


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I had heard whisperings of a parametric myself. Boy would I LOVE to see that.


Still trippin on the Funk Logic plate. Too damn funny.

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Message 25/26             10-Apr-02  @  11:29 AM   -   RE: Compressor help?


Posts: 215

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Alesis 3630 - any good? Might be one going locally cheap, I'm going to investigate...

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Message 26/26             10-Apr-02  @  12:35 PM   -   RE: Compressor help?


Posts: 659

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Very tight little compressor for the price. Some are a bit noisy, but I've got an old one I've had for about ten years that's always been really quiet, but I've had two others that were a bit nasty. They do a fine job though. Plus you get gates, sidechain, independent or stereo operation, etc. Good bang for the buck...


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