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Subject: How do you mix your House-Tunes

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Original Message                 Date: 27-Jan-02  @  08:48 PM   -   How do you mix your House-Tunes



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Who can give me a few Tricks & Hints to mix a House-Tune ?


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Message 21/27             22-Feb-02  @  01:06 AM   -   RE: How do you mix your House-Tunes


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well their sound is very langurous and dreamy. i know they use lots of tricks like using the roland space echo for the dubby overdriven delay sounds-but could i achieve this with my quadraverb and if so how?
the production on g-stone recordings is very different to the production on a tech house track fo example. the sound seems a lot more open and there seems to be a lot of space in the tracks. how would i process the drums for example?

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Message 22/27             22-Feb-02  @  01:06 AM   -   RE: How do you mix your House-Tunes


Posts: 101

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well their sound is very langurous and dreamy. i know they use lots of tricks like using the roland space echo for the dubby overdriven delay sounds-but could i achieve this with my quadraverb and if so how?
the production on g-stone recordings is very different to the production on a tech house track fo example. the sound seems a lot more open and there seems to be a lot of space in the tracks. how would i process the drums for example?

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Message 23/27             22-Feb-02  @  01:15 AM   -   RE: How do you mix your House-Tunes



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I donīt know much about the G-Stone, but I love the Kruder & Dorfmeister-Stuff... They use a lot of vintage Equipment (70īs delays etc.)... They often use natural-sounding drums... Why donīt you map a complete Drum-Kit (from a sample-CD for example) and arrange the Drums like a "natural" drummer ?


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Message 24/27             22-Feb-02  @  09:23 PM   -   RE: How do you mix your House-Tunes


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hey JG, I do have a juno, and a 101, and an mks-80, and I owned a bass station,microwave,nova, nord, and Reason is just amazing once you learn how to mix in it. I'll post you a new track and you can hear how good it sounds. Analog fare never in tune with each othe and once you get 10 tracks they all sound so out of tune. It pissed me off, not to mention the envelops fade in and out and you need to use copmpresion to pump them up loosing the high end dynamics.

If you want to do older style music, real analog is great because of the simplicity of the sounds and mix. Of coarse any soloed analog will sound fatter than a soft synth, but how many tracks have I done with just one instrument playing.... You have to work to get those old synths to sound good together in a mix. Reason lets you lay down complex stuff and is less harsh on the cpu than audio tracks are in Sonar or cubase. So I get more out my machine. If you are a non believer, I will post a clip on my home page for you to have a listen to. I'll be back and let you know when it's up. I aslo posted a set of tips in the Reason section to get full use of reasons mixing and sound production ability. I ganrentee the two songs I am woring on in it will be in stores soon!

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Message 25/27             22-Feb-02  @  10:05 PM   -   RE: How do you mix your House-Tunes



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>>If you want to do older style music

Yes, thatīs it... Iīm into an older sound (I love Magneto ;-))... Somewhere between Deep and Tech-House ! I have a Demo-Version of Reason on my Mac, but Iīm still producing with Logic Platinum...

>>I ganrentee the two songs I am woring on in it will be in stores soon!

Ahh, good to hear... on which label ?

cheers from Madrid,

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Message 26/27             22-Feb-02  @  10:21 PM   -   RE: How do you mix your House-Tunes

Brett B

Posts: 781

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here are the tunes. The possibilities are endless with this program. Have a listen and then go to the reason thread and read my tips and tricks section. I have a few options, but my sister has become good freinds with the A&R director for one of the big 5. He invited us to the winter music conference in miami. I am trying to scrape together some money for a hotel room. Anyway he said he would listen and get it two the right people.

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Message 27/27             22-Feb-02  @  10:31 PM   -   RE: How do you mix your House-Tunes

Brett B

Posts: 781

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if you listen to the reason house example you can hear that I devoloped this entire track from the bassline.wav example and concepts I listed earlier in this thread. It comes in under the drum with a bunch of low end umph and the closed hat chokes the open hat!

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