aaa What's a fair price for a Yamaha SPX 90 II - Mixing & FX forums
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Subject: What's a fair price for a Yamaha SPX 90 II

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Original Message 1/3             19-Feb-09  @  04:46 PM   -   What's a fair price for a Yamaha SPX 90 II

Musineer Productions

Posts: 332

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I know a bloke who wants to buy my Yamaha SPX 90 II. I don't want to diddle him but I do want a fair price. Anyone got any suggestions? Anyone bought/sold one in the six months or so?

There's one on ebay for £175 but that seems too much to me.

It's in reasonable condition and has a manual.

Note it is the decent Mk II, not the rather dodgy Mk1.

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Message 2/3             20-Feb-09  @  01:30 PM   -   RE: What's a fair price for a Yamaha SPX 90 II


Posts: 12353

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well partly it'll be availability - if they dont come up much you can ask more. so i guess check google for past ebay sales and also check stuff like sos classifieds and gumtree


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 3/3             21-Mar-11  @  08:45 AM   -   RE: What's a fair price for a Yamaha SPX 90 II


Posts: 22

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I know a bloke who wants to buy my Yamaha SPX 90 II. I don't want to diddle him but I do want a fair price. Anyone got any suggestions? Anyone bought/sold one in the six months or so?
There's one on ebay for �175 but that seems too much to me.
It's in reasonable condition and has a manual.
Note it is the decent Mk II, not the rather dodgy Mk1.

(Nope - wrong again Dude!

Ok, the SPX90MKII is a crap unit as well, great in 1989 for that Metallic Verb sound, and usually only wanted for the 2 Sec Freeze/Stutter Effect. Otherwise Their JUNK!
$175 sounds Ok if in good condition, Inc Post 48 States, though for that you could get a low end Lexicon MPX500/550 (Nice in DJ parlance- though we make real records with this big 480L/960L PCM 81/300L Lex Units!) so be reasonable & look at completed listings on eBay. That will be your price guide!
Good luck! 

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