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Subject: clipping...

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Original Message 1/5             28-Jan-02  @  09:46 AM   -   clipping...


Posts: 317

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Ok, I have this song that's pretty much finished, all the sounds and FX are there, now I just want to do a good job mixing it in Cubase. Here's my question, should I keep the Master Fader at 0db and then mix other parts in such a way that Master volume doesn't go over 0db? I was thinking start with a kick drum, make it as loud as possible without clipping in Master Mixer, then add other parts one buy one making sure Master Mixer doesn't clip. I tried that, but some parts that I want to be louder in the mix clip when I raise their volume, and then I have to bring the Master Mixer volume down. Is there a different approach I should take? Maybe a way to free up some headroom? (I already rolled off low frequencies on non-bass parts) Any suggestions at all?

Thank you in advance!

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Message 2/5             28-Jan-02  @  01:05 PM   -   RE: clipping...



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it's ok to lower the master volume, that's why it's there!... it's harder working in digital tho cos you cant push the mix like with analog.

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Message 3/5             28-Jan-02  @  06:53 PM   -   RE: clipping...

Brett B


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compress and peak limit those spiky tracks that pop over the line, snare, hats etc. Try grouping your basses, hats, and synths in 3 seprate groups and load compressors on those groups. Compress your snare and kick seperatly as needed. Don't over do it,except on the snare, just a little to gel the parts together. Then I run other textured sounds uncompressed and they jump out a little more. I found the key to good snares is squashing it with a high ratio and then pushing the gain up to a limiter so it's crisp and clear but doesn't jump out of the mix and cause overs and eq the bass and mids out of the reverb. You want the mix to pump a little so lowering the master fader is sometimes necassary. Let the mastering engineer compress and eq the whole mix using Highend tube gear. Make sure you record those tracks as hot as possible. And get as much volume as you can without overs. I had a hard time with getting great sound out of Cubase, it was the main reason I use Sonar now.

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Message 4/5             28-Jan-02  @  07:23 PM   -   RE: clipping...


Posts: 192

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making 1 track louder, is functionally equivalent to making all other tracks softer.

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Message 5/5             28-Jan-02  @  11:22 PM   -   RE: clipping...


Posts: 7627

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then go to and read everything THERE. and subscribe to their mag. its free

then go to and read THAT stuff...

then apply it for weeks and months...

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