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Subject: bass + phase / chorus question

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Original Message 1/5             30-Mar-01  @  03:53 PM   -   bass + phase / chorus question


Posts: 9

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hi fellow dancetechers

I was fiddling around with a few h/w chorus / flanging effects on my card, very lightly applying them to the whole mix. hit on a few that makes some elements sound v.nice especially bassline sound funky as shit! (kinda what I'm after at the moment) really really nice noises only problem being bass obviously should be mono (also bass gets generated slightly stereo). wondering around the room, quite large, get major problems with the two channels interfering, real quiet to real loud.

converting the bass to mono kills it - just wondering if anybody had any tips I could try to keep the slight 'chorus' illusion - how lower freq. can you go before mono becomes essential (ie cutting problems etc) - perhaps split the bass using hi pass / low pass filter, mono low end?



ps. used to write as mitub, shit name and can't really be arsed with all that shit so its charlie from now on!
pps. v. cool site, nice one k. atmosphere seems more like 6 months ago which is good since logins...

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Message 2/5             31-Mar-01  @  04:49 AM   -   RE: bass + phase / chorus question


Posts: 12353

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well is the whole mix being converted to mono? (apart from for webfiles).. or just the bass... and are your speakers wired in phase ok ?


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 3/5             31-Mar-01  @  10:55 PM   -   RE: bass + phase / chorus question


Posts: 80

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You said it yourself... but I once wrote aswer to this kind of question and saved it so here it is...

Try this:

1. Record your bass/lead sound to mono track.

2. Open recorded file in audio editor and convert it back to stereo.

3. Duplicate that file.

4. Roll of all HIGH frequencies ABOVE 1kHz from file_1...

5. ...and roll of all LOW frequencies BELOW 1kHz from file_2.

6. Now add STEREO chorus to file_2 with some plugin.

7. Mix file_1 and file_2 together(50/50).

Now you should have bass/lead sound which have bass frequencies in center and high frequencies relly widely spread in stereo field.
I read this from Keyboard magazine and when I tried it I thought it sounded huge. So this might help you a little bit and it sounds professional if done with care.

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Message 4/5             02-Apr-01  @  11:07 AM   -   RE: bass + phase / chorus question


Posts: 9

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File?:  No file

thanks for the advice

k - speakers phase, not thought of that - recently moved everything whilst I was wired so might be worth checking out... only converting bass audio channels in cubase using MDA imager plugin.

shpongledboy - cool, will try this out - I was thinking of doing it all in real-time, [shudder] cpu usage nightmare and general mess but file method makes sense. Wasn't sure about freq so will try 1kHz.

cheers again. will give the file technique a go.

while I'm here - went to HeadStart in London over weekend, one of the guys from Leftfield was djing along with many others, oh boy how cool!!! really getting into the funky bass dance stuff, well, basically intelligent nrg/techno at about 145bpm, every track was new, very fresh and completely unpredictible, sometimes almost D'n'B - went to a nu-nrg/HH afterparty later on and it sounded SERIOUSLY dull... repetative ultra-ultra-predictible basslines and 'trance' lines, full of really seedy "you've been doing this far too long" types... we left pretty soon. anybody know anything about music at headstart - the music for the future - or rather where have I been all this time? anyway - best get on. load'a inspiration!



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Message 5/5             14-Apr-01  @  05:43 AM   -   RE: bass + phase / chorus question


Posts: 275

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File?:  No file

1khz, no fucking way man. bass doesnt START even at like 250 hz.. i'd do the roll off there if i were you, but then again i'm not so i wont

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