aaa Mackie 1604 vs Behringer MX3242X - Mixing & FX forums
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Subject: Mackie 1604 vs Behringer MX3242X

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Original Message 1/8             05-Apr-01  @  11:53 AM   -   Mackie 1604 vs Behringer MX3242X


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Hey guys, I'm a little stumped on choosing a 16 ch mixer for my MOTU 828 that I just ordered. My choices are either the Mackie 1604 VLZ Pro or the Behringer Eurorack MX3242X. The Mackie seems to be better by spec in the S/N ratio and user reviews. However, the Behringer has dual channels inputs where I can plug the outputs of the 828 into the tape ins. I don't really want to use a patchbay and it would be nice having 32 inputs opposed to 16.

Basically, it's sound quality vs input quantity. Somebody please help me decide.

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Message 2/8             05-Apr-01  @  03:25 PM   -   RE: Mackie 1604 vs Behringer MX3242X


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Don't overlook the excellent Allen & Heath range of mixers.

Check them out.


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Message 3/8             06-Apr-01  @  03:43 PM   -   RE: Mackie 1604 vs Behringer MX3242X

Defector Z


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Off topic:

Mike - good to have you back around here. I've missed your knowledgable contributions. How's England treating you? You're in London, right?

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Message 4/8             06-Apr-01  @  06:44 PM   -   RE: Mackie 1604 vs Behringer MX3242X


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I suspect the Amiga forum was put here specifically to lure him back ;)

Good to see you again Mike


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Message 5/8             06-Apr-01  @  08:50 PM   -   RE: Mackie 1604 vs Behringer MX3242X


Posts: 137

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The Amiga forum is a good addition, of course, but I think I'm the only person adding anything new. ;)

Slowly getting a bit more time these days so I can afford to do a bit of posting with replies somewhat more detailed than recently. No time to do any music though. Soon I'll have a chance. I'm shrivelling up not being able to write anything.

England is fine, Defectaaaaar. Yes, I'm in London now. It's quite good. I used to hate the place, but now I'm living here I'm enjoying it.


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Message 6/8             08-Apr-01  @  12:04 AM   -   RE: Mackie 1604 vs Behringer MX3242X


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to the original post..have a look at the alesis studio32...same as the behringer with 16 tape returns.

I didnt even realize the behringer was OUT. I remember it being talked about but I forgot about it

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Message 7/8             26-Apr-01  @  02:19 PM   -   RE: Mackie 1604 vs Behringer MX3242X


Posts: 315

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go for the mackie built better last longer i got through 3 behringers in a row, brand new always had faults like channel 3 not working ,left side of aux 2 return gone and thats out of the box, got worst as time went on its a door stop now, gor a mackie even second hand perfect, good sound
hope this helps, some cheap alternatives are false economy


"The music business is a cruel and shallow money trench, a long plastic hallway where thieves and pimps run free, and good men die like dogs. There's also a negative side." Hunter S.Thompson -

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Message 8/8             27-Apr-01  @  07:50 PM   -   RE: Mackie 1604 vs Behringer MX3242X


Posts: 19

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amen to that.

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