aaa i like mixing with the mouse... - Mixing & FX forums
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Subject: i like mixing with the mouse...

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Original Message 1/9             24-Apr-02  @  07:39 PM   -   i like mixing with the mouse...


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am i the only one on the planet? everyone always complains about it..

i much prefer setting volumes, panning, aux sends etc with my mouse...

sonars user interface is just brilliant, it never occurs to me to miss using real faders.

i mean i have midi control surface (2 banks of 8 vol faders) and can't be bothered to use it... mouse is just easier.

i am the odd man out i guess on this one :-)


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Message 2/9             24-Apr-02  @  09:00 PM   -   RE: i like mixing with the mouse...


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It's not like I really mind mixing with a mouse, I just learned on analog desks, so... I also find it faster to work with multiple faders and knobs. I can do more things at one time. Aside from that, a mouse works fine (even though I'll still generally use the keyboard over the mouse if given a choice...).


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Message 3/9             24-Apr-02  @  09:38 PM   -   RE: i like mixing with the mouse...



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depends on how the mouse is used. drawing in envelopes and curves is dope. using a mouse to tweak a little s/w 'knob' is annoying.

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Message 4/9             24-Apr-02  @  11:06 PM   -   RE: i like mixing with the mouse...


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My thoughts exactly (about the knob though), used Rebirth for about a month before getting a TB...  

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Message 5/9             24-Apr-02  @  11:08 PM   -   RE: i like mixing with the mouse...



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for edit tweaks yes, cos it's easy to get non-realtime precision & tweak bit by bit till it's perfect - but for linear controller moves where fluidity and some degree of sponenaity is required... controller outboard all the way!

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Message 6/9             24-Apr-02  @  11:35 PM     Edit: 24-Apr-02  |  11:35 PM   -   RE: i like mixing with the mouse...


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I find the mouse too unreliable to make accurate adjustments. At least as long as we're talking realtime tweaking.

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Message 7/9             25-Apr-02  @  08:41 AM   -   RE: i like mixing with the mouse...


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obviously someone needs to invent a knobmouse.

or a mouseknob.

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Message 8/9             25-Apr-02  @  09:18 AM   -   RE: i like mixing with the mouse...


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you like mixing with the mouse?

I like mousing with the mix

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Message 9/9             25-Apr-02  @  10:27 PM   -   RE: i like mixing with the mouse...


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10 points influx.

back in 1991 with a cassette 4 track and 1/2 dozen guitar fx pedals et al mucking with those 4 faders were basically half of my sound. different thing.

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