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Subject: Output levels / input gains

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Original Message 1/9             02-Jan-01  @  10:52 PM   -   Output levels / input gains



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I have several good sound modules, all going into a 01v.

Doing a search for the following, I couldn’t find a clear answer :

First, to get the best possible sound quality do I max the volume output from each sound module, and then set the input gain on each 01v channel as high as possible without clipping ? Or do some sound modules distort at the higher volume levels ?

Second, given the right input the 01v makes interesting noises when I set the input gain well above the clip level. Could this damage the 01v ? Or is it designed to take that sort of abuse ?

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Message 2/9             02-Jan-01  @  11:02 PM   -   RE: Output levels / input gains


Posts: 316

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heh heh i thought i was the only one aware of the unique clipping sound (quite nice actually) of the 01v.

i turn all my instruments up as high as they will go and then set my levels accordingly on the o1v..

i never have problems with things being not loud enough, cuz you can compress them and stuff to fix mix problems without adding too much more volume.


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Message 3/9             03-Jan-01  @  01:13 AM   -   RE: Output levels / input gains



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one thing that i learned early in my synth days is to always have your volume up all the way and set the levels in the mixer. you will get the lowest noise and best dynamic range from your modules that way.

just figured i would pass that along.


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Message 4/9             03-Jan-01  @  03:36 AM   -   RE: Output levels / input gains


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yes, what they are saying is true

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Message 5/9             03-Jan-01  @  12:54 PM   -   RE: Output levels / input gains



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Ok, I'll max the output volume from each sound module. Thank you all.

Do you have any thoughts about the second question - could setting the input gains well above clip level damage the 01v ?

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Message 6/9             04-Jan-01  @  03:22 AM   -   RE: Output levels / input gains



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I thought I remember reading somewhere in the manual that overdriving the preamp stage was OK as the pre's are analog circuits... Anyone else remember reading that?


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Message 7/9             04-Jan-01  @  06:01 PM   -   RE: Output levels / input gains


Posts: 316

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i dunno? i clip stuff going in all the time just for the effect...

hope it doesn't hurt it

i did bust my upper right topmost yellow led on the meters though... wonder if there is a connection?????



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Message 8/9             04-Jan-01  @  11:12 PM   -   RE: Output levels / input gains



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Probably not, as the leds are used for output level.

Yamaha will probably pay for the repair if your 01v is not too old.

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Message 9/9             04-Jan-01  @  11:16 PM   -   RE: Output levels / input gains



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"Probably will" - might depend on which country you live in. But anyway - they should...

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