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Subject: Super Airy vocals...How do they do it?

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Original Message 1/9             27-Dec-99  @  11:33 PM   -   Super Airy vocals...How do they do it?


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Anyone whos listenening to R&B or even Sara McGlachlan to Seal Mariah Carey all of are they getting these SUPER UP FRONT SS__UU_PPER airy vocal sounds. Ive tried it all compression, severe Equing, Aural Exciting what am I doing wrong??? It seems that they still keep thier dynamic while sounding super compressed how?


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Message 2/9             28-Dec-99  @  09:14 AM   -   RE: Super Airy vocals...How do they do it?



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Very high priced, high quality mics, pre's, compressors, eq's, etc. Oh and it helps that the vocalist is excellent too.

Your most important tool is a combination of EQ and Compression. Work with those and you should be able to get close. But don't expect to duplicate it.

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Message 3/9             28-Dec-99  @  01:10 PM   -   RE: Super Airy vocals...How do they do it?


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Try some overdubs.

Record the same vocal multiple times.

Rumour has it there on Enya's last album, she record herself about 190 times!!!!

Mess about with the EQ at the same time of course.

Just a small compresion tip here: high compression ratios make the vocal sound more "studio" while low compression makes it sound more "live".


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Message 4/9             29-Dec-99  @  10:01 AM   -   RE: Super Airy vocals...How do they do it?


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When you say record the same vocal multiple times, do you mean actually have the vocalist do multiple takes to different tracks or are you talking about copy/pasting one or 2 takes to multiple tracks? I'm asking because in the case of the former the vocal is going to be a little different each time.

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Message 5/9             29-Dec-99  @  10:52 AM   -   RE: Super Airy vocals...How do they do it?


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Have the vocalist do multiple takes of the same vocal. It's a very common technique to make the vocal sound a bit thicker.

Remember the super-airy "aaah"'s in "I'm not in love" by 10cc? That was done with multiple takes.

One thing to note though....if the singer's tone does not create any of those high frequencies in the first place then you're going to have a hell of a job "inserting" them. Multiple takes of the same thing EQ'd can multiply those high frequencies if the singer voice contains just a slight amount of high content.

There are other things you can try like splitting the signal, adding a touch of clean distortion, EQ'ing that and then mixing with the dry signal. If you get it right you can get lots of high frequencies added where there were none before.


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Message 6/9             29-Dec-99  @  10:21 PM   -   RE: Super Airy vocals...How do they do it?



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find the eq range of the desired midrange 'punch' that fits the mix and eq of the track (that 'presence' area -2-4k ish).. as well as sounding the correct emphasis... boost it to the desired whatever emphasis (it might sound wrong at first), and apply compression to emphsise the punch or use a signal feed and eq it differently as a sidechain and compress the other frequencies to allow the 'punch/presence' band to emphasise... again emphasis the punch area...

in the mix, you want to hear the vocal, but you dont need to hear the detail of the lower mid and upper bass frequencies, there isn't much definition to anything there, and it muddies up the mix, you need the area where the vocals are formed and the fine top end for sparkle, and bottom for intimacy/closeness

multitracking the BV's gives that rich thickness, if not the actual eq/curve/mix - when mixing blend the takes with different eq's, dont just pile on the eq to the full range on them all..., pick out & 'eq-assign' each take - and effect it correspondignly to do what you want it to do -

like reverb the sparkle/top, NOT the bottom and mid, so you get 'up-front' RnB style 'intimacy' at the bottom end for that FAT warmth with totally 'dry', reverbless bass-end, but the BV take/layer assigned to the top's can have a glistening of sparkly thin subtle reverb with a short decay and enhancer etc - hard-compressing just the boosted mid 'precence' eq'd version add's that accent to the BV's, but NOT loads of sibilance or bass bumping... eq-assigning layers to treatments helps overcome this...

also panning with stereo ch0rus - real signal L - chorus Right or the other way round etc - pan them out - also try panning out the tops, and centering the bass, small MS delays to taste, panned, also add's some superb widening and emphasis , just a slight delay but with pan, so... original L, delay right - each hard-panned - that 'shift' , it just accents when the 'punch' of the first vocal attack hits the speakers but keep the bass free of it - don't muddy... get the fat warmth and the sparkle and the punch-... each eq area doesn't suite the others' processing necessarily, and vica-versa -

oh yes... and an autotuner... :-)

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Message 7/9             06-Apr-11  @  10:56 PM   -   RE: Super Airy vocals...How do they do it?


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thx much, "k". great concept which helped me out!

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Message 8/9             13-Apr-11  @  06:58 PM   -   RE: Super Airy vocals...How do they do it?


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High quality mics, preamps and eq's, close to distortionless signal path
and a relatively low record level will help keep THD at bay.


SafeandSound Mastering, low cost, high end

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Message 9/9             27-Mar-12  @  09:30 PM   -   RE: Super Airy vocals...How do they do it?


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Another reason will be a very high quality eq that has a very smooth 12kHz and above. This, despite preconceptions need not be analogue.


SafeandSound [URL=]Mastering[/URL]


SafeandSound Mastering, low cost, high end

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