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Subject: The Joys of Remastering

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Original Message 1/9             01-Apr-05  @  04:19 AM   -   The Joys of Remastering


Posts: 2003

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A few days ago I decided to remaster a couple of my old track that I hadn't listened to in years, and I was just amazed at what came out of them. New little noises, wierd little effects in the sound, thick tones that hadn't been quite as nicely balanced, stuff like that. It's really amazing to me to refer back to old jobs of compression, EQ, phase alignment, etc. and see how the ears have grown, and how, even with the same tools, the progress is obvious. Do any of you refer back to old stuff, and just try another hand at remastering your tracks, just to see what you do differently, and how that affects the outcome?

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Message 2/9             01-Apr-05  @  02:11 PM   -   RE: The Joys of Remastering


Posts: 12353

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definately!.... but it's harder for me cos it means loading up atari etc  


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 3/9             02-Apr-05  @  03:53 AM     Edit: 02-Apr-05  |  03:54 AM   -   RE: The Joys of Remastering


Posts: 4573

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We have some of the best mastering gear available where I work now, and STILL i haven't brought any of my shit in to work on (or even just clean up)

Hell, we just got the new D.W. Fearn VT-7 tube compressor... that thing alone is the sort of box that once you put it on yer 2-buss you're sold for life. Can't take it off. Gain, girth, width, and absolutely transparent on the attacks. Priceless. Well almost... $4000.

I still will probably never get around to running any of my own stuff through it. after working on other people's shit all day I just rarely am in the mood for my own. Besides, I've never felt I've truly MIXED anything of mine in a final sense... always just leave it at the ruff stage and it grows on me. Mistakes, yes, but usually charming ones, imo  

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Message 4/9             04-Apr-05  @  04:15 PM   -   RE: The Joys of Remastering


Posts: 399

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i have but some of my early stuff is so locked i cant do much with fact there is a song i have now which has become popular again but i cant submit it anywhere cos the mix is so bad- and i no longer have the 505, s2000 etc etc...

i also like resampling my stuff..


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Message 5/9             05-Apr-05  @  02:54 PM   -   RE: The Joys of Remastering


Posts: 399

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psy- where is it you work/what is you do? am very interested in what anyone who works in a studio has to say about there did you get in there?


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Message 6/9             05-Apr-05  @  04:05 PM     Edit: 05-Apr-05  |  04:06 PM   -   RE: The Joys of Remastering


Posts: 4573

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Here. It's a small facility with big gear and a 25-year rep of quality in the Philly area. I've worked at several other studios in the city, but am finally happy to call this place home. I don't get very famous acts there (though I did get to cut Bobby McFerrin the other week), but I do get to offer a lot of musical and production input, which I prefer. And the gear.... [shiver].... it's nice...

I'd be happy to answer any question you have about the studio biz, if I can. BTW, I'm the last person on the staff page, if you want my background.

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Message 7/9             06-Apr-05  @  11:48 AM   -   RE: The Joys of Remastering


Posts: 399

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very cool stuff! so how did you get in? i guess your qualification had a lot to do with it....has working there improved your own productions? is it a job you could still be excited about in 20 me that is the ultimate job (or one of them, a playboy nipple-flicker would come first i guess) but don't know if its just that my perception of the job is rose-tinted...seems such a hard industry to break into and seems that you cant just get a qualification but need something more?


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Message 8/9             06-Apr-05  @  02:53 PM     Edit: 06-Apr-05  |  02:54 PM   -   RE: The Joys of Remastering


Posts: 1675

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You may be in luck! One of our nipple-flickers just went on medical leave, so we got a vacancy. Send me your resume, greg, and we'll see what we can do.


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Message 9/9             06-Apr-05  @  03:57 PM   -   RE: The Joys of Remastering


Posts: 399

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name: greg 'motor-finger' spicer
age: 24
live: pompey mate
education: the chavney school of underage fondling and bikeshed bum-fucks....
qualifiactions: nvq adv in one-handed bra unfastening
a-level is circuluar stroke theory with a nod to eastern anti-clockwise techniques...
ba (hons) in simulteaneous teat suckling/arse fondling
and i had started my masters in fluffing but just wasn't up to it...


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