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Subject: Monitors & Amplifiers

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Original Message 1/3             28-Dec-98  @  12:42 PM   -   Monitors & Amplifiers



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As I moved all my equipement to another room in my appartement I cut myself off from my stereo. I have used multimedia speaker for a while but a heavier bass sounds like a fart. I thinnk I'll have to buy an aplifier and monitors or what?. Can anyone recommend a solution?


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Message 2/3             30-Dec-98  @  07:05 PM   -   RE: Monitors & Amplifiers



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Event Electronics makes some great powered monitors but they are $500-800. So, if you are for some cheap monitors that don't sound to bad Roland-Boss has a couple less expensive options
have fun

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Message 3/3             31-Dec-98  @  12:13 AM   -   RE: Monitors & Amplifiers



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While waiting for a reply I went out and bought myself a Sony amplifire 60W with speakers 100W. Payed 450$, sounds great.

Thanks anyway


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