aaa What's the best Sampler Card w/good filters? - Computer music & technology forums
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Subject: What's the best Sampler Card w/good filters?

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Original Message 1/2             11-Feb-99  @  09:37 PM   -   What's the best Sampler Card w/good filters?



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I want a sampler card that is basically as good as a outboard sampler. I want to be able to edit samples alot. I have about $700 to spend. I also want it to work with other boards.

Terratec EWS64XL: Have read that the sampler is good but has alot of bugs in software.

EMU APS: Sound totally what I'm looking for but I've read that the filters are not good at all. The only thing stopping me from getting this is the filters. Is there any news on updating the Filters?

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Message 2/2             13-Feb-99  @  01:03 PM   -   RE: What's the best Sampler Card w/good filters?


Posts: 2

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The EWS is a good sampler in itself. BUT, it has a 512k sample size limit AND do NOT use it for Hard disk recording. Only use the sampler side of it, switch off the audio side. If I were you go for a cheapish 2nd hand outboard sampler unless you have loads of wav files you want to use in which case go for the EWS64S at about 140 quid.

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