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Original Message 1/1             15-Feb-99  @  01:40 PM   -   AWE64 GOLD + CUBASE VST



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You guys talking about cards that cost $600!!!
Are you crazy???, I could afford only an AWE64 Gold, and I think Iīll just take the best out of it, instead of spending loads of cash on hi-spec cards.

Hereīs my question:

Anyone know the controller numbers or NRPN numbers for me to control the filter cu-off and resonance of my AWE via CUbase VST???
I couldnīt find any mixermaps, so I guess Iīll have to work with controllers (I donīt know how to use them, Iīm new to this whole MIDI shit)

Can anyone help me so I can take the best (possible) sounds out of my card.

Just to let you know, here in Argentina de EWS64XL, costs around $1000.- and the EMU APS canīt be found yet!!!!!


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