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Subject: envelop modualtion

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Original Message 1/9             11-Dec-00  @  08:48 PM   -   envelope modualtion



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How do i set up the e4 to do envelope modualtion with the mod wheel. I've gotten esults by setting the source to wheel and dest to controller 2, and controler 2 source to clk16 and dest to filter. Am I going about this wrong. Is'nt envelop modulation when you send the filter to the envelope, or is when you send the envelope to the filter. anyway how do i set it up?

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Message 2/9             11-Dec-00  @  08:59 PM   -   RE: envelop modualtion



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I`m not sure I follow..... you mean to control the envelope amount? I so, then just set a controller as the source, and the destination as "CxxAmt" (depending on what cord the envelope is at, obviously).I cannae figure that rez thing btw, mebbe its not realtime   You tried asking emu?

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Message 3/9             12-Dec-00  @  06:17 AM   -   RE: envelop modualtion



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so what source and destination is envelope? AEnvRts, AEnvAtck etc. What source and what destination will adjust envelope amount?

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Message 4/9             12-Dec-00  @  06:26 AM   -   RE: envelop modualtion



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I was thinking i had to use the modwheel to adjust thethe amount that a source would have on the destination. I don't realy understand envelope. I thought it was sending the filter to the envelop. If it's just a mtter of envelope amount like on an analog, then I guess i could send the modwheel to a destination= env, but which one? there is no simple Env destination. VEnvRts, Atk, Rls, Dcy or AEnvRts, Atk, Dcy, Rls. Thanks

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Message 5/9             12-Dec-00  @  11:43 AM   -   RE: envelop modualtion



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well, say you want to adjust the filter envelope amount, and the filter envelope is on cord number 6, then on a spare cord, set a controller as source and "C06Amt" as the destination with a moddepth to suit which`ll let you control in realtime the extent to which the envelope shapes the sound.

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Message 6/9             13-Dec-00  @  01:01 AM   -   RE: envelop modualtion



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Message 7/9             13-Dec-00  @  09:25 PM   -   RE: envelop modualtion



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it's not that simple. I have source=modwhl and dest =CO2Amt then on chord 2 I have a source and a destination. Pleaee be specific about what source and destination to set on chord 2. Generalizing is what I already know. I need specifics. If you don't have a source and destination on that chord, it doesn't work . In essence what you are doing is setting up a controler on a spare chord to ajust the amount a source send to a destination. You keep telling me to use a spare controler to a chord and only give me the destination. I need to know what source and destination for chord 2 if I'm using an open chord with source modwhl to dest CO2Amt. In Emu chord terms, What exact source to what exact destination will let me ajust envelop amount please. Thanks

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Message 8/9             13-Dec-00  @  11:44 PM   -   RE: envelop modualtion



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jeez. right, so say you want to modulate the extent to which the filter envelope affects the filter frequency - the default emu cord setting for the filter envelope is: cord5, FEnv+ ===>FilFreq yes? So then, say on cord number 3 where you`ve got the modwheel cued up to tweak the lfo amount (cord number 2), just change "C02Amt" to "C05Amt" and set the mod depths to taste on the cords in question.

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Message 9/9             14-Dec-00  @  10:15 AM   -   RE: envelop modualtion



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I had tried the FEnv+ to filtFreq but it doesn't alter the sound. That is why I was confused, so i started messing with the AEnv+ as the source and it just moves the range of the filter around. Say on a 101 or a 303. What is the filter envelop on those set to. i'm really interested in emulating analog mono synth style envelop mod on the filter. I'll try it when I get back from being out of town. I think i need to change the settings in the filter envelop screen, but I don't know what to set them too to have the chords work propely. Thanks R-tek. any help with the filter envolope setup would be appreciated. I've got the chords thing down. Hey BTW. FV said the rez thing is a hardware limitation on the e-mu's It's not real time, but he left a thread about how to use the chords to get the same effect.

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