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Subject: Software for the FZ range

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Original Message 1/9             29-Apr-98  @  03:33 PM   -   Software for the FZ range



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I've heard some rumours that a few programs were made for the FZ range. A small sequencer and a utility to use subdirectories on the sample-disks. I've been looking for them for quite some time now. Does any of you know where they can be found?

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Message 2/9             02-May-98  @  07:21 PM   -   RE: Software for the FZ range



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Hi - in answer to this - when I got my FZ10-m I got a couple of the original floppies that were sold with it. One of these had a sequence (but not a sequncer) included with it so I know that this IS possible. I cleverly reformatted these disk so they are lonnnnng gone! You might want to ask Casio about this, though.

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Message 3/9             05-May-98  @  03:43 PM   -   RE: Software for the FZ range



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I'm looking for a software to dump sound with an atari 1040.

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Message 4/9             08-May-98  @  10:58 PM   -   RE: Software for the FZ range



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Is there anyway to dump/save sounds via an Atari Falkon 030

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Message 5/9             13-May-98  @  06:04 PM   -   RE: Software for the FZ range



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I have software that will allow you to dump sounds to and from an Atari (though I am not sure about the Falcon) - get in touch if you're interested......

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Message 6/9             19-May-98  @  03:12 PM   -   RE: Software for the FZ range



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I´m wondering if there is some software avaiable to dump sounds to and from the fz-1 to a pc?

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Message 7/9             25-May-98  @  01:31 AM   -   RE: Software for the FZ range



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Check out
for DOS and Win95 FZ software

Jeff M

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Message 8/9             25-May-98  @  01:32 AM   -   RE: Software for the FZ range



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Check out
for DOS and Win95 FZ software

Jeff M

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Message 9/9             25-May-98  @  01:35 AM   -   RE: Software for the FZ range



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Check out
for DOS and Win95 FZ software

Jeff M

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