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Subject: pc+sampling

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Original Message 1/8             04-Oct-98  @  11:22 AM   -   pc+sampling



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Should i,use my PC 450mhz 128mb ram +cubase VST+
appropriate soundcard for sampling.(in other words what kind of results could i expect) or just
sequence and buy an outboard sampler.any ideas?

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Message 2/8             04-Oct-98  @  02:54 PM   -   RE: pc+sampling



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..... what soundcard do you use or do you intend to buy?

With a Guillemot 64 PRO or EWS 64 it works fine but an
external samper (i.e. Yamaha A3000 etc.) is better.

As far as I know most soundcard-samplers are limited to
256k or 512k sample size for each sample although you can upgrade to 8MB, 16MB or more sample RAM.



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Message 3/8             07-Oct-98  @  10:24 AM   -   RE: pc+sampling



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Cheers clemens
I haven`t got a clue which soundcard to buy,butwhat about Turtle Beach Montego? bearing in mind that it`s quite cheap.
What do the the Guillemot and EWS cost?

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Message 4/8             07-Oct-98  @  01:50 PM   -   RE: pc+sampling



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Turtle Beach Montego isnīt bad.

TB Montego is a PCI card, EWS64 and Guillemot are
ISA Bus cards.

If you are looking to future a PCI card would be
a better recommendation.

EWS costs about DM(Germany) 380,- up to DM 800,- (XL),
Guillemot from DM 220,- to 500,-.

As far as I know there are special offers in US for
Guillemot HS PRO (199 US$)


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Message 5/8             08-Oct-98  @  01:28 AM   -   RE: pc+sampling



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wait tho, cos TB cards seem to have a problem accross the baord with VST so the word goes... my TB card certainly did, and I've heard similar.... so maybe think of others like the maxisound, or terratec ews... both with similar spec, or even this new S'Blaster Live unit

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Message 6/8             08-Oct-98  @  03:34 AM   -   RE: pc+sampling



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With a P450, you should be able to run VST and a program like Audio compositor simultaneously. Audio compositor ( is sample rendering software which takes midi input and turns it into wav file. You make up your own patches of samples to be triggered via midi.


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Message 7/8             29-Oct-98  @  10:45 PM   -   RE: pc+sampling



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As far as Quality sampler cards consider the APS from E-mu Systems.


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Message 8/8             02-Nov-98  @  04:30 PM   -   RE: pc+sampling

Lettus Be

Posts: 1

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There also is a new software sampler called Virtual Sampler. Originally it was designed for the EWS but they
made a direct X version also.


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