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Subject: Stutter Effects in Music

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Original Message 1/11             21-Apr-00  @  04:40 PM   -   Stutter Effects in Music



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Does anyone know of any way to get a stuttering effect where the sound cuts out at intervals for a split second. I'm working with SoundForge XP and this sounds like such a simple effect that I don't want to download the Express1 package for 30 bucks for that one little effect. Anybody know the hard way to do this? Hell an easy way wouldn't be bad either.

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Message 2/11             21-Apr-00  @  07:04 PM   -   RE: Stutter Effects in Music


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dude..... in sound forge it is called gripper/snapper or something like allows you to set wether or not you are cutting things out, or inserting space...if XP doesnt have this, then just highlight a portion (to be cut out) and then process, then volume, then make that at like -65, do that at whatever interval you see fit, and then you got your effect.

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Message 3/11             23-Apr-00  @  04:16 AM   -   RE: Stutter Effects in Music



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No, gapper snipper doesn't do this, it either cuts out little bits _OR_ inserts silence;if you could find the right settings, you might be able to do snip->gap and have it come out right, but, there are easier ways to do this in software, such as using a tracker (modplug at is a good windows one) or the Tuareg.

then again, you could get a sampler and do it on that. =)

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Message 4/11             23-Apr-00  @  11:56 AM   -   RE: Stutter Effects in Music



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Welp, I got an AKAI S2000 with an EB16.. hehe.. I've never heard of a way to stutter it on this, but I could be wrong.. anyway on the S2000.

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Message 5/11             26-Apr-00  @  09:52 AM   -   RE: Stutter Effects in Music



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you mean transforming, just do it with a crossfader on your mixer like you were scratching <g>

the way that most people do this is to use a noise gate with a sidechain insert. you run a series of hi hats (or some other short sound) through the sidechain to cut the actual audio track in. if you don't have a gate, maybe a gate plugin?

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Message 6/11             26-Apr-00  @  11:59 AM   -   RE: Stutter Effects in Music



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The whole effect that I'm looking for is like this. If I had vocals that say "do you like it" then I would want it to go (say it out loud and you'll know what I mean) "Do-ooh-ooh yoo-oo-ou knu-uu-oh-oh wha-ah I me-ee-aa-nn" Ya think a Vocoder will do the trick? I don't have any plug-ins, I got Sound Forge XP "stock" (hehe). I'll try and see if I can use the sidechain insert. Thanks for the help everyone.

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Message 7/11             26-Apr-00  @  12:03 PM   -   RE: Stutter Effects in Music



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oops, I mean if I had vocals that said "Do you know what I mean" hehe.. not "Do you like it"

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Message 8/11             26-Apr-00  @  01:38 PM   -   RE: Stutter Effects in Music



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now it sounds like you're talking about timestretching, unless the dashes in the example are pauses. in that case you can use the gapper in sound forge to do what you want...

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Message 9/11             26-Apr-00  @  04:08 PM   -   RE: Stutter Effects in Music



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ok, thanks, I'll try out the gapper, yeahthose aren't really pauses but drop-outs, like it's cutting out.I wanted to do it for like every other half a second.

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Message 10/11             27-Apr-00  @  09:41 AM   -   RE: Stutter Effects in Music



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Timestretching a vocal by a large amount causes a kind of stuttering effect. You can hear it on speed garage tracks and that annoying song with "what's she gonna looooooook liiiiiiiiiiiiike with a chimney on her" (?!)

The other stuttering effect that you tend to get in trance chewns which is a much more rhythmic stuttering is done with a noise gate. You feed the vocal into the gate and use a 2nd signal (classically a hihat pattern) to open and close the gate to that the rhythm of the 2nd signal.

IIRC, the chopper/gapper thing will do this but only to a fixed rhythm. There are gate effects for DirectX and VST that will do this. Isn't Trancemitter one?

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Message 11/11             27-Apr-00  @  12:17 PM   -   RE: Stutter Effects in Music



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Yeah, I didn't wanna timestretch it at all.. but the Noise gate should do fine. thanks everyone, you've been a lot of help.

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