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Subject: TB or not TB

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Original Message 1/26             14-Oct-98  @  04:49 PM   -   TB or not TB

King Quiz


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Have you ever heard a song with a dope bassline and you wonder if its a TB 303 or not?

Well lets post songs that have those mysterious basslines and see what everybody says...TB or not TB...that is the question.

In example...

Josh Winx - "Higher state of Consiousness"

TB or not TB?

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Message 2/26             15-Oct-98  @  12:15 AM   -   RE: TB or not TB



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tb........winx can afford one

that track on the prevews for the movie blade

tb or not tb

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Message 3/26             15-Oct-98  @  12:38 AM   -   RE: TB or not TB



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But how does he get his TB to scream like that? A sertain distortion pedal?

For the song on Blade, I have to say a TB. A TB with some super distortion. Thats song sounds dope as fuck though. Who is it?

How about Cotton Club - "Hear the Drummer" (acid twister remix)

TB or not TB?

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Message 4/26             15-Oct-98  @  09:36 PM   -   RE: TB or not TB



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winx+tb+distortion="higher state of consiousness"

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Message 5/26             16-Oct-98  @  12:13 AM   -   RE: TB or not TB



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That's distortion for Wink? More like a mother fucking overload of resonance!! Pierces your brain! Confusion (from Blade) is definetely a 303. Its just got heavy distortion. But Wink....faaaaah....what the hell did he do???

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Message 6/26             16-Oct-98  @  12:43 AM   -   RE: TB or not TB



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I dont know, but my Bass Station and my 777 can do it. But I doubt he used one of these. I Dont know.

How about Crystal Method - "Keep Hope Alive"

TB or not TB?

King Quiz

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Message 7/26             17-Oct-98  @  05:35 AM   -   RE: TB or not TB



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Keep Hope Alive can't be a 303....not the same type of sequencing.....also has a different type of squelch....I think it's a Nord Lead (might just be a shot in the dark, but I've seen them use it in live performance on TV...)

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Message 8/26             17-Oct-98  @  08:57 AM   -   RE: TB or not TB

Looney Boy


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Wink- I believe he uses a SH101.
Cystal Method- Nord lead

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Message 9/26             17-Oct-98  @  07:13 PM   -   RE: TB or not TB


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Crystal Method does not currently have a TB303, and most all of their synths are digital

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Message 10/26             18-Oct-98  @  02:51 AM   -   RE: TB or not TB



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Yeah, I wondered if Crystal Method had a 303 or not. Thats why I asked about "Keep Hope Alive". They dont use acid basslines in thier songs, just synth strings. "Keep Hope Alive" does sound pretty close though.

What about Prodigy in "Smack my Bitch Up"?

TB or not TB?

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Message 11/26             18-Oct-98  @  03:14 AM   -   RE: TB or not TB



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Crystal Meth might not have a TB 303 and I doubt that they ever will...being that they now have a Future Retro 777. Its going to be used on thier next album.

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Message 12/26             18-Oct-98  @  05:01 PM   -   RE: TB or not TB



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Smack My Bitch Up is definetely not a 303. Too fucking powerful with respect to the filters, but man is that line ever dope...the whole song itself is amazing and is probably one of the few good songs to come out of the Fat Of The Land Era. I'm almost positive that it's his Korg Prophecy.

Wink used a 101 on Higher State of Conciousness? Get the fuck outta here! A 101 can sound like that???

About the Crystal Method, yup...all digital. But is there Yamaha DX7 digital too? Think so, huh?

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Message 13/26             18-Oct-98  @  05:01 PM   -   RE: TB or not TB



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Smack My Bitch Up is definetely not a 303. Too fucking powerful with respect to the filters, but man is that line ever dope...the whole song itself is amazing and is probably one of the few good songs to come out of the Fat Of The Land Era. I'm almost positive that it's his Korg Prophecy.

Wink used a 101 on Higher State of Conciousness? Get the fuck outta here! A 101 can't sound like that???

About the Crystal Method, yup...all digital. But is there Yamaha DX7 digital too? Think so, huh?

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Message 14/26             19-Oct-98  @  11:43 AM   -   RE: TB or not TB



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The 101 my mate lent me for a bit had resonance straight from the bowels of the devil himself.. Scared me shitless... 303 resonance bakes fairy cakes on sundays by comparison..


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Message 15/26             19-Oct-98  @  10:30 PM   -   RE: TB or not TB



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Shit!!!!! I knew the 101 was an acid master, but didn't know it could do that!! Looks like Liam's live version of "Funky Shit" doesn't really demonstrate it's filters.....but again, the guy has turned into a dick and brings a Nord Lead on stage for a couple of cheap filter sweeps.....

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Message 16/26             21-Oct-98  @  07:53 AM   -   RE: TB or not TB


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I really dpn't think Wink used any distortion on the 303, i've sat in a music store for 2 hours with my 303 running thru every distortion pedal they had. I did not get the filter to push that far. A 101 can DEFINATLY do that. As can the 202, but i don't think he owns one. Coincidentaly, in the video for "Are you there", he plays with his 101 for a sec. Ever notice how close the bass line is to "Higher State"?? I think it's a 101.

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Message 17/26             21-Oct-98  @  08:38 PM   -   RE: TB or not TB

Looney Boy


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Well a follow up to my previous posting. I do believe Josh Wink uses a SH101 for these few reasons. The filter on Higher State is piercing and a SH101 can do that. And the SH101 does have a seq. and the real reason why I think he uses a SH101 my friend Greg G. AKA DJ HARDWARE told me that Mr. Wink used a SH101 and an Akia S900 to make that track. And they know each other "so what" Right! But, They are both in the biz. But you never know Mr. wink could have used a modified cigarette lighter to make that sound. I used mod. spoons myself. he,he,he 

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Message 18/26             21-Oct-98  @  11:12 PM   -   RE: TB or not TB



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Speaking of same basslines...don't you think that the bassline at the begining of "Let The Bass Drum Go" by Ultra-Sonic sounds a lot like "Higher State of Conciousness"?

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Message 19/26             22-Oct-98  @  01:19 PM   -   RE: TB or not TB



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Was that the one that had all that hassle in the UK? for that exact reason? I remember there was some shitty track in the charts that sampled josh's track without asking permission anyway... I thought the acid hell version was by someone else and Josh Wink did'nt like that version prefering his own plod-a-long smoking track.. But then any self-respecting producer would say that hey?


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Message 20/26             22-Oct-98  @  11:44 PM   -   RE: TB or not TB



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There was a hassle about that with Wink and U-S? Well, it's only logical for that to happen...was the same bloody bassline with very little modulation!  

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Message 21/26             01-Nov-98  @  05:48 AM   -   RE: TB or not TB


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wow...just got prodigy's old album and it seems there's a lot of 909 and marked contrast to fat of the land

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Message 22/26             01-Nov-98  @  03:22 PM   -   RE: TB or not TB



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No shit!? Ya think????? That's what The Prodigy was all about! You thought they were all based on that punk-rock bullshit? Man, go to my website and educate yourself; it embraces the Experience and Jilted Era and lists all of Liam's equipment!

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Message 23/26             21-Nov-98  @  01:21 AM   -   RE: TB or not TB



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What about Fatboy Slims Acid 8000?

TB or not TB?

It sound like it as far as the bassline goes, but the sound itself sounds different. It sounds like it has some kind of phaser effect or something. Maybe its his Virus or his ATC1.

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Message 24/26             08-Mar-99  @  10:59 PM   -   RE: TB or not TB



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Higher State Of Consiousness can't be a 303. It's a 202 cause the filters self resonate hence the piercing value. Smack my bitch up aint either although he does own two of them.

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Message 25/26             08-Mar-99  @  11:20 PM   -   RE: TB or not TB



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Now it's a 202??? Can we get a confirmation on Wink's High State of Conciousness? Is it an SH-101 or an MC-202?

(definetely isn't a TB-303, cause you're damn straight about the piercing...)

About Smack My Bitch's really hard to tell....with some massive effects and editing, it could possibly be a 303...Liam likes complicating things with his could be anything. At the time he wrote the song he had a Juno 106, TB-303, Prophecy, JP-8000, Nordlead I, and a few others as main soundsources.....I doubt it was one of his main rack module synths...who knows! That guy has more gear than you can shake a leg at....

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Message 26/26             10-Mar-99  @  06:58 AM   -   RE: TB or not TB



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I own an SH-101 and have played a bit with an MC-202...
In therms of sound architecture they are basically identical. There are only slight sound differences.

The SH-101 emphasizes the keyboard end of things and has a very simple sequencer/arpeg. The MC-202 emplasizes the sequencer with only a simple chicklet keyboard.

Both can be modded to insane levels...
Check out the SH-101 NovaMod:

BTW, I am currently programming the MIDI->CV controller firmware for these guys.

-Dan G.

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