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Subject: New Lootus track available

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Original Message 1/18             18-Apr-01  @  04:33 PM   -   New Lootus track available


Posts: 67

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Finally after over two weeks of waiting (big thanks to my latest track is available for download.

Track is called Tundra and I put two different versions of it to my site. Original Mix, which is longer and better one and shorter Radio edit, which has allready played a couple of times in radio.

The track is 140 BPM trance/goatrance/melodic trance song filled with pianos, arpeggios uplifiting parts and break. The Radio edit is about 4 minutes long and the original mix about 8"20.

Listen and give me some constructive critisism.

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Message 2/18             19-Apr-01  @  02:20 PM   -   RE: New Lootus track available


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And why didn't I upload my track to dancetech. Well I've understood that you can't upload 128k mp3s to here and since I'm using adat-equipment I have to use 44,1 samplerate. At least lower rates won't work.

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Message 3/18             19-Apr-01  @  03:49 PM   -   RE: New Lootus track available


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If you've got your track into the PC or MAC domain so you can then put the file up as an MP3.. you can simply re-encode to the bit-rates required for DanceTech using any number of the applications available...

So if its in a PC and onto the 'net, you've got no excuse.. ;)

Now stop makin' excuses, fuck MP3.CUM, and support yer local DanceTech.. you know it makes sense.. ;)


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Message 4/18             19-Apr-01  @  05:55 PM   -   RE: New Lootus track available


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I could encode my tracks to be with lower samplerate but I couldn't listen them myself and putting stuff that even I haven't heard to net... I simply don't like the idea.

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Message 5/18             19-Apr-01  @  07:35 PM   -   RE: New Lootus track available


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well I dont like the idea of going somewhere else to hear your music.. one seems to accept the fact that the POINT is to make it EASY to listen HERE. you get more listeners that way, and stupid fades out..or at least we dont contribute.

the stuff Ive heard here is NOT that bad as far as degradation goes.

so put it here or you got no audience;)

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Message 6/18             19-Apr-01  @  08:29 PM   -   RE: New Lootus track available

Defector Z


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So where's your stuff then Mr. Influx? ;-)

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Message 7/18             20-Apr-01  @  07:40 AM   -   RE: New Lootus track available


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chuckle :] - actualy, that is DELIBERATE... a good dance track works at ANY bandwidth.


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 8/18             20-Apr-01  @  07:43 AM   -   RE: New Lootus track available


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oh, and one thing mebbe you didnt think of, 80% or so of net users access via crappy unreliable free ip's, they cant listen at 128k so you're reducinmg your auience by 70-80%.. i always prefer to hear a track ALL the way thru without it stopping than to hear chunks being re-buffered over and over - my experience with both BT internet and NTL etc type Ip's was that i couldnt listen to 128k at all, now i've got wideband, but few have got that.


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 9/18             20-Apr-01  @  07:46 AM   -   RE: New Lootus track available


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also, if your pc is in your studio, you can enhance the sound by tweaking the mixer eq, center your left right channel (not panned l/r as for stereo, and mebbe at a tad of hall reverb just to give it some lift so it sounds more like it would at a club- works for me, certainly enuff to know if what i'm listening to is crap or not... and thats the thing, fact is mate, a record company will and CAN make a descision about tracks listening thru a bit of string and a baked-bean can frankly, I know at ANY bandwidth if a track will sell or not, i dont need hi-fi to know that!


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 10/18             20-Apr-01  @  09:54 AM   -   RE: New Lootus track available


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I havent uploaded anything here. and Im also not trying to tell anyone to go anywhere to listen to my shit now AM I? 

actually..I use a lot of stereo stuff and it seems to not translate well. my bad on the engineering part Ill admit

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Message 11/18             20-Apr-01  @  02:29 PM   -   RE: New Lootus track available


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Huh, Influx don't listen my tracks then - it's that simple.

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Message 12/18             20-Apr-01  @  03:11 PM   -   RE: New Lootus track available


Posts: 1584

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Dude, all that's being said is.. there is a *BETTER* more immediate facility here at Dancetech for getting people to listen to your music... end of story..

If you have a PC, and you are using it to put your songs on the Web then you have NO EXCUSE to not encode and LISTEN to your songs at the required rates...

Your explanation for why you can't adhere to the audio standard here doesn't make sense... please be clearer why you cannot...


p.s Has it occurred to you that we're offering advice etc. coz we ARE actually interested in offering advice/criticism etc???? Getting the arse doesn't help you or us...

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Message 13/18             20-Apr-01  @  06:53 PM   -   RE: New Lootus track available


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dont worry. wont. and neither will a LOT of people because youre being a bitch about it. Personally I just get my stuff to the people I want to hear it my own way..not here tryin to direct people, but if I felt like it I would put stuff HERE because Kilo went through a lot of shit to make that possible and I think that aspect of this site should be utilized.


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Message 14/18             20-Apr-01  @  09:06 PM   -   RE: New Lootus track available


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I can't understand this. I've visited here daily over a year now and everytime I've posted new tracks I've mentioned about it in here, previously in Music/Tech but now in Music/Tracks and never before I've faced this kind of feedback about it. Now everyone seems to be mad at me since I've posted my tracks to I'm being bitch about it?? Getting the arse?? I'm confused. And I have to say that I have usually got some feedback, which had helped me to make my future tracks better.

And yes. I use RME Hammerfall for audio. Pure Adat directly connected to my mixer all going at 44,1. If there's a different samplerate, I won't hear anything. I just get somekind of weird error message. I'm not that familiar with Adat-devices and maybe there's a way to listen different samplerates without resampling those clips I would like to listen to 44.1 in sound forge or somewhere else first but I haven't got a clue how to do that. So that's why I couldn't hear anything.

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Message 15/18             20-Apr-01  @  09:36 PM   -   RE: New Lootus track available


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sorry...the bitch thing was meant lightly. you just seemed snobby about it...

BUT..if you DID want to do this, you could just take the audio off your adat...record it into your computer, THEN convert the problem.

why are you using an ADAT, anyway? why not just go straight to disk?

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Message 16/18             20-Apr-01  @  10:12 PM   -   RE: New Lootus track available


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I'm recording direct to disk. I have no adat-recorder and I tried to explain that: "without resampling those clips I would like to listen to 44.1 in sound forge or somewhere". Conclusion about this. You said it's easier to put your tracks to dancetech. For me that means, save as, encode to wav, resample, listen-chain and that's why I prefer 128 mp3s.

But next time - I'll put my tracks to here.

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Message 17/18             20-Apr-01  @  11:02 PM   -   RE: New Lootus track available


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ha..missed that about the adat interface. thought you said somethin about tape.

I STILL dont understand..your RME will ONLY playback at 44.1? doesnt make sense.

and...convert to .wav? youre using a mac then?

dunno...other people seem to be doin it aight 

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Message 18/18             20-Apr-01  @  11:35 PM   -   RE: New Lootus track available


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Mp3 Pro should do tha joby job, and sound forge converts and plays 22,050 hz sample rate.

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