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Subject: Vocal track

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Original Message 1/8             19-May-01  @  10:15 AM   -   Vocal track


Posts: 59

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Hello again, I've posted a track called "Burning a hole" on which I've done some vocals. I'd really appreciate some feedback on this as it's a bit of a departure for me. The vocals seem to be a bit low in volume on the mono mp3 but they can still be heard pretty clearly. The kick drum somehow jumped up a bit too but I think it evens out a bit when the drums come in at about the 2 minute mark. Jerry

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Message 2/8             23-May-01  @  07:22 AM   -   RE: Vocal track


Posts: 505

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the link wont work.

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Message 3/8             23-May-01  @  07:35 AM   -   RE: Vocal track


Posts: 59

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Its ok now. Thanks for telling me though. Jerry

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Message 4/8             23-May-01  @  01:55 PM   -   RE: Vocal track


Posts: 244

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hmmm, thats strange... still doesn't work does it work for you fiddleface? cause my track works for me, but not others 

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Message 5/8             23-May-01  @  02:29 PM   -   RE: Vocal track


Posts: 244

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download works   geat job on every thing, and i dig the vocals!

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Message 6/8             25-May-01  @  08:08 AM   -   RE: Vocal track


Posts: 59

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Thanks Funky. I don't know what the problem is,even after deleting all my cookies etc it still works for me!

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Message 7/8             28-May-01  @  06:32 PM   -   RE: Vocal track


Posts: 3872

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I like the song a lot. Nice work. I can't say much about the vocals because they come in for a very short time and are a bit low. They sound like they are probably good. Nice song though. It's unusual I think to hear a solo from an instrumment of any kind in dance music. I think that mellow solo came it at 2 and change.

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Message 8/8             29-May-01  @  05:16 PM   -   RE: Vocal track


Posts: 59

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Thanks Sitar, the vocals have a sort of pad made with a vocoder in the background. This gave them a very trebly sound which was lost when I converted the file to mp3. Thats why they seem so low in the mix I think. Jerry

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