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Subject: direct outs on 1604

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Original Message 1/19             04-Sep-01  @  01:41 PM   -   direct outs on 1604



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greetings earthfolk, I come in peace. I bring you many gifts of womder from beyond the galaxy.

Anyway, so seeing as I`ll be managing to avoid all work for the next couple of years or so I decided to sell the 01v and drag the Mackie (or wackie as someone once told me) out of the cupboard and get the bugger fixed. I never had a manual for it and being the dopy bugger that I am, it was only when I was boxing it up to send to the tech that I noticed these direct out thingies on the back there - 8 of em. So I see channels 9-16 on the wackie have "track 1" through to "track 8" written below the faders so I`m guessing these route through straight to the direct out wotsits.

Right, so I guess I could just wait till it comes back and try for myself but I`m kinda curious about the uses for these things - I`m not totally stupid, I realise they`re for running stuff straight off to a multitrack recorder or whatever which`d be useful should I ever sort myself out a computer that works and stuff with a multi in soundcard but is there any other uses? And more to the point, is there any way to route whicher channels I wish through to the direct outs or are they hardwired? Could I route efx sends through to these as well?

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Message 2/19             04-Sep-01  @  07:58 PM   -   RE: direct outs on 1604


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theyre hardwired. you can use the busses for that tho...

not for FX tho...unless of course they were coming in to channels

did you already send it? I would seem cheaper to just buy a new one than to pay a tech. you have an older 1604 right? theyre $350 here on the street.

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Message 3/19             04-Sep-01  @  09:31 PM   -   RE: direct outs on 1604



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just for tracking only then? I knew I could use the busses, but 8 outs seems a whole lot more elegant ya know? Not that I`d ever need that anyway, but still.

Its a cr1604 vlz thing, the one before the "pro" (fnar, fnar) version with those special preamp things. I`ve already agreed on a fixed price for the job - 85 squids inclusive so its a whole lot better than forking out 300 for another one.

You played with one of those behringer tube composers yet? Damn.

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Message 4/19             04-Sep-01  @  09:44 PM   -   RE: direct outs on 1604


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only 85? cool! and the VLZs are still $500-$600 here, so I guess that would be pointless

no, I didnt, but..hehe...remember how I was drooling over that HHB Radius30? Got one. WAY too clean for my ass. I mean...NO character at all!!! It was just crystal clear. BLECH. sold it

heard that the Bellari RP538(?) has some nice phat coloration to it. Oh shit I said phat.

so whatchoo gonna do bout FX? just track through the VF? Fix that SOny dealie you got?

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Message 5/19             04-Sep-01  @  11:49 PM   -   RE: direct outs on 1604



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well shit, the sony is still up for sale tho I`m thinking of taking it off - vf1s are like 200 2nd hand now so now bastid wants one of these things for more than 120 so I may just keep it and then worry about what to do when the battery dies.

Whats a radius 30? Is that some TLAudio thing cos HHB rebadge their stuff in the states? The behringers kinda nice anyway, its just a normal composer pro in a posh box with a valve output stage so I`m gonna pick me one 2nd hand on Friday.

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Message 6/19             05-Sep-01  @  02:36 AM   -   RE: direct outs on 1604


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yeah the HHB is TL audio, but its different desigh..and i think a step down in quality. nice stuff tho just too clean

man..before you get that behringer have a look at the bellari, sir. serious

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Message 7/19             05-Sep-01  @  12:16 PM   -   RE: direct outs on 1604



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never even heard of Bellari, a lot of the esoteric american stuff is hexpensive over here.

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Message 8/19             05-Sep-01  @  02:47 PM   -   RE: direct outs on 1604


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Mindprint t-comp is good, you can add tube coloration to your taste, from totaly clean to totaly distorted. and its an extremely flexible bugger. i like to stick shit thru it to make it more ruff ruff.

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Message 9/19             05-Sep-01  @  04:32 PM   -   RE: direct outs on 1604



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arghh!!! Dont fill my mind with evil gas-station type thoughts - I just want one compressor which does its job but sounds quite nice too and is cheap - behringer fits the bill at 190.

Oh, and the valves are housed behind little glass plates to the side of each warmth control so when you crank up the colouration they light up - cool huh? Has no effect on its sound of course but it`ll keep me amused for 10 minutes or so.

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Message 10/19             05-Sep-01  @  08:16 PM   -   RE: direct outs on 1604


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joe meek C2. not tube but definite color 

oh. sorry

how bout an SC2?

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Message 11/19             05-Sep-01  @  10:10 PM   -   RE: direct outs on 1604



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sc2 aint cheap influx, not cheap. I still have my joe meek c2 here anyway - they`re selling the buggers new for 140 now so thats another one I dont really know what to do with.

Guess I could keep it, I like the way you can crank those optical comps right up without blunting the sound like what happens with vca jobbies and it kinda coats the sound in candy in a smooth way so I dunno. If I sold it, I`d only get 2 dole cheques worth for it anyway so mebbe I should hang onto it, just a shame its one mono source or one stereo only really else it`d be all I need.

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Message 12/19             06-Sep-01  @  01:50 AM   -   RE: direct outs on 1604


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hehe. SC2 is not cheap. youre right

tried the meek on your main buss? I like it!

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Message 13/19             07-Sep-01  @  02:04 PM   -   RE: direct outs on 1604



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I like the sound of anything run through the meek - everything just becomes a bit more slicker and smoother, ya know?

Well I bought the behringer anyway, still dont have my desk back to check it properly but I`ve run some straight through it and its pretty nice, not particularly characterful but it does add I nice little edge to the sound so I`m happy.

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Message 14/19             07-Sep-01  @  08:25 PM   -   RE: direct outs on 1604


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you know you need to let it warm up a good 20 minutes or so before itll sound like it should right?

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Message 15/19             07-Sep-01  @  09:04 PM   -   RE: direct outs on 1604



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I wondered about that but I couldn`t see anything in the manual about it - guess thats why it sounded better in the shop.

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Message 16/19             08-Sep-01  @  01:02 AM   -   RE: direct outs on 1604


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thats just standard practice. HHBs didnt say anything either but the pros I know are very emphatic about that. makes sense, too

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Message 17/19             08-Sep-01  @  01:44 PM   -   RE: direct outs on 1604


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sure, it goes for all tube gear. when you use a tube mic you plug it in half an hour before recording session and dont touch it till the end. in fact, some big studios leave their mics allways powered up.

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Message 18/19             24-Sep-01  @  08:20 AM   -   RE: direct outs on 1604


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For anything under $1500 you should check out the Really Nice Compressor. I think it's manufactured by a company called FML, but I maight be mistaken on the name. What I do know for sure is that it works extremely well and is very versatile in its applications, fairly simple in its operation, and sounds very good. VCA, so it will do the VCA thing, but some use that to effect, and if it's something you don't want in your sound, then it might be an indcator that you need to rework your sound or mix on the front end before even worrying about compression. If you're looking at spending more than $1500 then Pinnacle, Manley, Avalon and Universal all make really nice new unit and there are loads of old vintage unit that people love like Urei and a ton of others, but be prepared to pay for that stuff.


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Message 19/19             24-Sep-01  @  09:11 AM   -   RE: direct outs on 1604


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FMR RNC. bout $150 only. sound NIIIIICCE. really nice 

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