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Original Message 1/7             28-Dec-01  @  03:33 AM   -   QUICK FX SEND QUESTION


Posts: 286

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My bnew beringher mixer has two sends a fx send and a mon send I want to use them both for fx so I run the mon send out to my filter factory and back to chan3/4 i run the fx send out to my mofx and back to chan5/6. now I can't hear the mofx unless I turn up the volume of the track that i'm sending to it in other words I can't have just the effected verison I have to have the original and the effected version at the same time. The filter factory works fine I am guessing that the mon send is a pre mix send and that the fx send is a post mix send ?? am I right and is there any way around this ??

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Message 2/7             28-Dec-01  @  03:44 AM   -   RE: QUICK FX SEND QUESTION


Posts: 1675

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right, it's called pre-fader and post-fader. unless there's a button to switch the sends pre/post, no way to change without yanking circuit boards out and attacking them with soldering irons and shit. don't recommend it.

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Message 3/7             28-Dec-01  @  03:47 AM   -   RE: QUICK FX SEND QUESTION


Posts: 7627

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it has sends but no returns?

got nothing to do with what youre asking really but damnblahblah answered that already

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Message 4/7             28-Dec-01  @  04:39 AM   -   RE: QUICK FX SEND QUESTION


Posts: 286

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yup thats what i figured mabey I'll just run the output from fth fx send into the second set of inputs on my delta/44 instead of back to the mixer.

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Message 5/7             02-Jan-02  @  04:50 PM   -   RE: QUICK FX SEND QUESTION


Posts: 192

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don't know the mixer, but esp. if it has subgroups available there will be a button to route it to the mains or not... you can send it to the fx send, then take it out of the mains, which will do what you want....

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Message 6/7             02-Jan-02  @  09:25 PM   -   RE: QUICK FX SEND QUESTION


Posts: 2890

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damnblahblah! did you make that up yourself influx? lol!

(oh, maybe it's an old one)

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Message 7/7             02-Jan-02  @  11:55 PM   -   RE: QUICK FX SEND QUESTION


Posts: 7627

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actually I think D himself called himself that himself


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