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Subject: Dark Vocal Drum'n'Bass

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Original Message 1/19             21-Feb-02  @  10:31 AM     Edit: 21-Feb-02  |  10:33 AM   -   Dark Vocal Drum'n'Bass


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Hi folx

Well after some time, Darkstate is back with some new material... this time its dark'n'funky drum'n'bass!!!

This one'll be on our new project but we liked it enough to get it out early in order to get some feedback...

"One Clean Break" Feat. Suzie Clarke

Our new bass player Stu on funky double bass...

Any thoughts and comments please??

Thanks in advance...


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Message 2/19             21-Feb-02  @  09:56 PM   -   RE: Dark Vocal Drum'n'Bass


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Very nice!

Got a bit of an EZ Rollers / Kosheen vibe to it IMHO which is no bad thing. Vocal sounds great even at this bit rate; I guess having a decent singer help the mixing/engineering, eh?

I thought the double bass was a bit quiet; I couldnt really hear it on hi-fi speakers but it came through quite nicely on headphones. I also got quite a bit of skipping at around 2.30 - I'm assuming it was my connection, but thought I'd mention it.

Top stuff overall!

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Message 3/19             24-Feb-02  @  12:11 AM   -   RE: Dark Vocal Drum'n'Bass


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Not the kind of music I can give comments to, but I like it. Sounds very cool. Did the vocalist actually sing to the music while recording or they are written and put together during the production?

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Message 4/19             25-Feb-02  @  07:44 PM   -   RE: Dark Vocal Drum'n'Bass



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Thanks for the interest guys!!

The vocalists all sing along to the tracks in the recording sessions themselves.. sometimes these just start out as ideas sessions that evolve into Jam sessions and finally recording ones.. othertimes, we've already got the song written and a specific idea and just get the girl to sing it.. sometimes its the vocalist herself that has the ideas..



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Message 5/19             28-Feb-02  @  06:40 AM   -   RE: Dark Vocal Drum'n'Bass


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This is really well done. More soulful to me than Kosheen. Like that bass a lot.

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Message 6/19             28-Feb-02  @  10:15 AM   -   RE: Dark Vocal Drum'n'Bass


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yeah man, good track! hehe, vocal dnb is my particular cup of tea. very cool bassline, (reminds me slightly of ez rollers).

my only comment is that everything sounds overly compressed, like you stuck a heavy limiter at -10db treshhold. maybe let it breathe a bit more? or maybe not, this gives it certain weight.

anyway, cool stuff, keep it up.

cheers, M.

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Message 7/19             28-Feb-02  @  11:41 AM   -   RE: Dark Vocal Drum'n'Bass



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Thanks again folx..

Milan, dunno about overly compressed ;) I'm guessing any detail like you're picking up on is prolly an artifact of it being a lo-fi compressed audio stream here at DT... I could be wrong, but there you go...  

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Message 8/19             28-Feb-02  @  11:57 AM     Edit: 28-Feb-02  |  11:57 AM   -   RE: Dark Vocal Drum'n'Bass


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yeah, i thought it might be the lo-fi thing.

cool. i play melodic dnb out in bars and such quite often, and this is the kind of track iŽd play with no problem.

cheers, M.

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Message 9/19             28-Feb-02  @  12:10 PM   -   RE: Dark Vocal Drum'n'Bass



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Well.. if I can get the financing sorted out, we'll be putting this and a more instrumental flavoured remix out on vinyl soon...

Could throw a copy your way if you think you'd get some play out of it?  

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Message 10/19             28-Feb-02  @  01:35 PM   -   RE: Dark Vocal Drum'n'Bass



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Crunchy dnb.... very funky.. the girl sounds luverly!!

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Message 11/19             01-Mar-02  @  12:09 AM   -   RE: Dark Vocal Drum'n'Bass


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Nice track Marc. I like vocal DnB too. I just have 1 cd with some vocal DnB. Might've been DJ Krush but I'm not sure. It missed somewhere for me but I liked it still. I like this track more. I like her voice ya bastard. Great voice really. Which one is she? Didn't you mention a 14 year old girl contacting you? I was thinking that if she wants to sing, you shouldn't discourage her. She might have lots of talent. Maybe just have another one or two of your female vocalists there in the studio so she's not too intimidated. Your call of course. I just imagine what it's like get the courage to try and have a go with someone who's music you admire and then get turned away from even showing what you can do. Just a thought.

Anyways, this is a real nice track. Very nice to listen too. The kick really slams down nicely. The pad that starts out in the beginning sounds like a jv pad, but could come from lots of sources I imagine. The track continues on longer yes? She cuts out abruptly there. I'm listening for the 3rd time and the pad doesn't sound so much like it came from a jv I guess. Just curious. I love the bassline. Sounds almost acoustic but nicely detuned.

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Message 12/19             01-Mar-02  @  09:41 AM     Edit: 01-Mar-02  |  09:44 AM   -   RE: Dark Vocal Drum'n'Bass


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Heh! "sounds almost acoustic"... that's cos it IS ya scamp!!   Electric double bass played in by our new guy Stu..

Strings come from the uQ.. with a bit of additional post processing via the VST mix..

Yeah, I think I had to truncate the track to get it into the DT running time.... I'll prolly feed ya a hi-fi version on CD if you like???  

Susie Clarke is the singer... she's new (she's GORGEOUS) and she's done one other track with us that you might like.. its called "GLASS" and its on our website (I'll be posting it here shortly too)

I'll have a think about the young girl.. but its a dicey issue that could cause more problems than it solves... and we are quite well stocked for vocalists right now..  

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Message 13/19             01-Mar-02  @  01:00 PM   -   RE: Dark Vocal Drum'n'Bass


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"(she's GORGEOUS)" Rub it in ya bum. Real bassplayer? Novel idea. Don't ask him to change a lightbulb :P

Well the young singer. I understand what you're saying. Just thought that encouraging a younger person might be a big thing for her even if you have no place for her in your musical plans. Still, dicey it could be.

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Message 14/19             01-Mar-02  @  02:19 PM   -   RE: Dark Vocal Drum'n'Bass


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Not rubbing *anything* in mate.... ;)

Just making a typically male observation, and yes, she's very cute, can sing and has a good working attitude... excellente!

Stu's been dropping some phat bass on quite a few of our new tracks - I guess that's what's giving our stuff a bit of an "EZ Rollers" type vibe (which is quite a nice comparison ta very much!)


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Message 15/19             01-Mar-02  @  04:06 PM   -   RE: Dark Vocal Drum'n'Bass



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yeah, voted for this one when you 1st posted. Nice, she sounds a bit like Tracey from EBTG.

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Message 16/19             01-Mar-02  @  07:59 PM   -   RE: Dark Vocal Drum'n'Bass


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Oops. Just voted for your track. Forgot to do that.

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Message 17/19             01-Mar-02  @  08:03 PM   -   RE: Dark Vocal Drum'n'Bass


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Marc, i play out couple a times per month on a regular basis, and iŽd be glad to give your tune some exposure. not like its gonna make a huge difference globaly, but still...   so yeah, if you can get dubs sorted iŽd be well into that.

btw, check out the dj mixes on my page for some smoove vocal dnb, if you like that style. (plug ends here)

cheers, M.

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Message 18/19             02-Mar-02  @  03:00 PM   -   RE: Dark Vocal Drum'n'Bass


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what's with voting, lately? i keep voting for tracks that have got several positive replies and the thingy says "no votes." did you all give up because of the bias?

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Message 19/19             04-Mar-02  @  09:25 AM   -   RE: Dark Vocal Drum'n'Bass


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I've been getting in a few votes into my mailbox (thanks all!)



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