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Subject: Behringer Eurodesk

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Original Message 1/3             22-Feb-02  @  11:23 AM   -   Behringer Eurodesk


Posts: 37

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After several years of avoiding spending any money on outboard gear and instead using any money I could spare on Midi stuff (even thats not a great deal)I have now decided to bite the bullet and get a new mixing desk. The borrowed Studiomaster live 8 ch desk just doesnt cut it anymore, especially the crackle on the mid pots!

Anyway I have a grand to spend and was thinking of getting a Behringer Eurodesk MX2442A (£499) and the spending the rest on a couple of compressors and maybe an fx unit/new sound card. Alternatively I could get the equivalant Mackie desk for around £700.

Does anyone use Eurodesks, and if so are they any good? Ive read the power units have been a problem, is this true? Is the audio clarity or noise levels really that more impressive on the Mackie and could you really notice them unless youd read the specs?

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Message 2/3             22-Feb-02  @  03:14 PM   -   RE: Behringer Eurodesk


Posts: 2707

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I can't comment on that specific mixer, but I recently picked up the little 10-channel jobber for a live keyboard submixer. I have to say, I am more impressed with this $120 mixer than I am with our singer's 1402VLZ.


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Message 3/3             26-Feb-02  @  04:52 PM   -   RE: Behringer Eurodesk

Purple Haze


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Stephen, I've got a 3282A (I think, can't seem to remember numbers). I Don't know about the eq's and such since the only other eq's I ever used were software ones. I've had it for about 3 years. It got allmost no use during about one year. It broke up on me once but was fixed by the store I bought it from for zilch.
About the noise: well, I can only say that more than 95% (this is an estimate ofcourse ;) of the noise that comes out of it is being fed into it by the synths/samplers/fx units attached to it, so the noise is really nothing to worry about.

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