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Subject: so who plays proper instruments?

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Original Message 1/87             31-Mar-02  @  02:32 PM   -   so who plays proper instruments?


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hehe! "proper"

anyway, i've played sax in various bands for the last ten years, how about you lot then?

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Message 2/87             31-Mar-02  @  03:50 PM   -   RE: so who plays proper instruments?


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what do you think?

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Message 3/87             31-Mar-02  @  04:16 PM   -   RE: so who plays proper instruments?


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eh? i was asking if anyone played 'traditional' instruments. sense of humour, innit. i read you play bass pongoid, anyone else?

just curious ...

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Message 4/87             31-Mar-02  @  08:54 PM   -   RE: so who plays proper instruments?


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bass on an amateur level

learned trumpet in elementary school 

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Message 5/87             01-Apr-02  @  01:29 AM   -   RE: so who plays proper instruments?


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i play guitar professionally, bass when i record demos, and keyboards terribly.

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Message 6/87             01-Apr-02  @  03:08 AM   -   RE: so who plays proper instruments?

Defector Z


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Guitar. Poorly. I've been known to sing a bit as well. (Voice counts, right?)

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Message 7/87             01-Apr-02  @  03:31 AM   -   RE: so who plays proper instruments?


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dijeridoo! but i'm awful.

classical piano lessons when i was young.
HATED it then but now i wish i had stuck with

drums. marching band in high school.
hardcore bands for a whole lot of years. don't
play too much anymore  

i always wanted to learn guitar.

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Message 8/87             01-Apr-02  @  09:28 AM   -   RE: so who plays proper instruments?


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Well, in addition to my "improper" instruments, I used to play lead guitar in a bunch of different rock and metal bands of no consequence, I play a decent rhythm on most hand drums, Tabla and Tabuna being me favorites, I play decent Bass, a bit of Cello and Viola, Mandolin, Thumb Piano (yes, I said "thumb" piano), my waaaay cool new Ocean Harp (fugging very cool noises in that creature...), and occasionally I've been known to actually try and vocalize, but I claim no proficiency in that area....


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Message 9/87             01-Apr-02  @  04:21 PM   -   RE: so who plays proper instruments?


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guitar and bass were my main things growin' up and I still work out lots of stuff on them, I'll bang out fairly simple shit on keys and I've been known to hit stuff with my hands or with sticks. pretty much anything I don't have to blow into. except melodica.

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Message 10/87             03-Apr-02  @  02:16 PM   -   RE: so who plays proper instruments?


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do I have to say it again. other things I've played, piano, guitar, congas and percussion both latin and african live with a jazz group...that was cool and the girls loved congas  , singing....that counts. Studied tabla for about a year before getting shanghai'd by the sitar.

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Message 11/87             03-Apr-02  @  10:11 PM   -   RE: so who plays proper instruments?


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all of them? i've got a rompler  

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Message 12/87             05-Apr-02  @  08:44 PM   -   RE: so who plays proper instruments?


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not me

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Message 13/87             05-Apr-02  @  10:13 PM   -   RE: so who plays proper instruments?


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i could still play Blitzkrieg Bop, can't pick it the same twice tho'  

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Message 14/87             05-Apr-02  @  10:18 PM   -   RE: so who plays proper instruments?


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Guitar, and a little bit of bass. I used to be a really good trumpet player, but I haven't played in years.. I can get intelligible noises out of most brass instruments, except trombone.


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Message 15/87             13-Apr-02  @  12:15 AM   -   RE: so who plays proper instruments?


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Boy, I gotta get out more often...I didn't even notice the Live/Gigging thread.

Drums (26 years and counting),percussion, bass, guitar, keyboard, used to play trumpet. Using MIDI in electronic drumming since '84


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Message 16/87             13-Apr-02  @  01:34 AM   -   RE: so who plays proper instruments?


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bass, guitar, drums, vocals.


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 17/87             13-Apr-02  @  03:18 AM   -   RE: so who plays proper instruments?


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You sing K? Yikes.  

I forgot one thing. Not that it matters. I studied sarangi for a short while a few years back. A bowed instrument with a gizillion strings. Painful to play. Beautiful when played well, like any instrument. Sarangi means voice of 100 colors. Didn't get far with it anyway.

K, why don't you do a vocal track for us. People complain that they don't know what you look like. Let us hear you anyway.

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Message 18/87             13-Apr-02  @  03:25 AM   -   RE: so who plays proper instruments?


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I have to say this just for the record. Everyone knows what you mean by proper instruments, but I think of my synthesizers as proper instruments. In fact having played several proper instruments, I think of my synths as even more challenging and full of possibilities and full of life. I love my synths to death. There's nothing like them. Love at first blurpy little noise.

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Message 19/87             13-Apr-02  @  10:30 AM   -   RE: so who plays proper instruments?


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Preach on, Brother sitar...=)


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Message 20/87             13-Apr-02  @  10:38 AM   -   RE: so who plays proper instruments?


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yeah...I was sitting here thinking the other I missed playing in a band...cuz I get tired of having to "do it all myself" sometimes...(which, funny but, I dropped out of a few bands because I got sick of dealing with other people.) Is there ever a middle ground? do this RIGHT, this electronic music really does take an immense amount of knowledge, knowhow, and practical application. I mean...most of us are START TO FINISH types....composition, arrangement, engineering, and "production" (oh the connotation!!!!) this point...instead of me getting down on myself because I cant play bass like that guy from Medeski Martin and Wood, how 'bout I propose a toast to the truly independent DIY folks out there who have spent countless hours learning modulation matrices, mastering techniques, and good ol general recording specifics.


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Message 21/87             13-Apr-02  @  12:26 PM   -   RE: so who plays proper instruments?


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Yup. We rule!

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Message 22/87             13-Apr-02  @  03:29 PM   -   RE: so who plays proper instruments?


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sorta like this... but i cant reach those notes anymore !! - and it was ruff enuff as it was even at the time *cough* (too much smoking damn!)... just from an old 'idea' tape from about 6 years ago I was starting to lose my top-end about then.... all i was trying to do was get an idea down without getting in a female vocalist which it's written for.

'vocals' mostly is about arrangements anyways when it comes to production & wearing the producer hat, i'm not saying i gotta good voice, and besides, the golden rule is sposed to be that you aint sposed to do your own BV's !

the song/hook is copyright by the way. probably would be worth doing it with a girlgroup and a totaly redone more 'pop' backing, someone might pick it up - the hook is quite strong.


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 23/87             13-Apr-02  @  04:50 PM   -   RE: so who plays proper instruments?


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it might sound better on something other than these Polk computer speakers...

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Message 24/87             13-Apr-02  @  05:25 PM   -   RE: so who plays proper instruments?


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quit being all humble and stuff. you're an accomplished muso, dude.

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Message 25/87             13-Apr-02  @  08:56 PM   -   RE: so who plays proper instruments?


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Ha! That's a great vocal take! Harmony and all. Thanks for sharing that k. Cool funk to the piece too. Damn.

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Message 26/87             14-Apr-02  @  06:23 AM   -   RE: so who plays proper instruments?


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Influx - I'll second yer toast g'sir, no matter how un"influx" it seems... But yeah, I agree with you quite a lot. It's really cool that we do what we do, with what we do it with..... uh... right.. I think... well anyway, what you said!


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Message 27/87             14-Apr-02  @  12:59 PM   -   RE: so who plays proper instruments?


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yeah but the top vocal is well raucus & cringy! - anyways it was just to get an idea down, it wouldnt be the same without the harmony parts.


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 28/87             14-Apr-02  @  02:45 PM   -   RE: so who plays proper instruments?


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It's a nice track. I think you could give Britany a run for her money. You might have to shave your legs. Those are "real" instruments, yes?

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Message 29/87             14-Apr-02  @  05:03 PM   -   RE: so who plays proper instruments?


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well, programmed drums & real bassline & guitar... that's all that's on it apart from vox.


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 30/87             14-Apr-02  @  05:25 PM   -   RE: so who plays proper instruments?


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Poor drummers.

I uploaded a short excerpt of my sitar playing. Couldn't add it as a file so it's in my profile called "sitar on sitar". A window into my sordid past. The sitar was sounding quite eloquent that day.

I was at my mom's last weekend looking for some tapes of Indian music to copy for someone and came across a few informal studio recordings and live recordings of my sitar, so there ya go if anyone is interested. 1'45" only. It's the tail end of the solo portion, then the tabla player joins in. 16 beat cycle. I wanted to put something up in a 10 beat cycle and a 14 beat cycle to but I don't want to get carried away 8)

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Message 31/87             14-Apr-02  @  09:01 PM   -   RE: so who plays proper instruments?


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maybe i'll fish out tapes of my tin can kalimba on street corner playing. i used to chant 'hungry tamale intuition, sexy japanese pediatrician.' everyone would look when i said 'sexy.'

nice sounds.

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Message 32/87             14-Apr-02  @  10:20 PM   -   RE: so who plays proper instruments?


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yeah it's nice Sitar... you should make us a small basic simple sample set.


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 33/87             14-Apr-02  @  11:41 PM   -   RE: so who plays proper instruments?


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hmmm. I've heard that suggestion before. I'd have to find a way to break up the notes nicely, or phrases anyway. I have some sarangi samples that came with my sampler. They're all phrases. Wonder if that would be of use with sitar samples.

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Message 34/87             15-Apr-02  @  07:49 AM   -   RE: so who plays proper instruments?


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break up notes nicely? wavelab? soundforge? not too hard really...dunno...

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Message 35/87             15-Apr-02  @  10:49 AM   -   RE: so who plays proper instruments?


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Yes but they all run into each other which is normal for the sitar. So there is no way to let the tail of a note fade away naturally from these recordings.

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Message 36/87             15-Apr-02  @  11:04 AM   -   RE: so who plays proper instruments?


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well what you want is a few different ryhthmic chops which peaoplce can pitch etc, and a few various bends & strikes... obviously, making a sitar patch which allowed realistic sequencing of traditional stuff would be much harder.


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 37/87             15-Apr-02  @  06:07 PM   -   RE: so who plays proper instruments?


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Unbelievable. Somebody voted for my sitar snippet. All the hard work I put into trying to write a halfway descent dance track and I get a vote for the sitar snippet. Just can't win.

I could do those up in Sonar K. Wouldn't want to make groove clips though cuz that'd limit their usefulness to Sonar and Acid users.

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Message 38/87             15-Apr-02  @  07:38 PM   -   RE: so who plays proper instruments?


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you can win. only not the way you thought you would. just ask the starry night guy.

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Message 39/87             15-Apr-02  @  09:14 PM   -   RE: so who plays proper instruments?


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i am a tortured being, but i'm really like grade A tortured being.

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Message 40/87             15-Apr-02  @  10:08 PM   -   RE: so who plays proper instruments?


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I could call it Sitary Night. Misery loves company.

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Message 41/87             16-Apr-02  @  12:11 PM   -   RE: so who plays proper instruments?


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I play with my girlfriends tits. Does that count?

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Message 42/87             16-Apr-02  @  03:53 PM     Edit: 16-Apr-02  |  04:07 PM   -   RE: so who plays proper instruments?


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on stage?

or are you just a "bedroom producer"?

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Message 43/87             17-Apr-02  @  01:05 AM   -   RE: so who plays proper instruments?



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you can't do that on stage anymore, sorry.

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Message 44/87             17-Apr-02  @  12:37 PM   -   RE: so who plays proper instruments?


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That's right. You have to be in the audience to do that. What's the incentive these days for playing live then? No wonder more and more musicians have taken to jumping into the audience. They can't take it anymore. Probably why the guy in The Crystal Method smashes his dx7 on the stage too.

There ya go. Another mystery solved by sitar, the great seer of all things relevant.

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Message 45/87             17-Apr-02  @  04:08 PM   -   RE: so who plays proper instruments?


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I dunno, I'm gonna jump around on stage a bit this evening. When you play with other folks you can do that. Solo, it makes the music drag a bit, unless heavily pre-sequenced, which I abhor.


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Message 46/87             18-Apr-02  @  02:05 PM   -   RE: so who plays proper instruments?



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i jump around all the time in my bedroom studio, that way, if i ever make it to a stage i'll know what to do and not look stupid. In the mean time, i look stupid all the time; but you don't know that.

try doing a couple flip-flops and sing "music, makes the bourgeoisie and the rebel"

the illusion is strong...

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Message 47/87             18-Apr-02  @  08:18 PM   -   RE: so who plays proper instruments?



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played a 'fun' gig last night helping out a mate as a standin bass player - heh heh - rock & roll style - pure chaos it was   lol!

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Message 48/87             18-Apr-02  @  11:29 PM   -   RE: so who plays proper instruments?


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Wish you'd let people know K. Not that I could've made it, but I'd love to hear the stories.

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Message 49/87             19-Apr-02  @  03:13 AM   -   RE: so who plays proper instruments?



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they made you stand, and you call it fun, ? at your grand age ! how insensitive :p

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Message 50/87             19-Apr-02  @  02:13 PM   -   RE: so who plays proper instruments?


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it was ok tho - the guitarist had blood all over his guitar at the end of it which was kinda cool cos it was a white guitar so it showed up well - heh heh - sounds like my sorta player!! - we agreed to team up and have a few jams soon cos we both play really loud and both bleed when getting into it  


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 51/87             19-Apr-02  @  03:05 PM   -   RE: so who plays proper instruments?


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you gotta watch the pegs on those things k  

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Message 52/87             19-Apr-02  @  04:23 PM   -   RE: so who plays proper instruments?



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he he ! kick it !!! nothing like axe slingning

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Message 53/87             20-Apr-02  @  12:15 PM   -   RE: so who plays proper instruments?


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Call your act Band Aid. Everyone'll think at first you're doing charity concerts.

No rusty strings though. You don't use steel wire on a bass do you?

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Message 54/87             21-Apr-02  @  10:04 AM   -   RE: so who plays proper instruments?


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The best thing I play is jaw harp. Yeah you know, jew's harp or whatever...I picked it up years ago and I dunno, got good at it.

Sort of saved our asses (me&Marianne) a few years ago at one of our very first gigs in Chicago. I was basically just backing her w/ an s20 playing loops and stuff. Turned everything off after we were done but they wanted more! SO I had to bust some boing-boing on 'em, Marianne accompanied on XP-50 drumz.

Yep, everyone loves a jaw harp ;-)

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Message 55/87             21-Apr-02  @  11:22 AM   -   RE: so who plays proper instruments?


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oh dude, brad, PLEASE send me some loops, PLEEEEEZZZZZZZ?

I guess I could go sample Peanuts.

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Message 56/87             21-Apr-02  @  09:09 PM   -   RE: so who plays proper instruments?


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i've got a stacciapensieri (toffish peal of lafter) the 'lamborghini' of JAH harps.. planar design. much less vibration-to-teeth, you maybe try, you like!

i understand that certain vectors in the orient consider metal ones to be too loud, not appropriate for correct meditative playing..

influx: take yer lunch money and tottle down to your local folky place.

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Message 57/87             21-Apr-02  @  10:32 PM   -   RE: so who plays proper instruments?


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had one. never could get it to make the good noises. not enough practice maybe?

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Message 58/87             22-Apr-02  @  02:42 AM   -   RE: so who plays proper instruments?


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sorry, it's scacciapensieri, i'm just fond of those fuzzy lil' stachys byzantium thingys.

did a search, came up with nothing.. had to mention that (since there's prolly been a dozen manufs come and gone since then) in addition to the frame being stamped out of a flat sheet, this model extends past the plucky bit and joins at the end which really minimises the amount of vibration passed through to your teeth/skull region.

if you've only tried the conventional 'snoopy' type, i don't blame you at all. those things are absolute murder.

hey i'm all excited. i'll set up my scanner now because i can. i show.

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Message 59/87             22-Apr-02  @  03:18 AM   -   RE: so who plays proper instruments?


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I always seem to smack the shit outta my incisors with the springy part. nahht frickin pleasant at all. spit. spit.

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Message 60/87             22-Apr-02  @  08:55 PM   -   RE: so who plays proper instruments?


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Stick with Kazoos. They're child safe.

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Message 61/87             23-Apr-02  @  11:33 PM   -   RE: so who plays proper instruments?


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Wow I started a jaw harp thread. XO- never heard of a scacciapensieri! I use a Fred Whitlow model, tuned to G. Fred Whitlow's never rust ya know...cost $25. Got a couple bamboo ones from...some South American country I think. I ferget, heh.

Influx- yeah I should make some loops huh? it'll give me an excuse to test out live-monitoring on my new system. Gimme a week or so- we got a gig Friday nite so that's my main focus right now- but after that I'll record some loops and post 'em somwhere for you guys to d-load.

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Message 62/87             24-Apr-02  @  01:43 AM     Edit: 24-Apr-02  |  01:44 AM   -   RE: so who plays proper instruments?


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it's loud too.

the other side has wavy lines on it.

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Message 63/87             24-Apr-02  @  06:45 AM   -   RE: so who plays proper instruments?


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Shit that looks tuff!

Wish I could show you these wooden ones I got right here. No dig. camera and too lazy to scan, oh well.

Y'know I read somewhere that in Italy young suitors used to serenade the ladies with jaw harps! I guess you make a bunch a boingy boner sounds and she's yours, ha ha!

Influx you should get a jaw harp just for that ;-)

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Message 64/87             24-Apr-02  @  07:29 AM   -   RE: so who plays proper instruments?


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Message 65/87             24-Apr-02  @  12:48 PM   -   RE: so who plays proper instruments?


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Looks like a vice. It clamps onto your lips? Does it have presets?

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Message 66/87             24-Apr-02  @  08:21 PM   -   RE: so who plays proper instruments?


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downside is it's only got two bands of eq per channel sitar.

brad that is so completely preposterous. really.. 'tis a good design.

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Message 67/87             24-Apr-02  @  09:13 PM   -   RE: so who plays proper instruments?


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Love Jaw harps! I've owned several, but I've been without one for the last three years. Me last one is one of the few bits I've ever had stolen (of all fugging things...). This thread reminds me I need to get a new one.... Very cool instruments...


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Message 68/87             23-May-02  @  11:10 AM   -   RE: so who plays proper instruments?


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my mate plays one with a 'chicken egg' shaker in his 'plucking' hand. sounds cool.

hmm. maybe you all know this technique anyway.

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Message 69/87             23-May-02  @  01:47 PM   -   RE: so who plays proper instruments?


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do you give him a lot of crap for that? "hey get your pluckin' 'and off my mixer" et c..

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Message 70/87             23-May-02  @  04:15 PM   -   RE: so who plays proper instruments?



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Marvelous thing the egg shaker. Tip for drummers... With just a bodrhan and a shakey egg you can do whole beats with one hand. Wedge the bodrhan under you chin, get your hat pattern going with the egg, thump the bodran skin with the egg on the kick beats and the hit shell on the snare beats. Instant breakbeats... and you can use the other hand to hold your beer/fag or whatever.

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Message 71/87             14-Dec-05  @  05:10 AM     Edit: 16-Dec-05  |  06:30 AM   -   RE: so who plays proper instruments?


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Sax for 40 yrs. That is me on the bass.

(Edited to add: That bass sax is a restored 1923 Buescher)

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Message 72/87             14-Dec-05  @  11:50 AM   -   RE: so who plays proper instruments?


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r u sure that's not a hunting call device for imitating and thus attracting the greater woolly siberian Yak?


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 73/87             15-Dec-05  @  01:02 AM   -   RE: so who plays proper instruments?


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compensating for something?

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Message 74/87             15-Dec-05  @  01:12 AM   -   RE: so who plays proper instruments?


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heh, ...chatup lines heard at jazz concert:

".....and thats why I play the PICCOLO baby!!"


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 75/87             16-Dec-05  @  04:32 AM     Edit: 16-Dec-05  |  06:38 AM   -   RE: so who plays proper instruments?


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Actually, we play a lot of music from 1915-1930, the early days of radio and recording.

In those early days of electronic sound reproduction the microphones were very crude, of limited range. The recording equipment even worse. And speakers... well, not much to them.

So, low bass was often "lost in the mix". Tuba and string bass, the two most popular bass instruments just did not record well, or come over on the radio. However, the bass saxophone, rich in reedy overtones, came through quite well. Tuba and string bass players quickly switched to the newly popular bass saxophone. It was either that, or lose their jobs.

I have even seen a photo of the Glenn Miller band with bass sax, only the bass saxophonist was sitting in the back by the drums, piano, and guitar... in the rhythm section, not up front with the sax section.

I can demonstrate even now by playing a recording with bass saxophone, and moving the lowest few sliders of an equalizer all the way down removing the fundamental. But the bass line can still be heard clearly.

Radio and recording affected other instruments as well. Around that time Selmer came out with their "Radio Improved" line of saxophones, with a bore designed to sound brighter, project more, record better. Mouthpieces with brighter tone were developed. All this because of radio and recording.

The bass saxophone remained popular in dance bands and small combos until better electronic equipment came along, and then almost disappeared from use. Now the bass sax appears only in a few diehard groups like ours. We play a lot of music by the Six Brown Brothers, the first Victor Talking Machine Company (Later Victor Records, then RCA Victor) recording artists. Most of their recordings were in the 1915-1919 period, when the Victrola was first being introduced.

Because of this, the Six Brown Brothers are said to have been responsible for the "Saxophone craze of the 1920's". Their recordings popularized this almost unknown instrument in America, and led to the saxophone section replacing strings in the "dance orchestra", and led into their use in the "Big Bands".

Yes, the music may be "corny", but we owe these early artists some respect.

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Message 76/87             16-Dec-05  @  09:12 AM   -   RE: so who plays proper instruments?


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nice, didn't know any of that.

what do you guys play then?

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Message 77/87             16-Dec-05  @  11:53 AM   -   RE: so who plays proper instruments?


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cool info man, very interesting stuff!, also cool to see your attitude can take a few jokes!.. Many people would have come back and got angry at those little 'funnies'

actualy my uncle lives stateside (Flemington NJ) He's ex Black Watch (used to play in the regiment band) and plays big band jazz (also composes and arranges) heh heh, my oldest cousin was born on the road as my aunt followed him around on tour from hotel to hotel - he plays tenor. He taught music at some NJ junior penitentiary, and actualy taught the two key members of Steely Dan when they were 'serving a stretch' in their mispent youth  .. I wonder how much he influenced the formation of Steely Dan therefore.

he send me a recording of his current band recently actualy to try and 'do something with'

Great band, tight!... but the bloody recording (which is a stereo recording) has the ride cymbel on the kit totaly dominating the upper freq' end of the mix, I guess the recordist didn't notice that and placed the mic to close to the ride... the only way i could get it down to a decent balanced level in the mix was to actualy shelve off the top end from the whole recording, which had the effect of also making the recording sound really old by coincidence. It sounded quite good like that, more authentic in some ways with that limited bandwidth.

I'll try and dig it out and put up a track for you to listen to

hey, did you guys ever think to do brass samples and make a sample CD?


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 78/87             16-Dec-05  @  02:23 PM   -   RE: so who plays proper instruments?


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Yeah, I can take a joke, and dish them out, too.

We play a mix of Ragtime, Dixieland, Swing, Pop, even some marches and light classical. Bach to Beatles. You might hear some J. P. Johnson, "Jelly Roll" Morton, Gershwin, Bizet, Grieg, all in one concert.

At schools we try to be educational, tell the students about the instruments and music, get them excited about joining their band program. And we do a few sight gags.

At one time we had TWO bass saxes, so we did a "Dueling Basses" schtick.

Or I would walk off stage with my straight soprano sax, do some hammering and banging around on an old pizza tin unseen in the wings, squawking and squeeking on the horn a bit, then walk back out with a little curved soprano sax (shaped like a tiny alto), having seemingly hammered the straight one into a curve to match the other saxes in the ensemble.

Hey, if you aren't having fun, why do it?

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Message 79/87             17-Dec-05  @  07:17 AM   -   RE: so who plays proper instruments?


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aw man we just got some coles 4038 ribbons at the studio that I bet would sound spectacular on that thing.

overtones are where it's at.... do much recording? How are you usually miced? I've found what works for alto ain't necessarily right for tenor or bari. I wouldn't even hazard a guess at that beast.

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Message 80/87             17-Dec-05  @  12:55 PM   -   RE: so who plays proper instruments?


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Or I would walk off stage with my straight soprano sax, do some hammering and banging around on an old pizza tin unseen in the wings, squawking and squeeking on the horn a bit, then walk back out with a little curved soprano sax (shaped like a tiny alto), having seemingly hammered the straight one into a curve to match the other saxes in the ensemble.

heh heh heh... i'd love to see that!!... I bet the kids love it !

heh, that is one monster sax tho - I had a look round for that Big-band CD but I cant find the damned theing! rats, it must bhe buried under some crap somewhere in the house.

You dont hear much Bari in music unless you listen to Jazz, but one of my favourite cuts of all time is a Taj Mahal Live album track featuring a solo by Howard Johnstone. Great album, Live at Filmore East... he uses plenty brass but with some unusual additions:

Howard Johnson (baritone saxophone, flugelhorn, tuba); Bob Stewart (trumpet, flugelhorn, tuba); Joseph Daley (valve trombone, tuba); Earle McIntyre (bass trombone, tuba) - the sound of those big horns working as a section is phenomenal!

in fact, I have a realaudio version of it online:

Ain't Gwine To Whistle Dixie (Any Mo')

Howard Johnstone does an awesome Baritone solo starting at 2:30 - great stuff, the final part of the solo is done entirely with harmonics!

heh, I grew up with that album and some others & used to play all his stuff on acoustic as a kid, so Taj was a hero for me as a kid. Finally got to meet the bro back in the 90's... he was so small, I couldnt beleive it. You expect him to be massive by his voice  


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 81/87             17-Dec-05  @  01:04 PM   -   RE: so who plays proper instruments?


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in fact, just to ramble on further about 'sax'... another family story.. when my other Uncle was killed, he was also a big jazz fan, and at the funeral when the service was over and the coffin does that final 'sliding off stage-right' bit, the music we chose as appropriate for him was some really abstract Sonny Rollins piece... so the old coffin is sliding offstage, it's all sombre, and there's this totaly mental abstract Rollins stuff blasting out of the church speakers, lol... you should have seen the vicars face man, lol.. he looked a bit puzzled to say the least  


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 82/87             17-Dec-05  @  01:11 PM   -   RE: so who plays proper instruments?


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taj clip

thats a clip from amazon from the same album, more tuba/fluglehorn section in action


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 83/87             17-Dec-05  @  11:26 PM   -   RE: so who plays proper instruments?


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Here is how to position mics for seated players. Move them a little farther down for big band micing so that when the saxophonist stands for solos he can position the bell of his sax 6"-12" from the mic.

Note the colored windscreens, colored tape bands on the mics, and the connectors. It is east to see the color, follow that back to the mixer. At the time I purchases all these cables I could only get black (and later a red cable). Now cables in colors are easy to get. I like colored cables for not only visual ID of what goes where, but it keeps them from being tripping hazard on dark stages. It is bad enough for a mic to fall, but a musician with a $5000 instrument falling on other instruments... well, the gig is over right there.

For trumpet and trombone, don't use a boom. With their music stand between the brass player and the mic, it gets a little more needed distance.

In this picture, on the far right, you can see my straight and curved sopranos, which are often featured in the above mentioned sight gag.

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Message 84/87             18-Dec-05  @  02:33 AM   -   RE: so who plays proper instruments?


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what mics?

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Message 85/87             18-Dec-05  @  03:31 AM   -   RE: so who plays proper instruments?


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Shure 58s's.

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Message 86/87             15-Apr-07  @  12:11 AM   -   RE: so who plays proper instruments?


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I have played Drums for over 40 years! & loved every minute of it! The most fun you can have with your clothes on!
Dave H.

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Message 87/87             15-Apr-07  @  09:49 AM   -   RE: so who plays proper instruments?


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yes,....and all that free parking in disabled zones!

know any bassists free btw in London?

so um, are you gonna add some audio to the site of you playing then?


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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