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Subject: semitone and detune

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Original Message 1/6             15-Apr-02  @  12:25 AM   -   semitone and detune



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I have been having a hard time creating patches to use for Techno. I have had Virus b for at least a year and I know my way around this machine, I'm just having trouble getting intersting sounding detuned stabs. Any suggestions on how to tune oscilaters, one two and three, semi and detune? i like the sounds of Advent, Ben long, Chris Liebing etc.
thanks for any help
Oh and I have only used Dynamo as a soft synth, how do you guys feel about Dynamo and anyo of the other soft synths as compared to what you can do with the virus?

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Message 2/6             15-Apr-02  @  07:48 PM   -   RE: semitone and detune



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I don't know those producers, but when I hear "interesting detuned" I think frequency modulation. good luck.

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Message 3/6             16-Apr-02  @  01:59 PM   -   RE: semitone and detune


Posts: 2707

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Can you put up an mp3 example?


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Message 4/6             16-Apr-02  @  08:35 PM   -   RE: semitone and detune


Posts: 6231

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like anythnig else. start simple. if you're using all 3 oscillators and start detuning, it's going to make a lot less sense than if you start off with two oscillators so you can like hear like what like you're like doing like.


buy my course.

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Message 5/6             22-Apr-02  @  04:13 AM   -   RE: semitone and detune



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I would like to put up a real short loop or two but I don't know how to export a wav into an MP3 in logic 5. + i'm not sure where I would post it. what do ya think? C

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Message 6/6             23-Apr-02  @  02:41 PM   -   RE: semitone and detune


Posts: 2707

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Just export to wav, and then go to - they'll have an mp3 converter. You can then attach files right to your post here - as long as you are a registered user and are logged in. If you're not registered, go to the front page and sign up.


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