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Subject: DDX3216 - Too good to be true?

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Original Message 1/66             16-Apr-02  @  03:15 AM   -   DDX3216 - Too good to be true?



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This mixer seems really cool for the price - I was looking at an 01v, but now... Hmmm...

Anybody had a play with this thing?? Whadaya think??


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Message 2/66             16-Apr-02  @  03:17 AM   -   RE: DDX3216 - Too good to be true?


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behringer isnt really known for a great quality in thier products.

but maybe they shaped up before making this one though.

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Message 3/66             16-Apr-02  @  03:25 AM   -   RE: DDX3216 - Too good to be true?



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it's tight. I have an o1v and was looking into those, but i am going with the dm24 instead. Selling the o1v in about two months.

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Message 4/66             16-Apr-02  @  04:03 AM   -   RE: DDX3216 - Too good to be true?


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funny, but every piece of behringer gear I had has done what it was supposed to, no prob.

That mixer is sposed to be one solid MF'er. I know someone who knows someone who owns one and just flat LOVES it

Im damn impressed with the inputs alone!

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Message 5/66             16-Apr-02  @  07:54 AM   -   RE: DDX3216 - Too good to be true?


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I'm also impressed with what they managed to get into one unit. And the price is excellent, compared to buying two 01vs instead, like some people do...

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Message 6/66             16-Apr-02  @  08:12 AM   -   RE: DDX3216 - Too good to be true?


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honestly I think behringer have their shit ironed out enough to make them worthwhile. hear stories, but I have heard stories about Mackie, Emu (seen PLENTY of fucked up Emu gear), Access, Novation, Digidesign, MOTU, Emagic

uh..should I keep going?

sometimes people knee-jerk associate "affordable" with CHEAP, and there is truly a distinction in certain instances

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Message 7/66             16-Apr-02  @  12:30 PM   -   RE: DDX3216 - Too good to be true?



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so what the working protocol - you have 16 inputs 12 mic and 2 x stereo line - and 16 faders which either work as 16 chanel fader for whichever of the two position 32 channels you are working and then reverts to be sends & subs when flipped to master mode or something like that?

hmm... read some of the manual - it has a relative mode for mixing - when you click record in 'Relative' mode the faders set themselves to 0db but the actual fader levels is as-is in the mix & display on the fader screen showing their positions which also is audible - then if you go and grab a fader to tweak a channel it moves the fader posotion RELATIVE to 2 whatever the actual fader position is in the mix... handy!!! - so like if the actual value of the fader on channel12 in the mix is -18db and you grab the fader in record-mode while it is reset to 0bd and start to move the fader UP i guess that then picks up the fader position in s/w at -18db and starts to push up the level from there.... hmm!

balanced inputs and inserts too on all channels. also channels13/14 switches to input s/pdif or analog.

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Message 8/66             16-Apr-02  @  01:57 PM   -   RE: DDX3216 - Too good to be true?


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And 2 available lightpipe interfaces   I'd kill to get those extra 8 channels into my 01V.


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Message 9/66             16-Apr-02  @  03:15 PM   -   RE: DDX3216 - Too good to be true?


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Don't be such a cheapskate, craig. Go buy another 01v like normal idiots do... ;o)

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Message 10/66             16-Apr-02  @  05:03 PM   -   RE: DDX3216 - Too good to be true?


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Votive's 01V just went for $850-ish on Ebay.. So if I sold my 01V for $850 that'd still leave me with about $1200 to spend on the Behringer plus 2 ADAT cards.. A second (used) 01V actually WOULD be cheaper for me.


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Message 11/66             16-Apr-02  @  06:48 PM   -   RE: DDX3216 - Too good to be true?



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on the tascam you get 24ch tdif, plus 8 ch of adat standard. and you can expand with additional adat or tdif. And it's only a few hundred more then the behringer without the adat. And it has a 96khz mode with 16channels, plus it supports a bridge card for internally linking two together as one mixer. The 01v uses spdif to daisy chain. The meter bridge for another grand is rediculous though. This is a great front end for any daw.

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Message 12/66             16-Apr-02  @  07:35 PM   -   RE: DDX3216 - Too good to be true?



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damn I hate mixing with the mouse...someday... dunno if behringer deserves thier reputation, but when I bought my 1202, the behringers mixers were a LOT nosier. but my mackie's got some dead channels now, though so...

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Message 13/66             16-Apr-02  @  09:20 PM     Edit: 16-Apr-02  |  09:21 PM   -   RE: DDX3216 - Too good to be true?


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Brett - I looked carefully at the DM24.. But your options for getting all that I/O to and from the PC are limited. You could use a MOTU 2408 with 3 TDIF ports, but there's all sorts of problems with them on PCs. You could buy 3 M-Audio TDIF cards, but then you're talking about $750 in cards, not to mention the fun you'll have getting 3 cards to play nice.. Or you could go with lightpipe and a pair of TDIF to ADAT converters, plus an RME Hammerfall or Frontier Dakota, but again there's another grand at least in converters and cards..

Looking at $4k versus $2200-2500 I see a big reason for going with the Behringer.

Not that the Tascam with 24 channels of I/O wouldn't be the bomb   but it's easily over a thousand dollars more, probably more like $1500-$2k more once all is said and done.


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Message 14/66             17-Apr-02  @  02:04 AM   -   RE: DDX3216 - Too good to be true?



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i diagree. the behringer is $1600, the dm24 is $1899, so you are talking only $350-400 in real money at a store. Now you have to buy a adat card for the behringer and now you have spent as much for less channels and expandability. The routing are only wierd wehn you switch into 96k mode, and then everything is halved. And if you are building a daw, then adat is a good idea. The dakota is exatly what I had in mind. The 2408 is cool piece of kit, but what kind of latency do you get with it? I have never gotten a straight answer from them, and my freind who uses the motu stuff says his latency is high.

If you want a board with lots of digital i/o and the ability to expand later, and even hook it directly up to a protools i/o without any addition hardware. It's a nice mixer. It is certainly more comprehensive the behringer. I think the routing is awsome on it. I like the idea of using the two mic/line's as inserts, so when mixing down you can have audio come from tape or disk via the aes/ebu and use external gear inserted into the channel using the two mic/line connectors on each track. If you have to mix in diferant environments for diferant projects and need to integrate hardware fx with your plugs, this is tight. And you can mix down back to the daw via spidif. this is pretty damn flexible. And with a motu 2408 you have no physical fader to control the channel or surface to work with.

The tascam is geared toward the pro project studio that wants o2r features on a budget with the use of outboard fx or PT integration, and the behringer is marketed toward the prosumer.

I like em both, and the behringer would do just fine for me probabaly and most. It also has the 6 controlers for using it control software synths etc.

It's a tough choice, but i am moving toward the PT setup and outboard gear integrated in. So i made my choice. And 24/48 is all I need.

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Message 15/66             17-Apr-02  @  05:14 AM   -   RE: DDX3216 - Too good to be true?


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The Ramsa/Panasonic DA7 is a better choice in this market. I've seen them going for $1500 on ebay. Excellent converters and PEQ, and a very professional digital console in general with tons of dedicated I/Os that are highly configurable. It is basically an O2R with better sound quality and better ease of use. They used to be expensive, but they've gotten really cheap recently, and I would highly recommend them. I've used most of the current crop of digital mixers that cost less than $10k, and the DA7 is in a class by itself. Highly recommended.

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Message 16/66             17-Apr-02  @  01:35 PM   -   RE: DDX3216 - Too good to be true?


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dedicated DA7 site - also:


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 17/66             17-Apr-02  @  03:39 PM   -   RE: DDX3216 - Too good to be true?


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Bret - the Tascam only has 8 channels of ADAT standard, the rest are on TDIF. So like I said before, either you need 2 ADAT I/O cards for the Tascam, or a format converter, or an audio device that deals with TDIF. All of which will bump the cost up to much more than the $2k the mixer started at.


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Message 18/66             17-Apr-02  @  11:48 PM   -   RE: DDX3216 - Too good to be true?


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ProMix 01 rocks!

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Message 19/66             18-Apr-02  @  02:10 AM   -   RE: DDX3216 - Too good to be true?


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well i´m using a bloody ProMix. you got something against it buddy???

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Message 20/66             18-Apr-02  @  02:56 PM   -   RE: DDX3216 - Too good to be true?



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craig there are many sound cards that do tdif--egosys for example, and of coarse Protools. I am saving right now for that. I am finally working again , so I should have a mix plus or 3 set up by end of summer. Right now my current set up is working fine. I'll probablly buy it all at once. I need about $8000, so it going to take about 6 months of eating PB&J and soup, and renting a movie won Friday night instead of going out, but it will come together. I need a mixer for the front end of that. So the tascam is good choice for me. I think the behringer is nice, and in fact is what I was going to use, but then I saw the tdif on the tascam and am going that route.

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Message 21/66             18-Apr-02  @  05:58 PM   -   RE: DDX3216 - Too good to be true?


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There are many soundcards that do 8 channels of TDIF, not 24. And if you're moving to a pro-tools rig why would you spend that kind of money on a mixer? You'd be better off investing in a pro-tools control surface, wouldn't you?

Just wondering what your rationale is..


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Message 22/66             19-Apr-02  @  02:48 PM   -   RE: DDX3216 - Too good to be true?



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what's your point here?

Am I supposed to buy a little motomix and hook all my gear up to a patchbay and the patchbay to protools. I'd rather have a mixer with inserts for using exteranl fx during mixdown and nice pre-amps. I don't see another option without spending $7000 on the focurite.

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Message 23/66             19-Apr-02  @  06:25 PM   -   RE: DDX3216 - Too good to be true?


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Just debating the pros and cons with you is all.. I'm looking at that "next step" and weighing my options.

I had really wanted a DM24 but figured it would be too expensive once I factored in the hardware to get all that I/O in and out of the PC.


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Message 24/66             20-Apr-02  @  05:29 PM   -   RE: DDX3216 - Too good to be true?



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true, using tdif in the pc native apps may not work! I haven't seen a 24 channel tdif soundcards, and to make good use of the mise i/o, i may need to buy 3 888 and that's a lot of dosh. I just want to know down the road theat I't there for me. I have been looking at getting the mixer, some nice comps adn pre's, then pt last. Like i am getting a dbx160 when I find one in good shape, and an avalon 737. So , moving from prosumer into pro market. When I go out to LA for my internship in a year and half, I want to be able to have my set up complete and ready to do full pro productions with out the limits i run into these days. So expandability and scalability are most important.

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Message 25/66             20-Apr-02  @  07:34 PM   -   RE: DDX3216 - Too good to be true?



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why tdif?... cant U use adat & say an RME with 3 x 8 adat x i/o connectors?

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Message 26/66             21-Apr-02  @  02:54 AM   -   RE: DDX3216 - Too good to be true?


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the dm-24 comes standard with 24 channels of tdif. not 24 channels of adat. And tdif can be configured to do 96khz. Plus the ability to insert analog into every channel by using the xlr i/o for mix down. My mind is far from set. i don't have the money yet. I am in the ruff planning phase here.

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Message 27/66             23-Apr-02  @  02:39 PM   -   RE: DDX3216 - Too good to be true?


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Yeah, Brett, you're hitting on what I was talking about now.. In order to get all that I/O in the computer, it's gonna cost for the interfaces. Whereas with the Behringer, you need just 2 ADAT I/O cards, and 16-channel ADAT cards are cheap and common. So the Behringer solution will cost you a lot less in the end, but you certainly get a lot less too  


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Message 28/66             23-Apr-02  @  06:14 PM   -   RE: DDX3216 - Too good to be true?



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I see your point. I can get an adat bridge for $600-$900 for the 24 bit one, and then have 16 channels of i/o for PT. To get 16 with tdif, I would need two 888's and that is not so cheap. More like, $2000. I was crunching numbers anyway, and I think I am just going to keep the o1v and stick an oasys in my pc. So I'll have the oasys and the o1v linking to the PT adat bridge. And this way I can use the oasys as another fx engine and for routing Reason tracks into PT. this will do fine the any of my immidiate needs.

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Message 29/66             23-Apr-02  @  06:44 PM   -   RE: DDX3216 - Too good to be true?



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i am sitting here thinking about it., and I am realizing that none of the PT i/o's are tdif, they are AES/EBU. So what the f...was I thinking. How do peopel strip da-88 into PT,

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Message 30/66             24-Apr-02  @  05:05 AM   -   RE: DDX3216 - Too good to be true?



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Hey Guys,

If you do not need a lot of channels, please please look into a Roland...NOT the all-in-one crap tho.

VM-3100 is a right stonker! It killed my 01v sonicaly, all for less than $600USD WITH an interface card (8 chan digital) with DB25 to the mixer.

The effects (2) are outstanding save no BPM calc on the delay. Reverbs simply go on for ever. Compressor - mono or stacked for stereo AND you won't believe the "Break Beat" preset -gawd!

Scene recall, not just total recall like the 01v.

Comes with a 'lite' version of Logic (does NOT work in Win2k etc, only 98)


Metering is skint

24 bit mixer, 16 bit stream for the drivers (asio only)

Connector cable is only 3 meters - ask for Randy (partner/owner) (from Erik)

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Message 31/66             24-Apr-02  @  10:58 AM     Edit: 24-Apr-02  |  11:07 AM   -   RE: DDX3216 - Too good to be true?


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u kidding, right? how many input channels does it have? and how many EQs per channel? and how many compressors? how many outputs? motorised faders? man, when i was buying a mixer i took a ProMix (the old one, not 01v) over VM3100. and that was after a thorough check out.

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Message 32/66             24-Apr-02  @  12:29 PM   -   RE: DDX3216 - Too good to be true?



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^ Provided link so one may get the full details

oh yeah, PLUS, no percieved latency in Sonar with softies - the included PCI card IS made by M Audio(!) so it's solid.

Finally, don't by this mixer stand alone, get the "kit" (the boxed version with card, cable etc).

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Message 33/66             24-Apr-02  @  12:30 PM   -   RE: DDX3216 - Too good to be true?



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Sorry guys! - Also, ensure you get the 3100PRO, not the standard.

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Message 34/66             24-Apr-02  @  02:29 PM   -   RE: DDX3216 - Too good to be true?


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How do you figure it kills the 01V, when you only get 2 compressors and 1 less band of EQ per channel?

IMHO, the biggest single advantage to the 01V is that you get the compressors and EQs on 16 channels.


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Message 35/66             24-Apr-02  @  02:39 PM   -   RE: DDX3216 - Too good to be true?



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right on Craig!

yes Randy at 8th street, is the shit. He will cut you all kinds of deals cause he worried about a commission like ther sales guys..

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Message 36/66             24-Apr-02  @  04:01 PM   -   RE: DDX3216 - Too good to be true?



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two things -

1. it really looks like the Ramsa/Panasonic mixer doesnt it!?

2. this myth about behringer?... well ALL the Uk-bound mackies were recalled due to faults recently! but they have a prestine reputation... the old Eurodesk had a power supply issue but it seems s shame to tar Begringer with this mythological 'unreliable' tag - I dont think they are really less reliable than anything esle are they really??

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Message 37/66             24-Apr-02  @  05:52 PM   -   RE: DDX3216 - Too good to be true?


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I second that K. Like I said, I have two of those 10-channel Behringers that you can run off of batteries. They've both been reliable, feel pretty well built, and sound pretty damn good - all for under $150 US.

No complaints here.


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Message 38/66             24-Apr-02  @  11:03 PM   -   RE: DDX3216 - Too good to be true?



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and i will say to balance it out that my mate who's head buyer for a LARGE audio gear company told me of having to return 80+% of a batch of A&H desks some time back - everyone can have production glitches but Behringer were doubl;y unluck getting sued and having a first bacth unreliable... I think mackie supporters played on this crap 'made in USA' (should be 'constructed in the USA' like Harleys), and attacked Behringer by using the faulty batch as a generalisation saying or suggesting it was cos they were made in China and ergo Behringer as a whole were 'unreliable' but that doesnt explain the slew of reliable kit released before going into making a mixer -

I think they make GREAT cheap gear, that's all... and if you can get a Euromix for 500 quid, thats ALOT of mixer for the cash!

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Message 39/66             08-May-02  @  01:43 AM   -   RE: DDX3216 - Too good to be true?


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I'll be buying that DDX in a couple of days, I think - Almost made my mind up...


Hey Influx, your mates, mates granny's uncle - Does he still like his DDX?? No probs so far??


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Message 40/66             08-May-02  @  01:59 AM   -   RE: DDX3216 - Too good to be true?


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havent talked to him in a while...dunno for sure

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Message 41/66             08-May-02  @  02:16 AM   -   RE: DDX3216 - Too good to be true?


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Well, I guess if I get it from Guitar Center, I'll have 30 days to decide if it's a keeper or not.

Had a look at it today. It's bloody huge! I'll have to totally re-arrange my desk space if I get it. Hmmmm. The Pots don't click either. They are all smooth and yummy, as are the faders. Desk feels good. Hope it sounds good.


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Message 42/66             08-May-02  @  02:41 AM   -   RE: DDX3216 - Too good to be true?


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well..that was the first bit of info relayed to me was how good it sounded.

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Message 43/66             08-May-02  @  02:50 AM     Edit: 10-May-02  |  02:01 AM   -   RE: DDX3216 - Too good to be true?


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Well, fingaz crossed, den?

Do you know what mixing board your Uncle's, Bosses, Wifes son have before the DDX?

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Message 44/66             08-May-02  @  04:13 AM   -   RE: DDX3216 - Too good to be true?


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O1v. hence the comparison

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Message 45/66             09-May-02  @  05:36 PM   -   RE: DDX3216 - Too good to be true?


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Ok, just got it...

It's very big. Very strong. Very heavy. It has a fan. I didn't expect that. Hmmmm...

Do I like it?

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Message 46/66             09-May-02  @  05:39 PM   -   RE: DDX3216 - Too good to be true?


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kewl. write us a review  

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Message 47/66             10-May-02  @  02:01 AM   -   RE: DDX3216 - Too good to be true?


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Damn, it is too good to be true.

Taking it back to Guitar center tomorrow.


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Message 48/66             10-May-02  @  11:32 AM   -   RE: DDX3216 - Too good to be true?


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what? why? is it crap then? do tell!

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Message 49/66             10-May-02  @  05:37 PM   -   RE: DDX3216 - Too good to be true?


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Just joking - This thing is ABSOLUTELY AWESOME!  

I'll write a full review soon.

I'll just round up a few pointers...

1) The Compressors are actually really good. I Managed to get a Kick booming like a mad thing, and squashed up some busy channels. It's very transparent. It can also be triggered by any other channel.

2) Nice noise gates. Gates can also be triggered by side chain. Neat.

3) The file exchange thing is damn easy to use. I usually hate computers and their evil doings, but the software connected up to the DDX straight away. The DDX does need a PC Card to save all the dynamic, eq, etc. Presets, though.

4) I was initially confused with the layout after using a (cough) fostex VM200 for the last couple of Years, but after a couple of hours, I'd found my way round pretty much the whole board and was able to do things pretty much intuitively. This board does feel a lot like an analogue board. It has the same kind of intuitive 'feel' thing, without having to think about everything as you do it.

5) There is a Fan built into the board to cool it, but it's very quiet. Far Quieter than the average PC fan.

6) The sliders feel perfect. Super smooth. As do the Pots. They don't click like the usual Digi Pots.

7) The EQ is great. I've never found it this easy to quickly fix a sound. There is a high pass on every channel in addition to dedicated four band parametric. This is great, because the first thing I do is rip out the lower end on non Bass sounds.

8) The input meter bridge runs alongside each fader - This is a nice touch.

9) The sound is good too. I'm really hitting the inputs hard. It takes a lot to distort them. The 24 bit headroom is nice, also. I'm noticing the Verbs are especially good and clean.

10) There's some funky effects on board. I haven't played them all yet, but they are certainly good soundin'.

11) As well as four internal effect sends, each channel has it's own dedicated delay, for free. Each channel can be configured seperately, which is really neat. They do seem a bit 'short', though. Not really long Echos, more sort of Flangey stuff and short echoes. I'll have to play more.

I'm damn impressed with this board. After a few hours, I feel like I'm mixing with ESP or something. I can just fix and tweak things so quickly and easily - FX sends, EQ, Compression, Gates. Amazing.

Currently, I'm outputing 24bit SPDIF into my Dbx Quantum, which then dithers down to 16 bit and SPDIF's it into my PC. Super clean sound al the way.

I've always liked Behringer products, despite the evil Mackie fans getting all pissy about them.

It looks like Behringer are coming back as far as credibilty is concerned and this desk is an exellent start.

Looks like Steinburg are impressed too, according to their website...


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Message 50/66             13-May-02  @  06:13 PM   -   RE: DDX3216 - Too good to be true?


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Still think the mixer is the dogs, for anybody who's still interested...


...But, the 5v ata Flash card is a problem. I can't find one anywhere. Been to 11 computer stores this weekend and laughed out of most of them. Hmmmm. Why choose an obselete format for storage??

Have to look online...

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Message 51/66             13-May-02  @  06:38 PM   -   RE: DDX3216 - Too good to be true?


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oh yeah, thanks for the mini review  

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Message 52/66             13-May-02  @  07:04 PM   -   RE: DDX3216 - Too good to be true?


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try ebay for the card.

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Message 53/66             13-May-02  @  11:11 PM   -   RE: DDX3216 - Too good to be true?


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Ta, I'll give it a go.

I've emailed Behringer .US and .DE to see if they can shed any light on the goofy card thing.

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Message 54/66             14-May-02  @  05:41 AM   -   RE: DDX3216 - Too good to be true?



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is there an eq on the internal fx returns? The o1v lacks this.

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Message 55/66             14-May-02  @  08:44 AM   -   RE: DDX3216 - Too good to be true?


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eh? no eq on the returns?

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Message 56/66             14-May-02  @  02:45 PM   -   RE: DDX3216 - Too good to be true?



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I actually just started using the fx on my o1v when I got low on cpu, but on the two internal fx, there is not an eq or dynamics for them. Just the two knobs to control return level.

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Message 57/66             14-May-02  @  03:10 PM   -   RE: DDX3216 - Too good to be true?


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know your gear.

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Message 58/66             14-May-02  @  05:22 PM   -   RE: DDX3216 - Too good to be true?


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There is no dedicated EQ on the returns.

But, theoretically, you could route sends from channels from 1-16 into the internal fx and then route them back through channels 17-32 via the bus and use their Channel EQ, compressors and limiters You would lose the other 16 channels, though. I'm not totally sure about this, but looking at the manual, it seems absolutely possible. The routing on this thing is crazy.  

The best part is the 2 expansion cards. I could install a pair of adat or tdif cards which have 16 digital inputs and outputs on each. I could reroute the 4 aux sends and returns through one of the digital cards and then I'd have two digital stereo pairs of 24 bit aux sends and returns. I'm, thinking of hooking up a Lexicon to this baby.  

With 2 cards installed you can have:

32 channels digital input, 32 channels digital output, 16 channels analogue input, four digital aux sends and returns.

Great, flexible console. Just wish that card problem wasn't so.


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Message 59/66             14-May-02  @  06:35 PM     Edit: 14-May-02  |  06:43 PM   -   RE: DDX3216 - Too good to be true?


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Ok milan, then how do you eq the the fx unit then? help me know my gear
smart ass!

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Message 60/66             14-May-02  @  07:17 PM   -   RE: DDX3216 - Too good to be true?


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erm... ever tried the "sel" button underneath where it says "return 1"? and then the little high/hi-mid/lo-mid/low buttons where it says "EQ"?

man, i dont get it. you splash out on an 01v, and then dont even check the most basic funcions like that.

you really oughta RTFM more often, and in depth :P

actually, i was just kidding beforehands. you need ProTools(tm) if you want to EQ your FX returns :P

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Message 61/66             14-May-02  @  07:55 PM   -   RE: DDX3216 - Too good to be true?


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I actually thought Milan was telling ME to 'know my gear' "Jeez Influx...of course theres no EQ on the returns"

but I havent touched my mixer in a while...and I do remember EQing FX, so...

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Message 62/66             14-May-02  @  08:44 PM   -   RE: DDX3216 - Too good to be true?


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ok then: "Jeez Influx... know your gear!"  

can i have a vote of support for "RTFM" t-shirt? i think i´ll go and get one made. i think its pretty universal.

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Message 63/66             14-May-02  @  09:09 PM   -   RE: DDX3216 - Too good to be true?


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hell YES.

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Message 64/66             15-May-02  @  01:56 AM   -   RE: DDX3216 - Too good to be true?



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yes Nirvana!!!!



get a smapler

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Message 65/66             15-May-02  @  12:45 PM   -   RE: DDX3216 - Too good to be true?


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aight, we got a thumbs-up from the boss man himself!

now, shall we get those t-shirts printed or what?

in old blue color scheme, of course  

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Message 66/66             15-May-02  @  02:38 PM   -   RE: DDX3216 - Too good to be true?



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Well I never have read the manual,and like I said this last week was the first time I ever used the fx, but , damn, how could I have missed that?

I'll see you all in few days, I need to go get reaquainted with my mixer.

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