aaa audix n-10 monitors or mackie's - Mixing & FX forums
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Subject: audix n-10 monitors or mackie's

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Original Message 1/1             21-Apr-02  @  02:48 AM   -   audix n-10 monitors or mackie's


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I have a pretty tight Onkyo amp that may work well with some passive studio monitors. I am definatly getting rid of my Ds-90's and lining up the competition.

I just came across the Audix line. The articles i have read said they would be good for mastering as they have very good imaging. None of the dealers carry them so a test won't be happening. The n-10 has dual 7" kevlar drivers with a dome in the middle. they look damn cool, but the sound is obviously what i am after. Also looking at the MSP-10's and the mackies. I preffered the msp-10's for clarity in the midrange. I think these audix for $1500 if they stand up may be what I am after. I want low fatique with outstanding imaging in the low mid. somthing my Ds-90's can't do, without a harsh top end. Mastering quility monitors usually do this.Anyone with experiance listening to Audix, please let me know what you think.

Never used them, but has anyone mixed on old yamaha NS-10m 's . all those studio's use them. Are they that accurate to mix on or what's the deal there.

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