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Subject: Side Chain Compressing...

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Original Message 1/20             06-May-02  @  06:39 PM   -   Side Chain Compressing...


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I sidechain compress my Bass by sending a snare sound to trigger the bass compression as the Kick hits. It gives a nice 'bounce' to the bass, without being a cheesy kick bass kick bass offbeat thing...

Anybody else do this?? What do you think?

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Message 2/20             06-May-02  @  06:55 PM   -   RE: Side Chain Compressing...


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not sure what your doing - why are you sending a snare instead of the kick to the side-chain?

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Message 3/20             06-May-02  @  06:59 PM   -   RE: Side Chain Compressing...


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The Snare is just a 'control' sound and isn't actually heard, I just trigger it at the same time as the kick, but it's sent to the side chain input on the compressor I use for the bassline.

I use a snare because it is a sharper sound than the Kick and seems to have a fast attack. I could use a rim or something, but a snare just seems better.

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Message 4/20             06-May-02  @  07:48 PM   -   RE: Side Chain Compressing...



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I guess the net effect would be superimposing the snare envelope onto the kick, so you get the snappyness of a snare but with low freqs instead.

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Message 5/20             06-May-02  @  07:57 PM   -   RE: Side Chain Compressing...


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The Freqs in the trigger sound don't really do an awful lot here. They don't matter. The Envelope is what matters.

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Message 6/20             06-May-02  @  10:37 PM   -   RE: Side Chain Compressing...


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I think of sidechain as something of a vocoder although that's really not at all the case except that one sound is modifying another.

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Message 7/20             06-May-02  @  11:32 PM   -   RE: Side Chain Compressing...


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did you just mean to say something?

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Message 8/20             06-May-02  @  11:52 PM   -   RE: Side Chain Compressing...


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never done it

always thought the sidechain was for using an EQ to get the compressor to hit a certain area...

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Message 9/20             07-May-02  @  12:05 AM   -   RE: Side Chain Compressing...


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Well, try it!


I'm surprised nobody else here does it...

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Message 10/20             07-May-02  @  12:32 AM   -   RE: Side Chain Compressing...


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with the eq thing, you can make a comp function as a de-esser by multing the vocal channel and using an eq into the side chain to zero in on the offending frequency. what he's talking about here almost functions like the gate trick in reverse. maybe it'd be cool to get it to make a verb pump rhythmically.

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Message 11/20             07-May-02  @  12:35 AM   -   RE: Side Chain Compressing...


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i use sidechain compression to pump pads with the kick and use it on a gate to gate(!!?) pads with a hihat pattern or sometimes the full drum loop, you can get some funky patterns out of it, mess with the attack, hold and release to shape the sound.

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Message 12/20             07-May-02  @  02:27 PM   -   RE: Side Chain Compressing...


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what you are doiung is ducking, depending on how closed the sound is when triggered. The side chain has many more uses,like de-essing. You turn up the frequency that is the problem on the sidechain signal, and when that frequency , like the s sound is present, it triggers the comp to tame the signal and remove or minimize the sabiliant.

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Message 13/20             07-May-02  @  07:02 PM   -   RE: Side Chain Compressing...



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or EQ'ing the bass out of the sidechain signal for use on stereo mixes, stops the kick triggering the compression all the time.

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Message 14/20             07-May-02  @  09:31 PM   -   RE: Side Chain Compressing...


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isnt ducking when one sound makes another get quieter? Like a voice over a music section in a broadcast?

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Message 15/20             07-May-02  @  09:48 PM   -   RE: Side Chain Compressing...


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Message 16/20             07-May-02  @  09:55 PM   -   RE: Side Chain Compressing...


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Yes, you're using a compressor to lower the dynamic range of a particular part, but only when the input signal is present in sufficient level..

Of course if you've got your compressor set up with 10db of gain on the output you're probably going to get a louder sound when the input is present. Maybe this is confusing you?

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Message 17/20             07-May-02  @  11:16 PM   -   RE: Side Chain Compressing...


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so I guess then using a snare to compress a kick is sorta ducking?

but in actual ducking arent both signals present?

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Message 18/20             08-May-02  @  01:36 AM   -   RE: Side Chain Compressing...


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Ducking is what Radio DJ's doo...

This is similar, but different...

Snare is not Compressing kick, snare is compressing Bassline. Snare is not heard. Snare is triggered at same time as kick...


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Message 19/20             08-May-02  @  01:38 AM   -   RE: Side Chain Compressing...


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The Bass only gets compressed when the Kickdrum sounds because of the unheard Snaredrum that is triggered at the same time as the Kick.

Is that clearer??


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Message 20/20             08-May-02  @  02:00 AM   -   RE: Side Chain Compressing...


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sorry. bassline.

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