aaa NE1 using XP in 'standard PC' mode? - Computer music & technology forums
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Subject: NE1 using XP in 'standard PC' mode?

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Original Message 1/17             18-Feb-03  @  10:22 AM   -   NE1 using XP in 'standard PC' mode?



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just wondered, cos i tried it and had loads of problems... seems with my athlon at least XP works better running tings itself, although yes, I DID get my dsp24/96 on IRQ 5 manualy just as I wanted.

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Message 2/17             18-Feb-03  @  10:36 AM   -   RE: NE1 using XP in 'standard PC' mode?


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Couldn't be arsed to touch it... ACPI works just fine with the DSP24 kit!

Kept reading on the STAudio forums about people having no choice but to use Standard PC but from what I've seen its nothing but a hassle..

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Message 3/17             18-Feb-03  @  11:16 AM   -   RE: NE1 using XP in 'standard PC' mode?


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I use XP without ACPI. Fuck it. I have to hold my damned power button 6 seconds to turn the system off but it's worth it for the stability. I do have to mind what card is in what slot tho, cause i'm full.


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Message 4/17             18-Feb-03  @  11:27 AM   -   RE: NE1 using XP in 'standard PC' mode?


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btw, it works, so don't tell me i'm all wrong!

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Message 5/17             18-Feb-03  @  12:04 PM     Edit: 18-Feb-03  |  07:16 PM   -   RE: NE1 using XP in 'standard PC' mode?

Steve Roughley

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In full agreement with Psy here. I've setup Standard PC for XP-Pro on my GigabyteGA7DXR board. It was an absolute friggin' nightmare getting all of the drivers working correctly, but christ is the PC stable now.

However, I can't see it working with some of the new mobos that are available, as they are now fitted with soooo many on-board devices that correctly setting up resource sharing would be a hopeless task.



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Message 6/17             19-Feb-03  @  09:15 AM   -   RE: NE1 using XP in 'standard PC' mode?


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Never had any problems with the EPoX and Asus stuff Steve... works like a charm using XP and ACPI (and these are the newer KT400 based boards crammed to the gills with Serial ATA, Firewire and shit)


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Message 7/17             19-Feb-03  @  10:24 AM   -   RE: NE1 using XP in 'standard PC' mode?

Steve Roughley

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That's what I meant mate. I was saying that I can't see the Standard PC setup working with the new mobos'.


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Message 8/17             19-Feb-03  @  10:47 AM   -   RE: NE1 using XP in 'standard PC' mode?


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ah.. gotcha..

Ok, back to gazing out of the window time..  

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Message 9/17             19-Feb-03  @  11:54 AM   -   RE: NE1 using XP in 'standard PC' mode?


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What is standard pc mode? I know I'm not using it cuz it sounds like something you have to go out of your way to setup. XP is stable for me as is and if it's not broken.... but still I'm curious.

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Message 10/17             19-Feb-03  @  12:14 PM     Edit: 19-Feb-03  |  12:19 PM   -   RE: NE1 using XP in 'standard PC' mode?

Steve Roughley

Posts: 1178

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When setting up XP or 2k, the first option you get is to install third party SCSI, or RAID drivers by hitting F6. This is where you can hit F5 to choose which type of PC you are running so that the OS will be correctly installed.

Standard PC means that the motherboard does not feature anything that requires special drivers or installation. Whereas many modern mobos will feature ACPI functions, such as suspend to RAM and autopower features, so one might want to specify the setup as PC with ACPI. Although, any modern mobo (last 2 years) can still be setup as standard PC, but many of it's new, fancy onboard devices may give you quite a lot of stick for it.

Hope thsi helps mate.


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Message 11/17             19-Feb-03  @  03:22 PM   -   RE: NE1 using XP in 'standard PC' mode?


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I prolly could have spent ages getting it working eventualy but didnt have time - needed the machine to work. and it works fine in normal mode with P&P & Power management turned OFF in bios as MSopft recommend and XP handling interrupts.


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 12/17             21-Feb-03  @  01:01 PM   -   RE: NE1 using XP in 'standard PC' mode?


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I must've blinked and hit OK during installation on that one Steve thanks.

So MS recommends turning those things off in BIOS?

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Message 13/17             21-Feb-03  @  04:14 PM   -   RE: NE1 using XP in 'standard PC' mode?



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yup - cos XP ignores it anyways apparently - there's a link to the MSoft page in section-5 of the article: BUILD A CHEAP MUSIC PC - (see articles section - 'pc articles')

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Message 14/17             21-Feb-03  @  08:17 PM   -   RE: NE1 using XP in 'standard PC' mode?


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mine (epox 8kha+) is setup in standard mode cuz I was told it was a must. probably not true

but...I went into windows and turned APM back on, so it still shuts down using the SW. It hangs sometimes tho

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Message 15/17             21-Feb-03  @  08:27 PM   -   RE: NE1 using XP in 'standard PC' mode?


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"I went into windows and turned APM back on"

where is this option, influx? In Control Panel - Power Options? Cause I don't see it there. I'm interested because I'm tired of reaching around and holding my power button for 6 fucking seconds, but I can't be arsed to redo my whole system for ACPI. Maybe this might work for me...


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Message 16/17             22-Feb-03  @  01:47 AM   -   RE: NE1 using XP in 'standard PC' mode?

Steve Roughley

Posts: 1178

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APM needs to be configured in Power Options and sometimes BIOS as well. Just remember that this will cause windows to run more scheduled checks on you system to tell whether or not it is time to do whetever power function is required at any given time.


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Message 17/17             22-Feb-03  @  10:39 AM   -   RE: NE1 using XP in 'standard PC' mode?


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fuck if I remember where its at 

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