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Subject: Does Paul McCartney suck?

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Original Message 1/55             15-May-03  @  10:13 PM   -   Does Paul McCartney suck?


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Since he married Heather Mills? A program about her on the television last week, showed her for what she is - a gold digger. So does poor old Paul suck, or is he a sucker?

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Message 2/55             15-May-03  @  10:21 PM   -   RE: Does Paul McCartney suck?



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did you ever see that cigarette commercial where they have this super model in a wedding dress hanging on to a guy who is like 90 years old? the ad said, "she only wants me for my money" and the next page it's him saying, "like i care." see, you're supposed to ditch those old world ideas about caring and replace them with viagra and money. who cares about health when you can have decadance.

that said, i'm sure old paul is a pretty interesting guy to talk with. he was quite famous you know.

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Message 3/55             15-May-03  @  11:37 PM   -   RE: Does Paul McCartney suck?


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Yes, I know all that - I admire him hugely, I'm not knocking him, I'm knocking her. But he married her, so I suppose maybe I should have posed another question - Does she suck him?

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Message 4/55             15-May-03  @  11:40 PM   -   RE: Does Paul McCartney suck?


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I would hardly call Paul McCartney a sucker. After spending the last few decades heavily entrenched in the music industry, I'm sure Mac knows when someone's trying to play a fast one on him.

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Message 5/55             15-May-03  @  11:53 PM   -   RE: Does Paul McCartney suck?


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Yeah, but I'm not talking about the music industry, and remember there's none so blind as those who don't wanna see.

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Message 6/55             16-May-03  @  12:46 AM   -   RE: Does Paul McCartney suck?

ozzy osbourne


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Message 7/55             16-May-03  @  01:11 AM     Edit: 16-May-03  |  01:12 AM   -   RE: Does Paul McCartney suck?

Steve Roughley

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Well... he was a member of the Beatles and he is now trying to have the rights to many "Lennon and McCartney" songs changed to either "McCartney and Lennon" or just "McCartney".

Personally, I feel that Lennon and McCartney were and are (respectively) so far up their own arses that they were and are still living off of that evil curry they had in 1972. Working class heroes my feckin arse!



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Message 8/55             16-May-03  @  01:17 AM   -   RE: Does Paul McCartney suck?

ozzy osbourne


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Message 9/55             16-May-03  @  02:58 AM   -   RE: Does Paul McCartney suck?


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Does Pal McCartney suck?

In a word: YES!!!!


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Message 10/55             16-May-03  @  03:33 AM   -   RE: Does Paul McCartney suck?


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I wonder how much longer it will be until Michael Jacksons financial troubles will force him to sell the rights to the Beatles catalog? I forsee Mac owning his own songs again in the near future.

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Message 11/55             16-May-03  @  09:35 AM   -   RE: Does Paul McCartney suck?


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As a person... no idea coz I don't know him, as a bass player he is SHITE!!!!!

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Message 12/55             16-May-03  @  10:39 AM   -   RE: Does Paul McCartney suck?

Jock Munro

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It must be great shacking up with a bird with only one leg. Just think of the fun when going into pubs. "just a perrier for the doris mate, she's already legless". How the hell they manage doggy style is beyond me. Perhaps they prop her up on bricks.

Gotto give Macca credit for knocking out some classics in his time. Although it seemed to of dried out after The Beatles. Never really thought that much of Wings or his solo stuff.

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Message 13/55             16-May-03  @  11:49 AM   -   RE: Does Paul McCartney suck?



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"we all stand together"


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Message 14/55             16-May-03  @  12:32 PM   -   RE: Does Paul McCartney suck?

Steve Roughley

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Hahahahahahahahaha! LMFAO @ Jock   Tee-hee-hee.


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Message 15/55             16-May-03  @  01:56 PM   -   RE: Does Paul McCartney suck?

man called clay


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but he did do ebony and ivory......gasp!

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Message 16/55             16-May-03  @  02:53 PM   -   RE: Does Paul McCartney suck?



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oh GOD! - the suckiest song in history!!

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Message 17/55             16-May-03  @  02:56 PM   -   RE: Does Paul McCartney suck?

Jock Munro

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werent one of the lines in that "you are black, and I am white, lifes an eskimo pie, so lets take a bite" ?

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Message 18/55             16-May-03  @  04:09 PM   -   RE: Does Paul McCartney suck?


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always struck me as very corporate (not so much meaning large financial entity)

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Message 19/55             16-May-03  @  05:21 PM   -   RE: Does Paul McCartney suck?



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Paul's always been a sickeningly sweet pop star! The Beatles were a boy band, then they did Acid! Whatever you say he wrote some damn useful melodies and harmonies in his day... but he never had the power that John had, or the skills that George had (we'll just leave Ringo out of this).

HE WAS NOT A GOOD BASS PLAYER, perhaps after 40 years with the thing he's gotten all right, but he was never any better than passable.

Who gives a sh+t why he married the girl? Of all the topics we can discuss in relation to PM this has to be the last on my list of interesting things.


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Message 20/55             16-May-03  @  06:15 PM   -   RE: Does Paul McCartney suck?


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I respect him. He's stayed relatively humble considering the religous zeal that so many people have for the Beatles. I mean that's got to mess with your head quite a bit; over 30 years of having people's lives changed by what you've done. There's only a handful of people that have been in that situation.

I'm not a fan of all his solo stuff, but there were a couple good tracks here and there. I like the albums Ram and McCartney.

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Message 21/55             17-May-03  @  05:56 AM   -   RE: Does Paul McCartney suck?


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Some of the stuff that Mac did in Wings is fucking fantastic. I don't know how anyone could say he sucked after the Beatles. It's prolly pretty difficult to write great songs for 4 decades without having dry spells. Groove Monkey, how could you possibly say that Mac sucked as a bass player? Let's not lose touch on reality here. Mac is considered one of the greatest bassists ever by many people, myself included. I understand if his style doesn't do it for you, but to say his playing is shite is shite.

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Message 22/55             17-May-03  @  07:38 AM   -   RE: Does Paul McCartney suck?


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I think THESE slippers are more comfortable

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Message 23/55             17-May-03  @  01:10 PM   -   RE: Does Paul McCartney suck?



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yeah, I've always had that impression, that Paul was the one who kept it all together, the working-class guy with the down-to-earth work ethic that kept them going, and John was just on a big rock'n'roll pose... after all, he broke the band up.

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Message 24/55             17-May-03  @  02:52 PM   -   RE: Does Paul McCartney suck?

man called clay


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there's 2 sides to every coin and if you look at these 2 the libra> and one the gemini who WOULD sell everything to crumbly face himSELF
eventually and live to face that learn a lot about who we are...,not just paul and the beatles. it was john who tired of the beatles
status of complacent rock-star acceptance and doing normal rock-star things. he wanted to publically and privately protest the war and make weird doodles naked in bed and hold to a desire to perform as an individual and not forever as a part of "the fab four". in pauls' defense....he is amongst one of the best bassists to play AND SING simultaneously.
i mean....geez....they wrote a thousand songs and he could walk up there and perform the damned things and make millions scream. then again....
ebony and ivory....

what's funny and sad is that he had to ask michael and yoko whether ONE song could read mccartney/lennon and MJ!
paul...."it's only business."

i say it's only karma.
t'would make him a more humble and spiritual guy by now....i'm thinking.

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Message 25/55             18-May-03  @  08:55 PM   -   RE: Does Paul McCartney suck?



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although the split was an ongoing thing, McCartney was the first to officially leave the group. look it up.

bassist? thoughtful and melodic. what was required and nothing more. the bassists who suck are "lead" bassists out of the flea/stanley clarke/chris squire school who turn the treble up, overplay shit and mostly just show-off their chops. yuck!

the changing the credit thing may seem kind of small and revisionist, but also might more accurately represent the contributions, especially with the later stuff, when there were obvious John songs and obvious Paul songs. And what was Lennon's contribution to "Yesterday"?

some of the man's tunes we silly fluff, others we nothing but brilliant and will be remembered long after we're all worm food.

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Message 26/55             19-May-03  @  12:40 AM   -   RE: Does Paul McCartney suck?



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Paul was the best musician in Beatles. In some Beatles songs, the bass line almost is the song, like Taxman, or Come together. He could play melodic, contrapuntal lines or groovy riffs, whatever it took. Or just play one note, if that was needed, like in Tomorrow Never Knows.

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Message 27/55             19-May-03  @  12:24 PM   -   RE: Does Paul McCartney suck?

Jock Munro

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Does his wife get a 50% discount on slippers ?

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Message 28/55             19-May-03  @  04:29 PM   -   RE: Does Paul McCartney suck?


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suck? ive heard he blows....


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Message 29/55             19-May-03  @  06:29 PM   -   RE: Does Paul McCartney suck?


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"Does his wife get a 50% discount on slippers ?"


Do you think she goes into the shoe store and just buys the single display model?

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Message 30/55             19-May-03  @  06:31 PM   -   RE: Does Paul McCartney suck?


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no she steal the single demo slipper outside the shop, damn those single legged thieves

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Message 31/55             19-May-03  @  09:23 PM   -   RE: Does Paul McCartney suck?


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it's not funny, you're laughing at her pain etc. one legged cash suckers have feelings too. no, really.

anyone seen "a z and two noughts"?

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Message 32/55             20-May-03  @  04:48 AM   -   RE: Does Paul McCartney suck?



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the greenaway film? you bet.

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Message 33/55             20-May-03  @  07:15 AM   -   RE: Does Paul McCartney suck?



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its funny to hear negative comments
about paul from a person with a groovebox

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Message 34/55             20-May-03  @  11:26 AM   -   RE: Does Paul McCartney suck?


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Meriphew... His playing aint great! predicatable and uninspired, as a bass player you should I feel folks like Pastorius, miller, bootsy, sheehan, hayes etc were/are doin it for bass playing

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Message 35/55             20-May-03  @  11:36 AM   -   RE: Does Paul McCartney suck?


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I've heard that not only does he suck - he swallows too...

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Message 36/55             20-May-03  @  02:01 PM   -   RE: Does Paul McCartney suck?

man called clay


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i think paul was mainly a songwriter and singer and played bass as was fitting for the composition. i do you take song like...for the benefit
of mr. kite....or norwegian wood...and say make it simply about the bass-playing?
the bass was there to hold the bottom while the rest maintained the melody...which was what the beatles were known for. funk wasn't even invented report was a concept still a decade or two away.....pastorius would still end up going crazy and fading ungracefully many years later.

hard insane scientific bass just wasn't a total priority during the earliest days of rock.
ringo wasn't that great a drummer either but just listen to the beginning of ticket to ride or.....or the beats in she said..or..tnk....they
were definitely a step forward for music.

i'm sure even bootsy would tell you so.

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Message 37/55             20-May-03  @  02:47 PM   -   RE: Does Paul McCartney suck?


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JB was definitly being funky around the time of Mr Kite so dunno about the 'funk hadn't been invented yet'

but essentially i agree, like the prince thing- wicked twiddler but his song writing pisses all over his playing...


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Message 38/55             20-May-03  @  06:23 PM   -   RE: Does Paul McCartney suck?


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Groovemonkey I think if you asked most of the bass players you mentioned you'd be surprised at how many would list Macca as an influence.Many famous virtuoso players hold macca's playing in high regard.

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Message 39/55             21-May-03  @  03:58 AM   -   RE: Does Paul McCartney suck?

man called clay


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good point about jb being around at the time of
mr. kite but he and crew were still feeling things out....i believe. it wasn't yet full-fledged funk yet. right?
i'm no historian. but today i started to hear the bass-line for mean mister mustard....and boy....could you imagine the jb crew doing that one?!!!!!
now that was funky for it's time.

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Message 40/55             21-May-03  @  04:36 AM   -   RE: Does Paul McCartney suck?



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like I said in the other thread... go check out lou donaldson if you're looking for funk, in the 50's about the time Elvis was takin' off. But, funky bass is a roadhouse invention and uprights have been playing in that style since the 20's.

The Beatles owed a lot of what they did to African American music of the 40's and 50's. Hell that IS where rock came from. Lennon/McCartney were great song writers, not great musicians... McCartney understood what was good, and how tunes came together, if the bass was simple it was because of that! Tricked out bass is a "jazzy" sorta thing... NOT ROCK, and back then kids in leather from liverpool knew the friggin' difference! hehehe

the above was spot on about Ringo, man... he wasn't even good. he's always racing to catch up with the beat. In every friggin' song, gives a push pull feel that people like, but it's not good drumming... hell just listen to the medley on the b side of Abbey Road, they finaly pushed enough LSD down his throat to convince him to play a drum solo and that's what they got... it's nice to listen to, but it's not particularly good.


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Message 41/55             21-May-03  @  09:07 AM   -   RE: Does Paul McCartney suck?


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am sure the JB's were being funky at the time, Larry Graham certainly was so there was certainly slappin' and poppin' going on at that time...


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Message 42/55             21-May-03  @  02:26 PM   -   RE: Does Paul McCartney suck?

man called clay


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anybody know when the term funk came into existence as a musical reference?

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Message 43/55             21-May-03  @  03:05 PM   -   RE: Does Paul McCartney suck?



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So is a "good musician" one who with the taste to play just what is needed in timeless works of his own composition or someone who is particularly adept at finger gymnastics, taste be damned? (I can hear that shit at GC any night of the week with shredders doing their trying-out-an-axe routine.) There's a George Benson record, "The Other Side of Abbey Road," that shows how lame the results can be when "good musicians" get ahold of Beatles songs. Why is it that no covers of their music hold up to the originals? Saying he's not a great musician is like saying Paul Klee or Joan Miro were great picture makers but not great painters.

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Message 44/55             21-May-03  @  03:42 PM   -   RE: Does Paul McCartney suck?


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funk means a number of things in its earliest slang form- meaning stink, earthyness, basically has natural and primal bet is the evolution of its use follows a similar path as jazz, or 'Jas' as it was originally called...

Greg (all imho)

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Message 45/55             21-May-03  @  03:43 PM   -   RE: Does Paul McCartney suck?


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id say Joe Cocker's cover of 'a little help from my friends' certainly holds up to the original, in fact imho beats the hell out of the original.....


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Message 46/55             21-May-03  @  06:03 PM   -   RE: Does Paul McCartney suck?



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Yeah, I agree with d. Musical ability doesn't automatically equate to the ability to make good music. There are plenty of "shredders" that make absolutely terrible music, and vice-versa.

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Message 47/55             21-May-03  @  08:00 PM   -   RE: Does Paul McCartney suck?



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it's semantics, man! I'd personaly say they were great artists who made music... i do see the distinction between a great musician, and a great music maker!

Paul Klee was a bad painter, but a great artist who made great paintings.


Semantics make for stupid arguments though. Don't they?


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Message 48/55             22-May-03  @  12:36 AM   -   RE: Does Paul McCartney suck?


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not as much as the lack of making for stupid conversation

i mean you gotta *read* crowley.. young!

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Message 49/55             22-May-03  @  12:44 AM   -   RE: Does Paul McCartney suck?


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Pict. You are quite right.. but that dosen't mean that my opinion can't differ!

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Message 50/55             22-May-03  @  12:46 AM   -   RE: Does Paul McCartney suck?

man called clay


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you mean alistair?.....jimmy page's hero? so much his zeppelin's hero that he paid 40,000 pound or dollars for his friigin warlock's cloak?!!!!

that's way too deep for me.
i'm straight-up working class...perhaps a little french wine and some english cheese...but hey....
"evil" ain't where it's at unless you're the government...of course.

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Message 51/55             22-May-03  @  02:16 AM   -   RE: Does Paul McCartney suck?



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Back to the Illuminati are we?

Interestingly, Crowley's Ordo Templi Orientus was not allowed fellowship in the Rosicrucian lodge... Rosicrucian's... rosy cross... red cross of the templars... who broke apart and reformed as the free masons... of which Paul McCartney is a member!!!


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Message 52/55             22-May-03  @  02:45 AM   -   RE: Does Paul McCartney suck?


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Crowley was a fraudulent old sleaze bag.

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Message 53/55             22-May-03  @  05:30 AM   -   RE: Does Paul McCartney suck?

man called clay


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Message 54/55             22-May-03  @  08:46 PM   -   RE: Does Paul McCartney suck?


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yes, but at least he presented himself as such, and made it possible for non-fuckheads to understand what fuckheads are saying when they talk their stupid fuckhead talk.

for god's sake read crowley before you watch a even second of television.

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Message 55/55             23-May-03  @  09:20 AM   -   RE: Does Paul McCartney suck?


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there was this good tv prog about crowley a while ago called 'the evilist man on earth' or somthing to that effect- what a load of shash- evilist man on earth my foot....


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