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Subject: opinions wanted

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Original Message 1/13             18-Aug-03  @  10:05 AM   -   opinions wanted


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hey guys I got 2 tracks up that need some
input. First one is called Dravel and the
second one is called Rock it On. Expect
something with a break type sound. I'm trying
to do my own thing but I need some input.
good or bad? tell me what you think.

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Message 2/13             18-Aug-03  @  10:31 AM   -   RE: opinions wanted



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yeah nice... very slick. Prefer the first one myself.

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Message 3/13             19-Aug-03  @  06:14 AM   -   RE: opinions wanted



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hey thanks for the response! I prefer the first
one myself also.

Anyone else have any comments? I really
could use some constructive criticism. I like
doing music but I feel I'm not doing my best. I
end up seeing how they way I want to make a
tune but it never turns out right. What do I lack
and what is memorable. I'm pretty open to
what you guys have to say.

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Message 4/13             19-Aug-03  @  06:20 AM   -   RE: opinions wanted



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i liked dravel...haven't heard the other... but i think you could've yanked the scratch/slice sound just a bit earlier. the song cleans up after it disappears> and heads into a very nice forward direction. but i do think you might find greater reward once you try to inject something a little more you...a little more personal into it.
the song is sweet and bumping in a nice upbeat loungy way....but maybe you're playing it just a bit on the safe side?

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Message 5/13             19-Aug-03  @  06:48 AM     Edit: 19-Aug-03  |  06:49 AM   -   RE: opinions wanted


Posts: 507

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Cheers Panama,

Dravel is a nice track, I especially like the way you handle drums and percussion. For my taste, it's a bit minimalistic, but hey, I like minimalistic stuff  . My only concern is that the song doesn't really seem to progress from its starting point. The vibe is great though, so maybe all you need to do is to pick one sound, do something different with it and try to find a context, where it works. (I would start with that flanged pad sound, but that's just my personal preference.



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Message 6/13             19-Aug-03  @  07:53 AM   -   RE: opinions wanted



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good comments! this helps a lot. Maybe I'll
rework dravel-been down on myself with the
music. mcc, I agree with your impression. I did
play it on the safe side... Could you elaborate
a little more on what you said: "a little more

rags- that would definitley be the sound I
would dig into more. flange pad that is. I feel
there is potential in the beat and the loungey
pad. it could work into something more.

thanks for taking the time to comment. late

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Message 7/13             19-Aug-03  @  02:24 PM   -   RE: opinions wanted



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well....for personal i simply mean something which is not sampled or a sample which is handled in a most unique manner. something which makes you feel you're going a little deeper into the artist's head....heart etc. usually a melodic element...maybe something romantic or which rings of an old childhood melody creeping back at ya. and don't get down on yourself about the music. just keep at it and have fun with it and if it eludes you....keep chasing it. she likes to be chased. that's why so many of us do it.

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Message 8/13             20-Aug-03  @  06:18 AM   -   RE: opinions wanted



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man. I had a huge paragraph typed but I hit the
clear button. doh!

shit its fun, I have an amazing amount of
tracks, but they never sound right months
later. Trusting my results is where I have
problems. The chase is definitley still on. just
time to re-evaluate.

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Message 9/13             27-Aug-03  @  09:36 AM   -   RE: opinions wanted



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okay... I took some of your suggestions for the Dravel track and created an extended version. Tell me what you guys think. It's now called: 'Smooth Effects'

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Message 10/13             27-Aug-03  @  07:48 PM   -   RE: opinions wanted


Posts: 57

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yes! very good.

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Message 11/13             27-Aug-03  @  08:29 PM   -   RE: opinions wanted


Posts: 7627

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cool, man!

I would surely dig this with the headphones...

only thing is..some of the samples you drop...the percussive loop that comes in around 1:30...sounds off time?

and just keeps doin the same thing...

Id say drop the long keystabdelay thing at about 1:30 or 2:00 and either add new elements or break it down dubstyle. its just too long as is

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Message 12/13             28-Aug-03  @  06:13 AM   -   RE: opinions wanted



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good reply. I was feeling the same thing about
the length of play for the flange pad. I should
work in something different. What I need is a
tone applicable to fill the place of the pad.

dub style? I got a lot of ideas of what that
means, but how do you see it? It does need a
good break into something subtle -- I found
relief when the beat dropped out towards the
end. idea: a good woman vocal would make
the track... hmmm. let me know your thoughts.
thanks dude.

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Message 13/13             28-Aug-03  @  08:35 AM   -   RE: opinions wanted


Posts: 7627

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well..all I meant was maybe strip it down to beats and bass...some delayed drums, etc...

maybe only for say 16 bars, then start the other stuff back up...slightly varied in some way?

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