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Subject: Feedback

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Original Message 1/16             21-Jan-05  @  04:24 PM     Edit: 21-Jan-05  |  04:25 PM   -   Feedback

Humble Granny

Posts: 103

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Ignore my other tunes and tell me what you think of on & on remix, it's done on fruity loops so the samples aren't the best, try not to hurt my feelings too much and can someone tell me if the sound was ok when you heard it because when I listened to it on the site it sounded very strange.

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Message 2/16             21-Jan-05  @  04:27 PM   -   RE: Feedback

Humble Granny

Posts: 103

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By the way, this site wont let me update my Brazil track for some reason so that's why it is very unfinished.

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Message 3/16             21-Jan-05  @  05:05 PM   -   RE: Feedback


Posts: 12353

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why?... what happens?


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 4/16             21-Jan-05  @  05:09 PM   -   RE: Feedback

Humble Granny

Posts: 103

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Parts of the hi-hat cut out a bit and sometimes it sounds like there's a phazer on it, the same thing happens with Brazil, also with all my tracks, when the beat isn't in then it suddenly gets louder and when it kicks in it goes quiet again, like I said it's very weird.

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Message 5/16             21-Jan-05  @  05:13 PM   -   RE: Feedback

Humble Granny

Posts: 103

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As for me not being able to update the track, when i press the update button it goes to a page saying something like "there was an error processing the information" but its only with that particular track(Brazil).

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Message 6/16             22-Jan-05  @  02:39 AM   -   RE: Feedback


Posts: 1345

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eeeewwww, what a pile o' poooo tranny granny

NOT !!! ;p

sounds lovely here. maybe the snare could be a tad more crackin', make that "I" would like it a bit more crackin'. but it's fine really

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Message 7/16             22-Jan-05  @  02:51 AM   -   RE: Feedback

Humble Granny

Posts: 103

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Cheers nutoniom, I know what you mean about the snare, sadly I don't have too many, I'm glad it sounds ok to you because it sounds fucking strange when i play it from the site.

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Message 8/16             22-Jan-05  @  04:19 AM   -   RE: Feedback


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check the files section, k has uploaded some a while ago.

as for it sounding strange while streaming, try a reboot, usually does the trick for me.

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Message 9/16             22-Jan-05  @  05:16 AM   -   RE: Feedback

Humble Granny

Posts: 103

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The problem with me rebooting is I've got a shit internet connection so it takes ages and sometimes doesn't work but if it sounds alright for everyone else then there's no need as I still have it on my computer.

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Message 10/16             24-Jan-05  @  08:10 AM   -   RE: Feedback


Posts: 76

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no problems streaming from here.

some comments:

i dunno how finished this is but it seems kinda one dimensional, it could use a lot of ear candy; sprinkles, tinkly bits, skittery bits, sweeps, wooshes etc. ditto on the snare needing more crack.

the synth thing needs to be more definite in intent i think, do you want it smooth/flowing or chopped up? right now its somewhere in between. also the drums dont really flow naturally through the song, they drop out then come back in, but its like the drummer dropped his sticks or had to answer the fone or something, more intent...

decent enough mix i think, im listening on bass heavy headphones. cool vibe just gotta work it more. throw some more sounds in...

ah dont mind me ive been watching simon cowell

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Message 11/16             24-Jan-05  @  02:27 PM   -   RE: Feedback

Humble Granny

Posts: 103

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Cheers for the contrucive criticism chroma, D&B drums are always a problem for me using fruity loops so without sampling a beat which I prefer not to do I find it quite difficult to make beats especially with a severe lack of drum samples and as for extra effects, I tried to add some but didn't find any suitable ones, I'll keep looking but I don't want to overcomplicate the whole thing.

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Message 12/16             25-Jan-05  @  01:05 AM   -   RE: Feedback


Posts: 76

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i dunno what fruity loops is like nowadays but i used to use 3.4. a cool thing i used to do was set the tempo to double to get a higher resolution and a lot more notes in. excellent for skittering d&b beats. automate filters and pitch, youre there man...

i actually like the drum kit you used, nice whomp.

doesnt fruity have vsti support?? sheesh download xoxos' whoosh

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Message 13/16             25-Jan-05  @  01:55 AM     Edit: 25-Jan-05  |  01:56 AM   -   RE: Feedback

Humble Granny

Posts: 103

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That's a fucking good idea, fruity does support vst's so I'll check that out, nice one mate, is xoxos the name of a synth?

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Message 14/16             25-Jan-05  @  06:59 AM   -   RE: Feedback


Posts: 76

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? you dont know who/what xoxos is?

xoxos is the name taken on by a force of nature that used to frequent these parts, made a shitload of synthedit vsts, whoosh is the one that does...whooshes! im sure you can find a link in the downloads page

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Message 15/16             25-Jan-05  @  08:17 AM   -   RE: Feedback

Humble Granny

Posts: 103

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I thought I recognised the name, I'll check it out.

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Message 16/16             25-Jan-05  @  01:53 PM   -   RE: Feedback


Posts: 1345

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"sheesh download xoxos' whoosh "

he he, you're such a poet : )

yes, dowload them all if you have the fruit machine

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