aaa Reason, FL studio, Cubase? which one? - Computer music & technology forums
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Subject: Reason, FL studio, Cubase? which one?

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Original Message 1/1             22-Jul-10  @  02:36 PM   -   Reason, FL studio, Cubase? which one?


Posts: 13

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At the moment I am working with Fl studios, but I am looking into better programs with more
than just sequencing. I like working a lot with midi and vst's and stuff but I need to be able to use
some loops and real sounds that I am soon going to record and all. Ha ha, though I can't really
say much cause I don't even really totally understand Fruity but I am learning. So far I don't even
know if fruity does what I want it too xD

What are you opinions on Reason?

I have looked a little at Cubase, but I see that as mostly as sound recording and editing. At this
stage I found it easier to work with midi in Fl but I suppose that that is just getting used to the
program. But really I don't know. I have only read some of the manual xD

I heard somewhere that it is possible to use Reason inside of cubase... That would be cool,
anyways tell me what you guys think.

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