aaa Controller slewing - Synths & synthesis forums
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Subject: Controller slewing

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Original Message 1/5             21-Jan-99  @  10:53 AM   -   Controller slewing



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Hi - I've heard it said that the filter cut-off frequency on the SN for OS3 will have slewing to remove quantisation. Great stuff. Is there any chance of slewing the oscillator sync in a similar manner? True analogues have really got the advantage here, where the sync can 'grow out of' the un-sync-ed sound very smoothly and gradually. Would it not possible to achieve a similar effect on the SN by slewing the oscillator sync?



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Message 2/5             21-Jan-99  @  12:01 PM   -   RE: Controller slewing



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Sync is slewed via the mod matrix. We will look into possibility of slewing static level changes...subject to brain damage!


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Message 3/5             22-Jan-99  @  03:32 PM   -   RE: Controller slewing



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When you say slewing the static level, I guess you mean the offset set on by using the front panel. The fact there is no audiable quantisation whe using the mod matrix is great - just what you want, in fact. However, if you're into recording the controller data like I am, then those changes to the static level of osc sync sound discontinuous - not like a true analogue at all.

It does seem to be a shame - it's something that I can't help noticing evey time I mess with the osc sync - an annoying flaw in what is otherwise a fine machine.

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Message 4/5             22-Jan-99  @  04:09 PM   -   RE: Controller slewing



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We are aware...We will look into it.


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Message 5/5             22-Jan-99  @  09:42 PM   -   RE: Controller slewing



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Time for a nice reminder of my relative knob modes
proposed at the wishlist at

Just in case you didn't know (just kidding...)


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