aaa How to change tempo on a drum loop - Music techology forums
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Subject: How to change tempo on a drum loop

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Original Message 1/4             21-Mar-98  @  03:24 PM   -   How to change tempo on a drum loop



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I want to know how to change tempo on a drum loop. I donīt have a sampler. I think I saw that you could change tempo in Recycle, but I
havenīt understand how to do it.
Somebody who knows?

In English please!


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Message 2/4             21-Mar-98  @  04:28 PM   -   RE: How to change tempo on a drum loop



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grab the demo of CoolEdit ( it's in the s/w section....... downlaod it and set it up.... it's shareware.. and can be used to perform any 2 function each time you open the programme, before you register it..... so for FREE.... you choose LOAD/SAVE as one demo function...... and the menu that contains TIMESTRETCH as the other demo function..... then import your loop..... and stretch it !!..... basically....... it's a great freebie.... ok it really is worth registering, but, it'll allow you to perform ANY function each time you open the programme, so even tho it's a bit boring to open and close and reopen each time in order to perform different functions, it's FREE, and is a good idea if you are poor !!!

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Message 3/4             23-Mar-98  @  11:58 AM   -   RE: How to change tempo on a drum loop



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Also you can get a pitch tranpose machine (digitech wammy
and the like) and perform a kind of real-time streching
while tranposing the loop in your sampler, say, 5 semitones
down (this strechs the sample but change down the note
5 semitones) and then pass it for the transpose device
setting it to 5 semitones up (which corrects the note but
not the tempo)


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Message 4/4             30-Mar-98  @  01:29 AM   -   RE: How to change tempo on a drum loop

Digs at jnv


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Recycle is a dope program!There are a few requirements though.To change the tempo of a drum loop Recycle chops up the wave by placing markers at the begining of each individual drum or percussion sound therefor allowing you to trigger each drum hit seperetly!Now here's where it gets funky.Recycle also creates a midi file that represents the timing of the loop it just chopped up.What you have to do is import the midi file into your sequencer ,and toss the chopped up loop into your sampler the midi file will play back each individual sound at its proper timing.Now when you slow down your sequencer you will in effect be slowing down the loop.This is sooooo nice when you want to slow down your track to record in some funky shit that you cant play well at a faster tempo!Once these operation are performed on a loop you also have the option of using drum sounds other than the sounds in the original loop.You simply use the midi file that you created and apply different sounds from your sampler!!Cool Huh??

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