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Ibanez DM-1000


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Ibanez DM-1000

Category:  Products / fx & processors / delay

Added: 14-Sep-08  |  Author: admin

New price: discontinued  |   S/H price: 60 quid or so

Ibanez DM-1000

Ah the good old DM-1000!.. one of the first of the new wave of cheap Jap FX processers which hit the market back in the mid/late 80's - Cheap as chips they were back then at around 199 quid which was good at the time! - I actualy owned one of these back around 1985 and it was a great bit of kit for the time offering clean, clear delay and related time-based FX such as Chorus, Flanging, etc.

The DM-1000 offered delay times up to a whopping (at the time) 900ms (almost a whole second!) at 8Khz bandwidth. The delay-time is adjusted using a combination of 2 controls - One 'switching time' selector and then a PLUS/MINUS multiple pot to adjust the chosen delay range up or down in time to the required delay in Milliseconds. The rest of the unit is also typical of early 80's delays, featuring further control pots to adjust Modulation and Feedback etc.

The reduced max bandwidth of 8kHz means you got decent but not super-sparkley delay which was great, and at the time this wave of cheap Japanese imported digital units started to offer great prices for such items which just a year or 2 previously had been out of the reach of the budget and home-studio. Back in the early 80's the broke-assed home-studio owner was having to stick with tape-delay or use a choice of perhaps harsher or noisier cheap analog delay units - However in retrospect nowadays those early budget analog delay units now offer great character in a world of super digital cleaness, so don't dismiss early analog delays.

Anyways, a great simple no frills delay unit which also had a 'sample' or rather a 'HOLD' button - This HOLD button simply would capture the incoming sound into the memory-chip and HOLD it there before it was delayed and then sent back out of the unit. So in practice, one had to immediately push the HOLD button as soon as a sound inputted into the unit... This was hit and miss, but the more you got used to it, with some practice you could sample sounds by hitting HOLD at just the right time... You had to be quick tho!

Once that sound WAS captured into the memory chip, it would then just loop round and round infinately until one de-latched the HOLD button. A bit of a pointless novelty therefore in some ways as there was no way to edit, trim or trigger the captured sound!... but I did find a use for this feature as a metronome function beleive it or not!

You could make any snappy sound like snapping your fingers into a mic - send that fingersnap into the DM-1000 and then with it 'HELD' and looping around automaticaly, you could then adjust the delay time and the captured 'sample' would actualy raise/lower in pitch/time - Thus you could adjust the looping 'fingersnap' sound to the required tempo! - lol

Other than that I used it like any straight delay. The sound is good and not to bright which actualy makes it ideal for Dub and reggea work (which is mostly what I did at the time), and because the DM-1000 has knobs instead of cursors, you could do all sorts of wacky realtime echo-fx by latching the HOLD button and then tweaking the captured sound into all sorts of floating weird emanations!...

Open a big front-panel image of the DM-1000

Anyways... The Ibanez DM-1000... Anyone use one or used to use these?... Please add some user comments!...

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Product:  Ibanez - DM-1000
Name: ian sorlie
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 09-Aug-10

I use one of these in my current setup. Very solid for how old it is.

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Product:  Ibanez - DM-1000
Name: Johnny Elmer
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Activity: Professional
Date: 30-Jan-11

I have a Carlsbro D9000 unit which is the same circuit board in a black rack case with white markings. Excellent unit, you need nice grungy delay with twiddlable knobs for wacky dub FX. I'd go to bed and cry for a week if it ever broke ;-)

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Product:  Ibanez - DM-1000
Name: Marc M
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 18-Mar-11

Originally acquired one of these in Germany around 1984, loved it to death for guitar and vocals; sold it when I returned to the US in 1986, but became nostalgic for it again in the early 2000s - thanks to eBay, I found a steady stream of them, and now I have SIX! Well, I did give one of them to my son - he seems far less enamored with it than I am. If you get used to the unit and can manipulate it skillfully, it's quite a creative tool and my no. 1 choice in a digital delay to this day...

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Product:  Ibanez - DM-1000
Name: trotop@yahoo.fr
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 14-Jun-11


I am looking for the ibanez DM-1000 manual with schatics.


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Product:  Ibanez - DM-1000
Name: John
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 26-May-12

Best vocal delay ever....Perry Farrell of Janes Addiction got his vocal sound
down with this unit...And still uses it today...easy to dial in spacy yummy

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Product:  Ibanez - DM-1000
Name: fat lip
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 29-Apr-14

[quote] John wrote: Best vocal delay ever....Perry Farrell of Janes Addiction got his vocal sound down with this unit...And still uses it today...easy to dial in spacy yummy delays [/quote]

hold on a sec, if you get this email fatlip.official@gmail.com because im sure he is using a TC vocalist rack and pedal board now, if not im wondering if your right

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Product:  Ibanez - DM-1000
Name: John
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 29-Apr-14

That's what Perry uses till this day in Janes Addiction for that delay sound
and loops... If you don't believe me look it up..He's had that since Psi Com
and prefers it over any other delays cuz of the sound and ability to dial it in
on the fly... He uses a foot pedal to kick it on and loop. I think he uses a
reverb unit with it and keeps it in a standing rack to adjust it thru the gig :)

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Product:  Ibanez - DM-1000
Name: John
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 29-Apr-14

[quote] fat lip wrote: [quote] John wrote: Best vocal delay ever....Perry
Farrell of Janes Addiction got his vocal sound down with this unit...And still
uses it today...easy to dial in spacy yummy delays [/quote]hold on a
sec, if you get this email fatlip.official@gmail.com because im sure he is
using a TC vocalist rack and pedal board now, if not im wondering if your
right [/quote] read above post forgot to hit reply...Sorry :)

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Product:  Ibanez - DM-1000
Name: fat lip
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 29-Apr-14

[quote] John wrote: Thats what Perry uses till this day in Janes Addiction for that delay sound and loops... If you dont believe me look it up..Hes had that since Psi Com and prefers it over any other delays cuz of the sound and ability to dial it in on the fly... He uses a foot pedal to kick it on and loop. I think he uses a reverb unit with it and keeps it in a standing rack to adjust it thru the gig :) [/quote]i believe it and i din it interesting because i should and could ask Perry or one of the guitar techs i know who Toured with them for ages,

i actually have not spoke to him since he got married, i should say it here with ly fat lip id, his wife is like yoko ono, she drves everyone around him nuts, we all love her and he is happy, so rock on that they make great music together, and kids, just wont work with them again, how ever just so you know here a band called berlin brats and some times the mau maus with the singer Rik Wilder used this Ibanez Dm-1000, Perry knows rick from the LA scene for ages, the Mau maus aka Berlin Brats (in the movies with Cheech in Chong "up in smoke) along with the RHCP Rick recorded some tracks using this Ibanez Dm-1000, i personally think it looks cheezy, old school garbage, you can get one for less then a hundred bucks, let me get back to you about the gear from one of their techs, i am almost certain they moved on the the TC vocalist but would not be surprised your dead on., you do realize Perry has been trying to keep this low key? ;)

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Product:  Ibanez - DM-1000
Name: James Devon
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 26-Mar-17

Well, delay wise, over the years Ive owned, let me think now... Yamaha D5000,
TC D two, Sound Toys plugs and lots of other delay plugs can't remember
names, various multi fx like lexicon MPX, LXP and pcm 80, (the pcm 70 is
amazing BTW) Alesis ??? Yamaha spx 990 and the newer 2000 which is quite
nice btw, and some other stuff I can't recall right now but all in all this little
delay cuts through a mix just beautifully, not sure if its any good live but in the
studio it is fab... The old 8 bit 12 bit gear is so good to add into a mix, can't
stand the modern day 'producers' lol with their nonsense itb productions...

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Product:  Ibanez - DM-1000
Name: James Young
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 06-Mar-19

I had the DD1000 and my friend had a HM1000. Both were great units. I recently found a DMD2000 and it's great as well. It's the DD1000 taken to the Limit with presets and 2 seconds of Delay! man the bad old daze...

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