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Category:  Products / music software / software instruments

Added: 08-May-99  |  Author: admin

New price: $40  |   S/H price: Not listed


Fruity-Loops is a small utility-programme s/w drumbox (this review is old and now the company is called 'Image-Line' and makes the massivly upgraded Fruity-Loops series of software - Yup! it's come along way from a killer drumbox application!.

Released about 1.5 years ago after the first Rebirth releases and when hammerhead was just getting signed up to Steinberg as "B-box" --- At that time these small s/w drums were quite basic - It is unique tho in that you can assign a drum sample, AND a midi note number for each drum - cool - so apart from clocking to midi, it can play original sample-based drums and trigger another s/w unit or an external synth, drum box or your soundcards drum sounds to get cool mix 'n' match kits with samples & midi...

This is ideal if you have a basic drum-patches on your soundcard but want specific sounds not available from the card to add-in to existing patterns.... Fruity-Loops also saves the midi to a clipboard and you can export it as a midifile !... cool...

Above is the screens that appear when you select a track/sound button - You can select your midi note (if required) from the grid, and browse your local drives for samples.... Apart from that there is a basic delay control.... a filter that on my version is a bit dicky..... and an 'FX' marked control that add's in a sine wave form to mangle the sound....

So... Fruity-Loops - plenty old now, but had to be added now that we are back on production-line after our Dancetech break.... comments please any users....past or present - although i would imagine most users have upgraded to 'Fruity-Loops Pro ' version, which takes the s/w into another league with the addition of mapped samples to keys for melodies, filters per step etc etc.... Check it out, get to the site and download the demo's - This version is still available - There is also a 303 type synth that you can add-in to work with Fruity-Loops, to make it kinda like rebirth....

Comments please....

Product Videos

Producer David Bowes Beat Making Demonstration

Music Producer David Bowes demonstrates making some beat and music using Fruity Loops...

Professional Fruity loops trance Liquid Sight

Enjoy u guys From My Korg EMX-1 Drum machine...

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User Comments

Name: Mocca Cone
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Date: 12-May-99

Stupid program

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Name: -
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Activity: Professional
Date: 02-Sep-99

gay program

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Name: -
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Date: 04-Sep-99

total waste of time

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Name: sss
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 21-Feb-00


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Name: aiROM
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Date: 22-Feb-00

This Program has strong potential but it lacks many things that make it very UNFLEXIBLE and amazingly very time wasting. For example it has 10 Buttons when there should be a ton of them on the bottom or top for instant Pattern Recall. Instead the rest are numbers needing to be selected. LAME.
Program needs a more flexible NOTATION system. Something that show's REAL pitch instead of 600,-666,456,-234. Bass lines should have auto Note selection so users don't always have to CHANGE the pitch. Something intelligent which plays the tr404 BASSline within a specified note range. This program seriously needs a BETTER UNDO system. I've lost many great tracks due to this disastrous issue.
Effects section is very time consuming to constantly EDIT and assure it's routed properly.There should be a FEATURE to turn off the FANCY CPU consuming visual display. All in all this program rates 2 thumbs down for me.
I like it, but it lacks EVERYTHING which makes it a complete time waster. I haven't yet met someone who has instantly produced anything on the first week of owning the program.

And for this reason I strongly suggest saving the REG money for something else less time consuming such as a Double CheeseBurger at McDonalds. hehe

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Name: Lostkid
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 23-Feb-00

To the guy that wrote that shit before me - I produce whole tracks in fruityloops, check my mp3.com page for eveidence. i find it very inituative to work with, and if you'll spend some time tryign to learn it maybe you'll fine its good for you as well. I recommend it, it works well, it sounds good, and its quite cheap.

- Lostkid

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Name: Caleb
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Date: 23-Feb-00

I really like FruityLoops as a concept. It's nice and fairly intuitive.

It could certainly improve on some things and its registration system sucks big time!

They have a 'basic', 'professional' and a 'ts-404' registration. Now this would imply that if you don't want the bassline synth, you would buy the 'professional' version. Wrong! It seems that nearly all updates are now exclusive to the highest registration making people with the 'professional' registration feel like they've definitely got a cut down version. Bah!

All this aside though, I think it's a good tool to build up some basic drum rhythms very rapidly.

One other bugbear however. If you import a drum sample it seems to sound quite muffled with a reduced volume compared to the original .wav file. I don't understand why this happens and it is quite annoying. However, in the long run I like building up the drum patterns exporting the timing in a midi file for more advanced timing editing.

A new feature is beat slicing which you don't actually get even though you are entitled to all minor updates with your registration. You actually have to pay more money to activate it properly. And a couple more enhancements which are, yet again, only available with the '404' registration. Frustrating!

All-in-all, a great piece of software that is bound to frustrate in many ways. I actually regret not getting just the 'basic' version. It would definitely have cut down on my features, but at least I wouldn't feel like I was paying for features that wouldn't get improved unless I kept paying more money.

Oh well!

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Name: gol
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Date: 24-Feb-00

I think that the stupid guy above (aiROM or whatever) is a poor victim of a badly cracked version, in which the piano kb doesn't appear :)
Of course the pitch is just for finetuning, in cents, but there *is* a keyboard to pitch the notes. If he wasn't using a cracked version & really thinks that semitones suck for writing music, this guy must come from Mars..
(sorry it's not a review, but I can't let pass such crap)

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Name: Zero
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional,part-timer,Hobby-ist
Date: 26-Apr-00

To AiRom:
About your review of Fruity Loops,

Before anything else, make sure you're using the latest version (I believe it's 2.0). I'm still using
some earlier version (1.4 ???), which in my opinion is easier to use + I don't need their effects.
I use outside effects processing and use the free ACID for final downmixing.

Chances are you are an amatrue and thus, haven't used this type of s/w much, and haven't taken time
to even look at Fruity Loops. It is the best loop organizer I've ever used, and it may take mere days to prepare a quality track
for editing compared to others. All my music-friends use fruity.

Firstly, to go through channels quickly and easily, you don't use the stupid arrows. Those are for moving up and down one or
two levels no more. For everything else, go to View->Loop Playlist and select the numbers at the top. Secondly,
what are you talking about -666, 600? main pitch is adjusted by semitones(12 to -12) and individual pitch is fine-tuned in cents.
To change pitch, vol., resonant freq., decay, etc., click PV to KB or hold SHIFT. Thirdly, the UNDO didn't screw you over;
YOU screwed yourself over. In the future, just copy the bars into clipboard and/or save often. Fourthly, if the "fancy"
CPU display is giving you trouble(which is impossible), you got a crappy machine. For sample music production you need a
minimum of 32MB of SDRAM, and something around Pentimum2. Try pressing F6 and adjusting buffer settings to fit your

For future note, don't rate s/w you don't know. And unless you're a semi-professional, don't rate s/w at all.

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Name: gol
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Date: 26-Apr-00

As I told above, there's a known badly cracked version in which the (obvious) piano kb doesn't appear, that's why he couldn't pitch the drums by another way than the fine tuning. ..so my personal advice to him is: don't rate a cracked sw, or at least specify that you're not telling about the official version..

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Name: a4zip
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 29-Jul-00


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Name: sss
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 16-Oct-03

wicked program blud. checkit

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Name: pedro duarte
Email: Email supplied but hidden
n sei
Activity: part-timer
Date: 28-Feb-04

i like very much

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Name: erica s
Email: Email supplied but hidden
frutiy loops
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 03-Jan-05

it's good

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Name: the gyal in essex
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Date: 23-Jan-05

this program is great.i did it wen i was at skool.it is a pain that it is not free to download because i cant download it otherwise
i did really like it and produced 2 tracks which were pretty good.
its a must uy or die product

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Name: Mike
Email: No email added
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 26-Jan-05

I really enjoy fruity loops ive only been at it for a few weeks as a complete amature found it user friendly and quite easy to nock up some quick easy tracks that are pritty catchy even if i do say so myself

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Name: Dr Dave
Email: No email added
Activity: Professional
Date: 08-Feb-06

Your right about the price change, for the newer FRUITYLOOPS it is 99.00 Dollars
the FruityExpress version is 49.00 or so.... The full blown version of Fruity Loops now called FLStudio is in a couple versions but upwards of 169.95 to 349.99 for the full system with all synths and add-on's, etc.....

I didn't see this older version at the site though, they did state that if you were a legal owner of one of the older versions you could get a free upgrade, now there were limitations there too... plus you had to have the Unlock Codes for the version you have and be in thier system or prove you bought it from them some how !?

Looking at the example here vs the new Studio deluxe version, well in a word, this version is very pathetic...... newest version is like a complete music studio now!
No need to have input files at all, tons of samples and cords/beats/etc with it!!
Very nice for the price, now in PoundsSterling it is differently priced, at 1.79 per Brittons pound, the full version may be about 150 pounds give or take a few fiver's ....85 Pnds Pro Edition, and 30-35 for Fruity-Loops standard edition, and for the cheaper Online version of FL Express might be 12 to 18 Pnds.

All in all the FL Studio complete version with all add-ons etc., is a Music studio in a box just add vocals and minor tweaks !!

Check them out at : http://www.flstudio.com/English/frames.html

---------------------The prices posted at site ! -----------
FL Studio 6.0 ( Hey I was close on the costs! )
Online Boxed
XXL$348 $449
Producer Edition
$149 $209
Fruityloops Edition
$99 $139
Express version
$49 - n/a

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Name: Randolph
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 20-Feb-07

i like it

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