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Subject: Plug-In Advise

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Original Message 1/17             10-Jul-02  @  03:40 PM   -   Plug-In Advise


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Can anyone recommend some Plug-Ins that are good for effecting drum loops. I was shown the GM (?)Tool ones.

I think they were a pack that included something called "Freeze" or something. Basically you grab this ball and move it around the box to get different effects going.

I've done everything (I think) with Logic's native Plug-Ins and am looking for more experimentation.

Any hints of what to buy please?

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Message 2/17             10-Jul-02  @  06:14 PM   -   RE: Plug-In Advise


Posts: 316

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reaktor is an obvious choice (you can do efx as well as instruments with it, grainclouds, lofi, and other wierdness)

i like to use the following:

opcode fusion filter (not for sale anymore)

it has really cool sequencer built in that lets you use 3 different lines that can be filters or ring mods or distortion etc all in time to the beat and with different routings (serial, parallel etc)

waves has some nice ones:

enigma (you just have to listen)
mondomod (for wierd stereo efx panning stuff)

some of my best stuff for drums has come from using the waves renisance compressor to smush the drums to death...


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Message 3/17             10-Jul-02  @  06:35 PM   -   RE: Plug-In Advise


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and that...

beyond the plugs on that site you will have to go to vst, there are millions of them and most are crap.


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Message 4/17             10-Jul-02  @  07:43 PM   -   RE: Plug-In Advise



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Message 5/17             10-Jul-02  @  07:53 PM   -   RE: Plug-In Advise


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the one you are thinking of is GRM tools.

check out the OHM boys plugins. pertty sick

and if you want dynamics and EQ...seriously take a look at the Universal UAD-1 card

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Message 6/17             10-Jul-02  @  07:56 PM   -   RE: Plug-In Advise


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heh heh influx uses the GRM plugs to sound like BT...

the ohm are nice as well but 80 bux for a delay? what are those french guys thinking?


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Message 7/17             10-Jul-02  @  08:18 PM   -   RE: Plug-In Advise


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shit there's enuff quality freeware to keep you busy for years and years. went thru around 200 plugs i did.. reckon i kept almost 1/2 of them..

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Message 8/17             10-Jul-02  @  09:14 PM   -   RE: Plug-In Advise


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hmmm care to publish a list? i seem to find the loosers of the plugin world when i go fishing...

but then again i have waves so most of the things out there don't interest me (cuz i have the basics already covered) i look for more esoteric stuff i guess now.


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Message 9/17             10-Jul-02  @  09:37 PM   -   RE: Plug-In Advise


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heh. thats funny. "$80 for a delay"...

er, uh, yeah

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Message 10/17             10-Jul-02  @  09:54 PM   -   RE: Plug-In Advise


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i am one of the oddballs who buys my music software...

i guess $80 is good for a hardware delay tho!


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