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Subject: Plug-In Advise

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Original Message                 Date: 10-Jul-02  @  03:40 PM   -   Plug-In Advise


Posts: 1128

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Can anyone recommend some Plug-Ins that are good for effecting drum loops. I was shown the GM (?)Tool ones.

I think they were a pack that included something called "Freeze" or something. Basically you grab this ball and move it around the box to get different effects going.

I've done everything (I think) with Logic's native Plug-Ins and am looking for more experimentation.

Any hints of what to buy please?

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Message 11/17             11-Jul-02  @  04:13 AM   -   RE: Plug-In Advise



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true... there's 100 free vst plugin fx in the samples/files section (search for 'vst')

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Message 12/17             11-Jul-02  @  09:17 AM   -   RE: Plug-In Advise


Posts: 1128

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Cheers guys. I've got quite a fex Direct X plug-ins through Acid Pro 3. However, when you open Logic and compare these to Logics native Plug-in, there's a huge difference in quality. Direct X sound weak in comparison.

Influx - that's it! GRM Tools. I thought they sounded quality.

I'll check out all the links that the rest of you gave. Thanks alot.

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Message 13/17             11-Jul-02  @  09:54 AM   -   RE: Plug-In Advise


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thoguht i did that a while back formant.. main chat.. think old timers is in the name. your picks might vary.

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Message 14/17             11-Jul-02  @  03:46 PM   -   RE: Plug-In Advise


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its not DX vs VST

its Sonic Foundry vs Emagic

of course the emagic sounds better :-)

waves plugs have always been DX only until recently and they blow the Emagic ones away.

its the code inside, not whether it lives in DX or VST


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Message 15/17             11-Jul-02  @  04:10 PM   -   RE: Plug-In Advise


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Thanks Formant. I understand now. Well explained. Which Waves ones do you like then?

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Message 16/17             11-Jul-02  @  05:14 PM   -   RE: Plug-In Advise


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GRM TOOLS does rock tho... multiband filters each with a deicated envelope etc and realtime control... wacky shit! - FROHMAGE is sposed to be good, i didnt try it too much yet, but a very cool FREE vst plugin filter (listed in plugins section/site search)


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 17/17             11-Jul-02  @  05:31 PM   -   RE: Plug-In Advise


Posts: 316

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i really like the renissance compressors, verb, and eq

they sound soooooo much better than the other eqs, comps, and verbs out there.

thats a small package you can pick up for like 220ish...

i actually got the gold bundle which has loads of plugs plus mastering tools (cuz i master my own stuff) and taht was like 800ish


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