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Subject: neccessary force

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Original Message 1/39             15-Nov-02  @  12:20 AM   -   neccessary force



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So there was a high speed chase that happened a few hours ago around here, and it ended a few blocks from my house. This guy apparently had been running for an hour or something, while firing shots behind him at the 20+ police vehicles following him. After his second collision with another vehicle, he's stuck and the police approach the vehicle, at which time he decides to pull out a rifle and point it at the cops. Apparently every cop on the scene felt it neccessary to put a few bullets in him. From my house I heard about 30+ shots fired, and I don't think he even got one off. All within about a three second period. Somebody also wanted to 'make sure he's dead' or something, because after about almost a second of silence somebody put 3 more rounds in him.

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Message 2/39             15-Nov-02  @  12:25 AM   -   RE: neccessary force



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I'd bust a few caps in his arse too just for pointing

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Message 3/39             15-Nov-02  @  12:48 AM   -   RE: neccessary force


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yeah. people that shoot at cops are real smart. They get what they deserve.

I watch these cop shows and the high speed chases, at people endangering hundreds of lives so they can escape responsibility for a couple seconds. THEY ALWAYS GET CAUGHT. Dumb motherfuckers, I almost want to beat the shit out of them by the times the cops finally stop them.

If you do the crime...


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Message 4/39             15-Nov-02  @  12:49 AM   -   RE: neccessary force



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Message 5/39             15-Nov-02  @  02:06 AM   -   RE: neccessary force


Posts: 1005

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What about when you don't do the crime and get busted/shot anyway?Is that just tough shit?

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Message 6/39             15-Nov-02  @  02:09 AM   -   RE: neccessary force



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mebbe he wanted to make 'TOP ALL TIM COP CHASE VIDEO CLIPS' hall of fame?

I can't htink of any other reason except it was a rather dramatic suicide.

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Message 7/39             15-Nov-02  @  02:13 AM   -   RE: neccessary force


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so what are you sayin, N3, that the guy didnt deserve to get shot?

cops fire too much cuz theyre fuckin angry and scared. Definitely not necessary and a bit embarrassing to watch...

but those lowlife pieces of shit who run and endanger EVERYONE around them...FUCK THAT

its a bit contradictory, but even in my disdain for many take on this is that if you DO are immediately guilty of multiple counts of attempted vehicular manslaughter, reckless driving, assault, etc, and SHOULD be shot the instant you get pulled from the car.

one clean shot to the noggin 

yeah yeah..draconian nonsense with way too many loopholes and the racist pigs would start shooting everyone

well dont fucking RUN then! if youre innocent, stand your ground...lay down on your fucking face and dont move!

if youre guilty..well then youre SOL fucker!

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Message 8/39             15-Nov-02  @  02:14 AM   -   RE: neccessary force


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"What about when you don't do the crime and get busted/shot anyway?Is that just tough shit? "

then the COPS get gotten rid of. their job is to protect, and the instant they show a crack in the armour they should be relieved of their duties.

problem is theres just too much fucking tolerance and now everyone is running around like a bunch of undisciplined children. The "authorities" are just as guilty as the "criminals"

again...N3...I ask you...what would you have them do? wait til he starts firing again? You said the guy was shooting at the cops the whole time?

fuck him.

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Message 9/39             15-Nov-02  @  02:21 AM   -   RE: neccessary force


Posts: 1005

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There are supposedly cases in the US where people commit suicide by cop.
There was an incident in London where a Scottish guy was walking home from the pub with the leg of a chair in a plastic bag which he was going to use for a repair.Someone in the pub he had previously been in phoned the lieges of the land and said they had seen an Irish guy leaving the pub with what looked like a gun in a bag.The cops blew him away in the street without even asking him to put the bag down,they said they thought they were dealing with an IRA man.

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Message 10/39             15-Nov-02  @  02:31 AM   -   RE: neccessary force


Posts: 28

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Ah,the beauty of a fast bike.A lil duct tape over
the ol plate and bye bye piggy,Of course i'm
not running cause i did anything wrong.Just
cause I can.

H- It's a lovely rush.My life of crime is over.At
least until i'm off probation.nah,i'm a good boy

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