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Subject: Selling Beats?

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Original Message 1/19             26-Oct-05  @  10:32 PM   -   Selling Beats?


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Wondering if anyone has any advice on how to go about selling beats????

What resources and approaches should I take??

I have some here at my page and some more on my harddrive.

Thank you in advance for any suggestions.


S dub

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Message 2/19             23-Nov-05  @  06:04 AM   -   RE: Selling Beats?


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There's a website called for selling beats online. I have no idea how effective it
is. Good luck!

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Message 3/19             23-Nov-05  @  02:56 PM   -   RE: Selling Beats?


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well if you look at sample cd's full of 'original' loops you'll see a lot of the non- pro ones- ie made at home will have loads of beats on for a very small price...even some of the pro companies can afford to release enough loops on a cheaply priced cd to make each individual beats practically worthless in monetary terms- therefore you need to have a few beats of absolute fire (and still many producers wouldn't pay for the beat) or have lots and lots of useble quailty, more chance of making money through the normal means then selling beats

one question though- do you write hiphop?


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Message 4/19             24-Nov-05  @  01:26 AM   -   RE: Selling Beats?


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Well, it is a common practise to sell "beats" (full tracks ready for vocals) to up and coming MC's.
It's not just the beats, it's also samples, bassline, whatever, assembled enough to inspire an
MC. Plenty of cats looking to rock the mic, have no idea how to produce a track.

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Message 5/19             24-Nov-05  @  09:35 AM   -   RE: Selling Beats?


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i know it is but its not neccarily a succesful practice- i belong to an mpc forum which is populated by hiphop-centric heads- very nice guys- but a large number of them really wanna sell beats- a lot of them never do- a lot of them are sub standard but are up for a couple of hundred dollars- in fact the cheapest ive seen was $50...1% of these beats are being bought by others to use....even the more pro sounding ones....therefore his beats would have to be absolute fire and he would need to find the kind of contact willing to shell a profitable amount of money for it or if he has loads and loads he can go the ebay way and sell them all on a loop cd...but a quick look there shows how cheap these cd's are going for and the beats still have to be of useble quality...


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Message 6/19             24-Nov-05  @  11:23 AM   -   RE: Selling Beats?


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yeah, i think it's mad... people read mad stories about whoever, neptunes etc beats being sold for millions of bucks and think.... "aha!, i can get rich selling beats". I think they are bonkers - if you are good at making beats, you're prolly better off to make money by setting up a studio and charging people/mc's to make a finished track for them, that way also your name gets around as someone who does this localy and people start to know you and come to record


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 7/19             24-Nov-05  @  01:13 PM   -   RE: Selling Beats?


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Exactly K!! i dont wanna get all nationalist but of all e-genres ive been a part of its the hiphop community that value the buck over the music and essentially americans...if ya wanna laugh you can go to soundclick and look at some of these beats for sale...some are poorly mixed, use an uncleared sample and arent anything special but are advertised at a couple of hundred dollars...i see these peeps as kareoke producers who are only interested in copying well established styles to make money....a lot of them buy the exact same modules too- well at least in the hiphop community im a part of...

i much prefer the idea of the faceless dance producer who is more interested in evolving, collaborating, bettering themselves and their favourite genre....than the by-numbers-producer only interested in selling beats to others- if you really liked a beat of yours you wouldn't sell it if you were serious as a musician- furthermore you would want to collaborate with a good mc rather than sell it to them and hand over all artistic control...if you were serious that is...

we all know that if you are good at what you do and put the work in you can essentially get enough interest to allow you automatic entry into the pro realm- just look at dj dangermouse....from the bedroom made grey album to producing the new gorillaz opus in how many steps?

if you just want some money go work for a sample cd company- if your good enough that is....


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Message 8/19             24-Nov-05  @  10:53 PM   -   RE: Selling Beats?


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I would think that the greatest possibility in success at selling beats would be forming personal
relationships with the people who need them. Actually meeting the people and seeing if you click
personality-wise. Posting online seems like it could be as anonymous as posting fliers on the
Any interview with any successful producer inevitably states that your heart has to be in the
right place to find success.
As David Allen Coe once sang "If you're big star bound, let me warn you, it's a long hard ride..."
... you know, that song where the hitch hiker catches a ride with the ghost of Hank Williams.
Ok then!

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Message 9/19             29-Nov-05  @  03:01 AM   -   RE: Selling Beats?


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I've been thinking about this more and it's gotta be all about the connections. Who you know
and putting yourself in the right place at the right time. Sure, your tracks have to be good, but it
has to be bare enough too to spark an mc's imagination. Yes a track can be in the fire catagory,
but it's going to be the mc's endorsment of it that makes the rest of the world like it too. Think
about 'the whisper song' by ying-yang twins. It's literally almost nothing. If most hip-hop fans had
heard that without lyrics, I would suspect most would wonder when that noise is gonna stop and
the next song start. But with the right lyrics (and promotion) it's a hit. And, now Busta Rhymes
based a track on it, and today I heard some chicks doing a female response track to Busta's
track. All based on Doon Doon Doon Doon - doon doon doon!
So yes, your tracks have to be good but you have to put them in the right ears.

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Message 10/19             29-Nov-05  @  08:57 AM   -   RE: Selling Beats?


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yeah exactly true of hiphop- in fact why you can get away with such a minimal backdrop- it being rhythm led means the rap provides a forever changing rhythmic patter over the bedrock- otherwise yeah i think a lot of hiphop 'tunes' would never have made it


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