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Subject: good multi-fx unit

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Original Message                 Date: 15-Mar-02  @  12:59 PM   -   good multi-fx unit


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I'm after a good, cheap multi fx unit and was wondering if anyone had any suggestions. Id like the unit to have a good variety of delays especially and hopefully dual channel (or is that to much to ask?). I was looking at the Roland SRV series, which can apparently break a mono signal into two by analysing the frequencey, or something like that, and they are very tweakable.

I am fed up of the internal delay in my A3000 not allowing my to fine tune my delay times as it rounds them up to the nearest five.

Has anyone used these roland units or can anyone suggest anything similar?

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Message 11/23             20-Mar-02  @  11:01 PM   -   RE: good multi-fx unit


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I've got a Sony DPS-V55. Best reverb in any $500-ish box I've ever heard. Plus it can process up to 4 mono signals independantly. Cons are that there's very little (if any) realtime control of FX parameters.

The other multi-FX unit I liked was the TC M-one. I don't have one though, so I can't comment on how livable it is, just that it had some nice sounding FX  


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Message 12/23             17-Apr-02  @  07:07 AM   -   RE: good multi-fx unit


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I managed to pick up a more-or-less new Sony DPS-V77 for $700, which sounds gorgeous and is a wicked multi-effects box. It is basically Sony's version of the Lexicon PCM81, and the quality is every bit as good. The little brother of it (the DPS-V55) is a great budget box, as it shares much of the quality of the V77, though not as flexible. I see the V55s going for around $350 in these parts. Sony effects units are very good, and unbeatable values for the money. The are also a lot easier to program than the Lexicon boxes (like the MPX1 I sold to upgrade to the V77).

Incidentally, I also have an SRV-3030. It is a really excellent reverb for the money, but as others have mentioned, the chorus/flanger/etc are practically worthless afterthoughts intended to add flavor to the reverb rather than as a primary effect.

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Message 13/23             18-Apr-02  @  11:37 AM   -   RE: good multi-fx unit



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Speaking of DP/4+, can anyone find any information on them, esp. with respect to how they differ from the DP/4.


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Message 14/23             19-Apr-02  @  06:22 PM   -   RE: good multi-fx unit



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anyone thought about an oasys pci in cheap 200-300mhz box as stand alone 12 channel fx unit. it's fully midi and four fx per part. I like the reverbs and delays it does. and the filters sound kool.

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Message 15/23             21-Apr-02  @  09:30 AM   -   RE: good multi-fx unit


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The OASYS is an extremely powerful and capable effects box! I used to have one, which I sold for reasons unrelated to its abilities. The quality of the effects are almost uniformly excellent and they are generally pretty powerful. This makes sense when you consider that the OASYS has 5 DSP chips, each of which is as powerful as the single DSP chip that drives most of the higher-end single-space rack effects. I used to use the OASYS as an 8-channel effects bus, for which it was very competent. If someone could manage to put the OASYS in a single-space rack box, it would be a mind-blowing effect unit for the money.

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Message 16/23             21-Apr-02  @  11:19 AM   -   RE: good multi-fx unit


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arent they the FX from the rest of Korg's synth line?

do they vary from box to box? Hell...does Korg make FX boxes? they should!

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Message 17/23             21-Apr-02  @  03:06 PM   -   RE: good multi-fx unit


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yes they do. for some reason i dont hink they are very popular. who knows why...

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Message 18/23             22-Apr-02  @  06:27 PM   -   RE: good multi-fx unit



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I read an interview with the Hartknolls, that a lot of old orbital stuff was done by running stuff through the wave station fx via the stereo ins. But then again after their first albumn they had access to high end studio gear so who knows what was and what wasn't done this way.

But they had a way of staying the coarse with those delays and reverbs. I could see them using the old stuff to keep a sound consistant. I like the oasys fx. They have a brightness and shimmer to them. Is'nt Pandoras box an fx unit? Since the wavestation they have always had this audio in to use them as fx units.

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Message 19/23             22-Apr-02  @  10:11 PM   -   RE: good multi-fx unit


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Korg Pandora, G5,...many guitar and bass 'pedal" fx but I dont know of any rackmount standalone boxes... can run through korg FX on some of their synths. true.

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Message 20/23             24-Apr-02  @  12:02 PM   -   RE: good multi-fx unit



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Anyone used a TC Electronics Fireworks? Theses thing go for like near the 2 grand mark and basicly allow you to completely design your own effects using the inbuilt blocks (a bit like Reaktor)until the DSPs are used up. Now I dont know if they do but if they provided some software to do this on the PC and then dump it to the unit but that would be the dogs testicles.

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