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Subject: good multi-fx unit

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Original Message                 Date: 15-Mar-02  @  12:59 PM   -   good multi-fx unit


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I'm after a good, cheap multi fx unit and was wondering if anyone had any suggestions. Id like the unit to have a good variety of delays especially and hopefully dual channel (or is that to much to ask?). I was looking at the Roland SRV series, which can apparently break a mono signal into two by analysing the frequencey, or something like that, and they are very tweakable.

I am fed up of the internal delay in my A3000 not allowing my to fine tune my delay times as it rounds them up to the nearest five.

Has anyone used these roland units or can anyone suggest anything similar?

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Message 21/23             24-Apr-02  @  12:35 PM   -   RE: good multi-fx unit


Posts: 5701

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aye, the Fireworx.

there´s really no need for sw editor IMO. the creation of fx is basicaly the same as that grid thingy in TC Spark where you drop in modules and draw in routings between them.

once you´re done inserting, you can edit each module from dedicated front panel buttons: there´s one for each type of effect in the unit, and the leds show you which ones are used in the preset. you can also bypass individual blocks using those buttons. and also, you get one asignable endless dial for realtime control, with a row of leds bellow showing you the current value.

you can control almost all (or probly all, cant remember anymore) parameters via CC´s, so attaching a knobby controler to a fireworks would be more than worthwhile.

the FX are simply SICK, and potential is practically enless. if i remember correctly, you can use up to 16(!) effect blocks in one preset.

btw, re. pc editing: there might be a SoundDiver module for it, worth checking out.

anyway, i think this unit is actually worth its huge price tag, since its pretty much unique in the market today. and you´ll never get bored of it with all the possibilities.

my 2p, M.

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Message 22/23             02-May-02  @  07:10 PM   -   RE: good multi-fx unit


Posts: 18

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Korg indeed did make standalone rackmount fx boxes. The AM8000R and DL8000R. They are both awesome.

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Message 23/23             02-May-02  @  08:01 PM   -   RE: good multi-fx unit


Posts: 7627

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thanks for the info!

hey soulsurvivor...the fireworx goes down to a grand used..

also the TC Powercore is sposed to have some of that engine.

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