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Subject: Ten Wacky Animal Facts

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Original Message                 Date: 31-Oct-02  @  09:56 AM   -   Ten Wacky Animal Facts

Mr Bash


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1. The house fly hums in the key of F major.

2. Tigers have striped skni, not just striped fur.

3. A goldfish has a 3 second memory.

4. The giant squid has the biggest eyes in the world.

5. The male gypsy moth can smell the virgin female from 1.8 miles away.

6. A donkey will sink in quicksand but a mule won't.

7. Dolphins sleep with one eye open.

8. Pigs can become alcholics.

9. A Blue whales tounge weighs more than an entire elephant.

10. The waste produced by one chicken in its entire lifetime can supply enough electricity to run a 100-watt buld for 5 hours.

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Message 31/76             02-Nov-02  @  08:26 PM   -   RE: Ten Wacky Animal Facts


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So if I shine a red light at a polar bear he'll be
red?What if i change the color temperature
from 5500K to 3300K will he then switch from
white to yellow?I once knew an alcoholic
cat.So I guess that applies to cats too huh?

cat is the feline variety not my usual slang
up of the english language.

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Message 32/76             02-Nov-02  @  08:49 PM   -   RE: Ten Wacky Animal Facts



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'Colour' is simply the name we give to our perception of different wavelengths/frequencies (both equivalent) of visible light. In perceiving colour, our brain only cares about the frequency of the light entering our eyes, not how it came into being.

You can have hairs that are solid, opaque and appear white just by virtue of the material they're made of, i.e. the material itself at the molecular level *reflects* most of the incident light. This is what we would call intrinsically white material. All wavelengths that fall on it are reflected back.

OR, in the polar bears' case - the hair *material* itself is optically transparent and hollow. The light is NOT reflected (at least not in the plane sense), but it passes through, being randomly scattered by the hollow hair structure. With enough of these hairs to give an equal mix of scattered components, the net result is white light. Our eyes don't care that it was scattered before arriving there.

If the polar bear's coat was materially white, a good deal of the light falling on it would be reflected away, which wouldn't help the bear keep warm. Being transparent, the light gets through to the bear's black, absorbing skin.

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Message 33/76             02-Nov-02  @  09:26 PM   -   RE: Ten Wacky Animal Facts


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I love how whenever someone gives some info people come in and flex their "look what I know"


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Message 34/76             02-Nov-02  @  09:35 PM   -   RE: Ten Wacky Animal Facts


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all I know is that without proper use, the look-what-I-know muscle will atrophy and fall off.  

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Message 35/76             02-Nov-02  @  09:35 PM   -   RE: Ten Wacky Animal Facts



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he started it  

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Message 36/76             02-Nov-02  @  11:11 PM   -   RE: Ten Wacky Animal Facts


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but it's cool to learn stuff no?

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Message 37/76             03-Nov-02  @  12:19 AM   -   RE: Ten Wacky Animal Facts


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"hi, i dont know anything and if i knew iŽd never show it to anyone out of fear of sounding pretencious, or god forbid being mistaken"

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Message 38/76             03-Nov-02  @  12:29 AM   -   RE: Ten Wacky Animal Facts


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yup. thats me.I never say shit 

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Message 39/76             03-Nov-02  @  01:12 AM   -   RE: Ten Wacky Animal Facts


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now wait a minute. are you sure the hair's transparent? you sure it isn't translucent? if it were transparent, wouldn't it look like a coat of fiber-optic cables and refract the light somewhat prismatically? that would be trippy.

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Message 40/76             03-Nov-02  @  01:43 AM   -   RE: Ten Wacky Animal Facts


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polar bear and the technicolor overcoat

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